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'Black Flag of Jihad will Fly over London': Alarm over UK-born Iraq Fighters' Threat


May 11, 2014
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Terror alerts, 9/11-style bombings and murders of British citizens will soon come to London’s streets, according to chilling threats from UK citizens fighting alongside Islam’s most violent terrorist group operating in Syria and Iraq.

The threat comes from British nationals fighting for the Sunni militant group calling themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS) in Syria. According to the Sunday Times, they promise that after they’re done there, Britain is next. The message comes from three such fighters, all youngsters in their teens and twenties.

According to the Times, these aren’t regular disenchanted youths at all: one is a 20-year-old hacker from Birmingham, who once stole Tony Blair’s details and posted them online, later serving time for an unrelated violence charge.

The “black flag of jihad” will fly over Downing Street, Junaid Hussain warned on June 4, spelling out the horrors to come. He’s been fighting in Syria for over a year now.

Another, 19-year-old Muhammad Hassan, from Portsmouth, was a student at a prestigious school. He warned on Twitter that if the US doesn’t cease threats over drone strikes on ISIS positions, 9/11-style attacks on America would follow.

The third, also from Portsmouth, promised a “killing spree” of British citizens if he were ever to return to Britain.

“Imagine if someone were to detonate a bomb at voting stations or ambushed the vans that carry the casted [sic] votes. It would mess the whole system up,” came another tweet from Junaid Hussain, before he re-tweeted a warning from a like-minded countryman for British people to “watch out,”because “we’ll come back to the UK and wreak havoc.”

Among his other offenses, Hussain has also been seen posting bomb-making advice on the internet, as well as tips on how to smuggle explosive devices through airport security.

Getting to Syria from Britain isn’t as difficult as some would think: the youths simply travel to Turkey, then crossed the border. One of them was caught by CCTV cameras at the time, traveling on a holiday flight from London Gatwick airport to Turkey’s Antalya. Hassan’s group (not including the aforementioned tweeters) had three other people, all in their mid-twenties. After reaching Turkey, they headed over to Syria by car.


A fighter from Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in the city of Raqqa (Reuters)

This is nowhere near the first time the public has seen British nationals fighting alongside Middle-Eastern extremists. There have been numerous threats, government monitoring of scores of returnees and reports that British Sunni jihadists use Syria as a training ground before taking the battle to home soil.

What’s more striking is how news of their particular cruelty is widespread in Syria itself: Britons comprise an overwhelming majority of foreigners inside ISIS, an organization who are labeled ‘terrorists’ for their bloody campaign of ruthless executions and body mutilations even by other elements of the Syrian opposition.

One Free Syrian Army General spoke in horror of what some 400 British extremists fighting there were capable of doing. He pointed out that ISIS’s already dark record did not originate from actions by local fighters alone.


A picture taken on March 1, 2014 shows the wreckage of a Syrian army helicopter after al-Qaeda-linked group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)'s fighters allegedly destroyed it. (AFP Photo / Mohammed Al-Khatieb)

Further illustrating the scale of foreign involvement in ISIS operations, Mike Rogers, the US chairman of the Intelligence Committee, speaking to Fox News alleged that there are “thousands” of American and European volunteers and mercenaries fighting for ISIS, which “has the capability to tap people with Western passports to send them back to Europe and the United States for terrorist activity.”

“This is as dangerous as it gets,” said the Republican politician, who urged Barack Obama to use his influence with Sunni Arab states, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to rein in ISIS – which is likely partly funded by powerful sympathizers within those countries.

The current threats take place amid a fearsome escalation of violence in Iraq, which has beenspiraling out of control the closer ISIS got to Baghdad. Army desertions abound as militants storm through the country, capturing hundreds of millions of dollars in American weapons and equipment and parading them in videos.

The rebels are currently storming through the major cities of Mosul and Tikrit, continuing to post videos of beheadings on their way to the capital.

Britain has been taking steps to curb the spread of extremism on its soil. Over the weekend, Twitter blocked all ISIS-related accounts and the accounts of its supporters at home in the UK. This is a sensible move, given most of the communication between worldwide supporters of the jihadist cause is done on social networks, where the above British-born terrorists all use new Islamic names.


An image made available by the jihadist Twitter account Al-Baraka news on June 9, 2014 allegedly shows Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants taking position at a Iraqi border post on the Syrian-Iraqi border between the Iraqi Nineveh province and the Syrian town of Al-Hasakah. (AFP Photo)

Prime Minister David Cameron is also ringing alarm bells, asserting that Britain has become too tolerant for its own good, bringing about a rise in extremism. The PM has called on several occasions for the protection and promotion of “British values” as a counterweight to the perceived malignant Islamization of Britain. He now believes the government has been too soft in a number of ways, according to a recent public address.

“It isn’t enough simply to respect these values in schools. They’re not options, they’re the core of what it is to live in Britain,” Cameron told the public.

"In recent years we have been in danger of sending out a worrying message: that if you don't want to believe in democracy, that's fine; that if equality isn't your bag, don't worry about it; that if you're completely intolerant of others, we will still tolerate you,” the PM asserted.

“That's not just led to division; it has also allowed extremism – of both the violent and non-violent kind - to flourish. We need to be far more muscular in promoting British values and the institutions that uphold them,” he said, shortly after a major scare involving an alleged Trojan Horse plot to Islamicize certain British schools, which prompted an investigation and much bickering within the government.
‘Black flag of jihad will fly over London’: Alarm over UK-born Iraq fighters' threat — RT News
@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @Bezerk @Donatello @Zarvan @Abu Nasar @dexter @Akheilos @Multani @RASHID MEHMOOD @Jaanbaz @PWFI @Hazzy997 @Men in Green @Muhammad Omar
Terror alerts, 9/11-style bombings and murders of British citizens will soon come to London’s streets, according to chilling threats from UK citizens fighting alongside Islam’s most violent terrorist group operating in Syria and Iraq.

The threat comes from British nationals fighting for the Sunni militant group calling themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS) in Syria. According to the Sunday Times, they promise that after they’re done there, Britain is next. The message comes from three such fighters, all youngsters in their teens and twenties.

According to the Times, these aren’t regular disenchanted youths at all: one is a 20-year-old hacker from Birmingham, who once stole Tony Blair’s details and posted them online, later serving time for an unrelated violence charge.

The “black flag of jihad” will fly over Downing Street, Junaid Hussain warned on June 4, spelling out the horrors to come. He’s been fighting in Syria for over a year now.

Another, 19-year-old Muhammad Hassan, from Portsmouth, was a student at a prestigious school. He warned on Twitter that if the US doesn’t cease threats over drone strikes on ISIS positions, 9/11-style attacks on America would follow.

The third, also from Portsmouth, promised a “killing spree” of British citizens if he were ever to return to Britain.

“Imagine if someone were to detonate a bomb at voting stations or ambushed the vans that carry the casted [sic] votes. It would mess the whole system up,” came another tweet from Junaid Hussain, before he re-tweeted a warning from a like-minded countryman for British people to “watch out,”because “we’ll come back to the UK and wreak havoc.”

Among his other offenses, Hussain has also been seen posting bomb-making advice on the internet, as well as tips on how to smuggle explosive devices through airport security.

Getting to Syria from Britain isn’t as difficult as some would think: the youths simply travel to Turkey, then crossed the border. One of them was caught by CCTV cameras at the time, traveling on a holiday flight from London Gatwick airport to Turkey’s Antalya. Hassan’s group (not including the aforementioned tweeters) had three other people, all in their mid-twenties. After reaching Turkey, they headed over to Syria by car.


A fighter from Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in the city of Raqqa (Reuters)

This is nowhere near the first time the public has seen British nationals fighting alongside Middle-Eastern extremists. There have been numerous threats, government monitoring of scores of returnees and reports that British Sunni jihadists use Syria as a training ground before taking the battle to home soil.

What’s more striking is how news of their particular cruelty is widespread in Syria itself: Britons comprise an overwhelming majority of foreigners inside ISIS, an organization who are labeled ‘terrorists’ for their bloody campaign of ruthless executions and body mutilations even by other elements of the Syrian opposition.

One Free Syrian Army General spoke in horror of what some 400 British extremists fighting there were capable of doing. He pointed out that ISIS’s already dark record did not originate from actions by local fighters alone.


A picture taken on March 1, 2014 shows the wreckage of a Syrian army helicopter after al-Qaeda-linked group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)'s fighters allegedly destroyed it. (AFP Photo / Mohammed Al-Khatieb)

Further illustrating the scale of foreign involvement in ISIS operations, Mike Rogers, the US chairman of the Intelligence Committee, speaking to Fox News alleged that there are “thousands” of American and European volunteers and mercenaries fighting for ISIS, which “has the capability to tap people with Western passports to send them back to Europe and the United States for terrorist activity.”

“This is as dangerous as it gets,” said the Republican politician, who urged Barack Obama to use his influence with Sunni Arab states, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to rein in ISIS – which is likely partly funded by powerful sympathizers within those countries.

The current threats take place amid a fearsome escalation of violence in Iraq, which has beenspiraling out of control the closer ISIS got to Baghdad. Army desertions abound as militants storm through the country, capturing hundreds of millions of dollars in American weapons and equipment and parading them in videos.

The rebels are currently storming through the major cities of Mosul and Tikrit, continuing to post videos of beheadings on their way to the capital.

Britain has been taking steps to curb the spread of extremism on its soil. Over the weekend, Twitter blocked all ISIS-related accounts and the accounts of its supporters at home in the UK. This is a sensible move, given most of the communication between worldwide supporters of the jihadist cause is done on social networks, where the above British-born terrorists all use new Islamic names.


An image made available by the jihadist Twitter account Al-Baraka news on June 9, 2014 allegedly shows Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants taking position at a Iraqi border post on the Syrian-Iraqi border between the Iraqi Nineveh province and the Syrian town of Al-Hasakah. (AFP Photo)

Prime Minister David Cameron is also ringing alarm bells, asserting that Britain has become too tolerant for its own good, bringing about a rise in extremism. The PM has called on several occasions for the protection and promotion of “British values” as a counterweight to the perceived malignant Islamization of Britain. He now believes the government has been too soft in a number of ways, according to a recent public address.

“It isn’t enough simply to respect these values in schools. They’re not options, they’re the core of what it is to live in Britain,” Cameron told the public.

"In recent years we have been in danger of sending out a worrying message: that if you don't want to believe in democracy, that's fine; that if equality isn't your bag, don't worry about it; that if you're completely intolerant of others, we will still tolerate you,” the PM asserted.

“That's not just led to division; it has also allowed extremism – of both the violent and non-violent kind - to flourish. We need to be far more muscular in promoting British values and the institutions that uphold them,” he said, shortly after a major scare involving an alleged Trojan Horse plot to Islamicize certain British schools, which prompted an investigation and much bickering within the government.
‘Black flag of jihad will fly over London’: Alarm over UK-born Iraq fighters' threat — RT News
@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @Bezerk @Donatello @Zarvan @Abu Nasar @dexter @Akheilos @Multani @RASHID MEHMOOD @Jaanbaz @PWFI @Hazzy997 @Men in Green @Muhammad Omar
The war which Europe and USA is going to enter their countries the support of Israel for mass murder of our brothers Palestine and consistent attacks Muslim countries and than the insulting figures related to Islam have pissed of majority of Muslims and thousands are converting in Europe each day and until and unless Europe backs off from support of Israel and also stops attacking Muslims and stop being hypocrite in the name of freedom of speech and stops insulting HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW this is going to increase
The war which Europe and USA is going to enter their countries the support of Israel for mass murder of our brothers Palestine and consistent attacks Muslim countries and than the insulting figures related to Islam have pissed of majority of Muslims and thousands are converting in Europe each day and until and unless Europe backs off from support of Israel and also stops attacking Muslims and stop being hypocrite in the name of freedom of speech and stops insulting HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW this is going to increase
I totally agree, and you know what caught my attention in this Article was the 'Black Flag', you remember that Hadith about it right? ;)
20-year-old hacker from Birmingham, who once stole Tony Blair’s details and posted them online, later serving time for an unrelated violence charge.

a student at a prestigious school

tweet from Junaid Hussain

Further illustrating the scale of foreign involvement in ISIS operations,

Fox News alleged that there are “thousands” of American and European volunteers and mercenaries fighting for ISIS, which “has the capability to tap people with Western passports to send them back to Europe and the United States for terrorist activity.”

violence in Iraq, which has beenspiraling out of control

. Over the weekend, Twitter blocked all ISIS-related

British-born terrorists all use new Islamic names.

Who are these people? Random people who just want to fight? fight a system they dont like? or fight some bottled anger out?
The war which Europe and USA is going to enter their countries the support of Israel for mass murder of our brothers Palestine and consistent attacks Muslim countries and than the insulting figures related to Islam have pissed of majority of Muslims and thousands are converting in Europe each day and until and unless Europe backs off from support of Israel and also stops attacking Muslims and stop being hypocrite in the name of freedom of speech and stops insulting HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW this is going to increase
@GreenFalcon This is the reason Israel build many barrier to isolate itself from other ME countires.
As for the topic, i dont see these UK rebels can create much havoc because of very strong security forces control over its citizen. Many will be arrested even before entering UK.
I totally agree, and you know what caught my attention in this Article was the 'Black Flag', you remember that Hadith about it right? ;)
Oh yes i missed that part. Forces with black flag rising from Syria.....point to ponder :azn:
ISIS and the other variants of these Terrorists scums can't even raise their "Chaddi" in Middle-East, let alone a "Black Flag" in Europe. These Virgin Teenagers are simply high on their infinite supply of Hormones and will be soon crushed like the scum that they truly are. God willing, ALL terrorist organizations under the banner of Kalma will be terminated. Down with Fascist Islam!
@GreenFalcon This is the reason Israel build many barrier to isolate itself from other ME countires.
As for the topic, i dont see these UK rebels can create much havoc because of very strong security forces control over its citizen. Many will be arrested even before entering UK.
I agree, but this will probably increase Harassing security measures in the US and the UK by the forces
@GreenFalcon This is the reason Israel build many barrier to isolate itself from other ME countires.
As for the topic, i dont see these UK rebels can create much havoc because of very strong security forces control over its citizen. Many will be arrested even before entering UK.
But for How long 5000 convert to Islam each year the war will not come from outside but from inside Europe if they don't med their ways the war will enter because they are not living on mars they are living on earth @GreenFalcon Yes I remember the Hadees
Alarmist headline. This is not something new for British authorities. They have been looking at this issue for the last two years. They must have a plan. Plus their Muslim citizens are an asset against returning jihadis.

@Zarvan What does Syrian situation has to do with Israel-Palestinian thing? I see no direct link. I do not know how you can what you say. If you support jihadist disturbance in Western countries, then you should have no problem with them deciding to deport Muslim populations en-masse. I hope you are sane enough to see the logical result of your thinking. I do not see how you think Western countries could be persuaded to drop support for Israel by saying such things.
Terror alerts, 9/11-style bombings and murders of British citizens will soon come to London’s streets, according to chilling threats from UK citizens fighting alongside Islam’s most violent terrorist group operating in Syria and Iraq.

The threat comes from British nationals fighting for the Sunni militant group calling themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS) in Syria. According to the Sunday Times, they promise that after they’re done there, Britain is next. The message comes from three such fighters, all youngsters in their teens and twenties.

According to the Times, these aren’t regular disenchanted youths at all: one is a 20-year-old hacker from Birmingham, who once stole Tony Blair’s details and posted them online, later serving time for an unrelated violence charge.

The “black flag of jihad” will fly over Downing Street, Junaid Hussain warned on June 4, spelling out the horrors to come. He’s been fighting in Syria for over a year now.

Another, 19-year-old Muhammad Hassan, from Portsmouth, was a student at a prestigious school. He warned on Twitter that if the US doesn’t cease threats over drone strikes on ISIS positions, 9/11-style attacks on America would follow.

The third, also from Portsmouth, promised a “killing spree” of British citizens if he were ever to return to Britain.

“Imagine if someone were to detonate a bomb at voting stations or ambushed the vans that carry the casted [sic] votes. It would mess the whole system up,” came another tweet from Junaid Hussain, before he re-tweeted a warning from a like-minded countryman for British people to “watch out,”because “we’ll come back to the UK and wreak havoc.”

Among his other offenses, Hussain has also been seen posting bomb-making advice on the internet, as well as tips on how to smuggle explosive devices through airport security.

Getting to Syria from Britain isn’t as difficult as some would think: the youths simply travel to Turkey, then crossed the border. One of them was caught by CCTV cameras at the time, traveling on a holiday flight from London Gatwick airport to Turkey’s Antalya. Hassan’s group (not including the aforementioned tweeters) had three other people, all in their mid-twenties. After reaching Turkey, they headed over to Syria by car.


A fighter from Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in the city of Raqqa (Reuters)

This is nowhere near the first time the public has seen British nationals fighting alongside Middle-Eastern extremists. There have been numerous threats, government monitoring of scores of returnees and reports that British Sunni jihadists use Syria as a training ground before taking the battle to home soil.

What’s more striking is how news of their particular cruelty is widespread in Syria itself: Britons comprise an overwhelming majority of foreigners inside ISIS, an organization who are labeled ‘terrorists’ for their bloody campaign of ruthless executions and body mutilations even by other elements of the Syrian opposition.

One Free Syrian Army General spoke in horror of what some 400 British extremists fighting there were capable of doing. He pointed out that ISIS’s already dark record did not originate from actions by local fighters alone.


A picture taken on March 1, 2014 shows the wreckage of a Syrian army helicopter after al-Qaeda-linked group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)'s fighters allegedly destroyed it. (AFP Photo / Mohammed Al-Khatieb)

Further illustrating the scale of foreign involvement in ISIS operations, Mike Rogers, the US chairman of the Intelligence Committee, speaking to Fox News alleged that there are “thousands” of American and European volunteers and mercenaries fighting for ISIS, which “has the capability to tap people with Western passports to send them back to Europe and the United States for terrorist activity.”

“This is as dangerous as it gets,” said the Republican politician, who urged Barack Obama to use his influence with Sunni Arab states, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to rein in ISIS – which is likely partly funded by powerful sympathizers within those countries.

The current threats take place amid a fearsome escalation of violence in Iraq, which has beenspiraling out of control the closer ISIS got to Baghdad. Army desertions abound as militants storm through the country, capturing hundreds of millions of dollars in American weapons and equipment and parading them in videos.

The rebels are currently storming through the major cities of Mosul and Tikrit, continuing to post videos of beheadings on their way to the capital.

Britain has been taking steps to curb the spread of extremism on its soil. Over the weekend, Twitter blocked all ISIS-related accounts and the accounts of its supporters at home in the UK. This is a sensible move, given most of the communication between worldwide supporters of the jihadist cause is done on social networks, where the above British-born terrorists all use new Islamic names.


An image made available by the jihadist Twitter account Al-Baraka news on June 9, 2014 allegedly shows Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants taking position at a Iraqi border post on the Syrian-Iraqi border between the Iraqi Nineveh province and the Syrian town of Al-Hasakah. (AFP Photo)

Prime Minister David Cameron is also ringing alarm bells, asserting that Britain has become too tolerant for its own good, bringing about a rise in extremism. The PM has called on several occasions for the protection and promotion of “British values” as a counterweight to the perceived malignant Islamization of Britain. He now believes the government has been too soft in a number of ways, according to a recent public address.

“It isn’t enough simply to respect these values in schools. They’re not options, they’re the core of what it is to live in Britain,” Cameron told the public.

"In recent years we have been in danger of sending out a worrying message: that if you don't want to believe in democracy, that's fine; that if equality isn't your bag, don't worry about it; that if you're completely intolerant of others, we will still tolerate you,” the PM asserted.

“That's not just led to division; it has also allowed extremism – of both the violent and non-violent kind - to flourish. We need to be far more muscular in promoting British values and the institutions that uphold them,” he said, shortly after a major scare involving an alleged Trojan Horse plot to Islamicize certain British schools, which prompted an investigation and much bickering within the government.
‘Black flag of jihad will fly over London’: Alarm over UK-born Iraq fighters' threat — RT News
@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @Bezerk @Donatello @Zarvan @Abu Nasar @dexter @Akheilos @Multani @RASHID MEHMOOD @Jaanbaz @PWFI @Hazzy997 @Men in Green @Muhammad Omar
Well Another Suicide Attempt By Fundamentalists Nothing More :coffee::coffee::coffee:
Terror alerts, 9/11-style bombings and murders of British citizens will soon come to London’s streets, according to chilling threats from UK citizens fighting alongside Islam’s most violent terrorist group operating in Syria and Iraq.

The threat comes from British nationals fighting for the Sunni militant group calling themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS) in Syria. According to the Sunday Times, they promise that after they’re done there, Britain is next. The message comes from three such fighters, all youngsters in their teens and twenties.

According to the Times, these aren’t regular disenchanted youths at all: one is a 20-year-old hacker from Birmingham, who once stole Tony Blair’s details and posted them online, later serving time for an unrelated violence charge.

The “black flag of jihad” will fly over Downing Street, Junaid Hussain warned on June 4, spelling out the horrors to come. He’s been fighting in Syria for over a year now.

Another, 19-year-old Muhammad Hassan, from Portsmouth, was a student at a prestigious school. He warned on Twitter that if the US doesn’t cease threats over drone strikes on ISIS positions, 9/11-style attacks on America would follow.

The third, also from Portsmouth, promised a “killing spree” of British citizens if he were ever to return to Britain.

“Imagine if someone were to detonate a bomb at voting stations or ambushed the vans that carry the casted [sic] votes. It would mess the whole system up,” came another tweet from Junaid Hussain, before he re-tweeted a warning from a like-minded countryman for British people to “watch out,”because “we’ll come back to the UK and wreak havoc.”

Among his other offenses, Hussain has also been seen posting bomb-making advice on the internet, as well as tips on how to smuggle explosive devices through airport security.

Getting to Syria from Britain isn’t as difficult as some would think: the youths simply travel to Turkey, then crossed the border. One of them was caught by CCTV cameras at the time, traveling on a holiday flight from London Gatwick airport to Turkey’s Antalya. Hassan’s group (not including the aforementioned tweeters) had three other people, all in their mid-twenties. After reaching Turkey, they headed over to Syria by car.


A fighter from Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in the city of Raqqa (Reuters)

This is nowhere near the first time the public has seen British nationals fighting alongside Middle-Eastern extremists. There have been numerous threats, government monitoring of scores of returnees and reports that British Sunni jihadists use Syria as a training ground before taking the battle to home soil.

What’s more striking is how news of their particular cruelty is widespread in Syria itself: Britons comprise an overwhelming majority of foreigners inside ISIS, an organization who are labeled ‘terrorists’ for their bloody campaign of ruthless executions and body mutilations even by other elements of the Syrian opposition.

One Free Syrian Army General spoke in horror of what some 400 British extremists fighting there were capable of doing. He pointed out that ISIS’s already dark record did not originate from actions by local fighters alone.


A picture taken on March 1, 2014 shows the wreckage of a Syrian army helicopter after al-Qaeda-linked group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)'s fighters allegedly destroyed it. (AFP Photo / Mohammed Al-Khatieb)

Further illustrating the scale of foreign involvement in ISIS operations, Mike Rogers, the US chairman of the Intelligence Committee, speaking to Fox News alleged that there are “thousands” of American and European volunteers and mercenaries fighting for ISIS, which “has the capability to tap people with Western passports to send them back to Europe and the United States for terrorist activity.”

“This is as dangerous as it gets,” said the Republican politician, who urged Barack Obama to use his influence with Sunni Arab states, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to rein in ISIS – which is likely partly funded by powerful sympathizers within those countries.

The current threats take place amid a fearsome escalation of violence in Iraq, which has beenspiraling out of control the closer ISIS got to Baghdad. Army desertions abound as militants storm through the country, capturing hundreds of millions of dollars in American weapons and equipment and parading them in videos.

The rebels are currently storming through the major cities of Mosul and Tikrit, continuing to post videos of beheadings on their way to the capital.

Britain has been taking steps to curb the spread of extremism on its soil. Over the weekend, Twitter blocked all ISIS-related accounts and the accounts of its supporters at home in the UK. This is a sensible move, given most of the communication between worldwide supporters of the jihadist cause is done on social networks, where the above British-born terrorists all use new Islamic names.


An image made available by the jihadist Twitter account Al-Baraka news on June 9, 2014 allegedly shows Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants taking position at a Iraqi border post on the Syrian-Iraqi border between the Iraqi Nineveh province and the Syrian town of Al-Hasakah. (AFP Photo)

Prime Minister David Cameron is also ringing alarm bells, asserting that Britain has become too tolerant for its own good, bringing about a rise in extremism. The PM has called on several occasions for the protection and promotion of “British values” as a counterweight to the perceived malignant Islamization of Britain. He now believes the government has been too soft in a number of ways, according to a recent public address.

“It isn’t enough simply to respect these values in schools. They’re not options, they’re the core of what it is to live in Britain,” Cameron told the public.

"In recent years we have been in danger of sending out a worrying message: that if you don't want to believe in democracy, that's fine; that if equality isn't your bag, don't worry about it; that if you're completely intolerant of others, we will still tolerate you,” the PM asserted.

“That's not just led to division; it has also allowed extremism – of both the violent and non-violent kind - to flourish. We need to be far more muscular in promoting British values and the institutions that uphold them,” he said, shortly after a major scare involving an alleged Trojan Horse plot to Islamicize certain British schools, which prompted an investigation and much bickering within the government.
‘Black flag of jihad will fly over London’: Alarm over UK-born Iraq fighters' threat — RT News
@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @Bezerk @Donatello @Zarvan @Abu Nasar @dexter @Akheilos @Multani @RASHID MEHMOOD @Jaanbaz @PWFI @Hazzy997 @Men in Green @Muhammad Omar

This is simply a conflict of Islamic ideology with other faiths and extension of what is happening world over. UK have to be very careful.
But for How long 5000 convert to Islam each year the war will not come from outside but from inside Europe if they don't med their ways the war will enter because they are not living on mars they are living on earth @GreenFalcon Yes I remember the Hadees
Can u please share it?
Alarmist headline. This is not something new for British authorities. They have been looking at this issue for the last two years. They must have a plan. Plus their Muslim citizens are an asset against returning jihadis.

@Zarvan What does Syrian situation has to do with Israel-Palestinian thing? I see no direct link. I do not know how you can what you say. If you support jihadist disturbance in Western countries, then you should have no problem with them deciding to deport Muslim populations en-masse. I hope you are sane enough to see the logical result of your thinking. I do not see how you think Western countries could be persuaded to drop support for Israel by saying such things.
It all started from their Sir that is the main source as always yes brutality of Assad and Arab Spring had now the main role but it all started from Israel Palestine issue 9/11 main reason was issue of Palestine Sir as long as USA and west supports it war will not stop Sir that is always the core issue for hundred of years if they will not end support soon they would fight this war in their streets Sir Palestine issue is number one problem all others are secondary
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