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Blast in S Waziristan kills five including TTP commander


Jan 21, 2013
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August 22, 2013


WANA: A remote controlled bomb blast targeted the vehicle of banned Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) commander in Wana and killed five alleged terrorists Thursday, Geo News reported.

Ghulam Jan Wazir died on the spot when his vehicle hit the bomb in the Sholam area, five kilometres (three miles) west of Wana, the main town in South Waziristan district on the Afghan border.

A senior security official told that Wazir had for several years sheltered Arab and Central Asian fighters in South Waziristan.

"He was anti-government and well known for his support to foreigners," the official told.

Local residents also said Wazir had a reputation for harbouring Uzbek, Tajik and Central Asian militants in the past.

He was among a group of fighters forced to leave South Waziristan when Maulvi Nazir launched an armed campaign in 2007 against foreign fighters.

Wazir returned to South Waziristan last year after reaching a deal with the Nazir group, before Nazir was killed in a US drone strike in January.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Wazir's death. He is the third pro Al-Qaeda militant commander killed in similar circumstances in South Waziristan in the last two years.

Blast in S Waziristan kills five including TTP commander - thenews.com.pk

Good Taliban cleaning Wana from Bad Taliban .. :yahoo: :yahoo:
This is a good sign that the Taliban are being attacked and killed by another Taliban group and it is hoped these militants will eliminate themselves with their infighting. This news piece made my day. I have constantly been worried that the government and law enforcement agencies have been doing nothing about the evil Taliban militants. But finally we are seeing action against them from an entirely different front.

Wana is held Bahawal Khan the successor of Mullah Nazir who was an enemy of the Pakistani Taliban or the TTP since the TTP attacked him (Nazir) in a suicide attack. Later when it seemed the war would spiral out of control with Nazir and Hakimullah Mehsud fighting it out, the US launched a drone attack which killed Mullah Nazir (surprise, surprise) and the military protested...

However it seems Nazir's successor has taken up the fight against the TTP and has finally struck at them. I am also very glad that a TTP commander has been killed in the attack. The terrorists deserve such a fate.

I also read an article early on (early on because I can't read news now because of some crazy people who don't understand I am reading news and think I am visiting ****** websites) which signalled that the establishment was using Lashkar E Toiba to fight the Taliban. I don't know how much this report is true but still very good news that another TTP (Taliban) commander has been killed. We must make more efforts like these. Most importantly we should target Hakimullah Mehsud, the chief of the Pakistani Taliban.
The truth is iran nd india callabarate not only in afghanistan but india made nd funded chabahar port in iran 2 counterweight gwadar port ontop of tht iran nd india r jointly destablising pakistan from afghanistan through their rented agents uzbek nd tajik terrorists nd fassaadis tht crossover from afghanistan into pakistan nd carryout attacks in pakistan by disguising as ttp. Ontop of tht iran has given india a consulate in zahidan in iranian balochistan which borders pakistan these iranians r also destablising pakistan nd pakistans balochistan hand in hand with india all the activities nd sabotage tht is done in pakistans balochistan r done by iranians nd indians hiding in iran nd it was iran which created bla so this is the true face of iran.
These terrorists have claimed thousands of innocent lives in their bid to destabilize the region. They continue to prey upon innocent lives in order to spread fear and chaos. They’ve repeatedly made their evil intentions known against the nation. We repeat what the local official said about Ghulam Jan: “He was anti-government and well known for his support to foreigners.” Let’s not forget that these terrorists regularly use improvised explosive devices to target our forces. Ironically, Ghulam Jan got a taste of his medicine. Glulam Jan’s death should send a stern message to his followers and counterparts. It is safe to say that the region is only safer without terrorists like him.

We share a common goal in regards to restoring peace in the region. We certainly hope to work together in our common quest for peace.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
Lol bye bye Ghulam Jan. I heard he went out with a bang! :woot:

This savage should not even be buried in our land. He turned his back on the country the moment he started to harbour foreign terrorists on our soil. Throw his remains to the wild boars running around in Pakistan.
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