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Blast at Indian Military check post by Kashmirs Freedom fighters

Maza le.

Mumbai part 2 is coming. :lol:
mehran 2 is coming :woot::pakistan:

Listen kid, No body loses sleep over Modi. We actually want to see him come to power and see if he can walk the walk. Most Indians are like that. All talk and BS but in reality of zero substance. I am not going anywhere......we'll see what Your new PM can do.

really than why he is so popular in PDF ...............
and about
All talk and BS but in reality of zero substance
ur people (netas)do actually exceeds us ............ where modi delievers .........may not to the extent what people think but much better then congress
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mehran 2 is coming :woot::pakistan:

really than why he is so popular in PDF ...............
and about ur people (netas)do actually exceeds us ............ where modi delievers .........may not to the extent what people think but much better then congress

He is famous because Indians here think that he will do something. He will definitely do something, but probably something stupid.
Viva la revolucion....
On a more realistic note, due to the quality of the video it is hard to ascertain the source and location of the video, it could be a video from Syria, Iraq, A-stan, Egypt, hell even Pakistan or even some random hell hole from the Savannah, the loss of life is regrettable in the case of the unknown fallen soldier, I wish conflicts were solved in some better way so that loss of life could be avoided.....
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