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Birth of another dependency


Feb 1, 2015
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The latest SBP report, although optimistic in its overall tone, points towards some changes in the first quarter of the current fiscal year that could lend lasting credence to the voice of the skeptics.

Even though the SBP has taken pains to avoid letting its assessment become fodder for the skeptics to beat the government with, the underlying facts are too stark to now paper over.

We seem to be substituting CSF (Coalition Support Fund) inflows with commercial borrowings from China as a stopgap measure to plug our current account deficit.

Here are some noteworthy developments the report brings up on the external sector.

Pakistan saw net inflow of $1.1 billion in “net loan and FDI inflows from China in Q1-FY17” says the report.

Out of this, $700 million (the lion’s share of the total) was a commercial loan from the China Development Bank whose only purpose, apparently, was to help pay for the nearly $2bn of machinery that Pakistan imported from China in the same quarter.

In case you missed it, let me put it in plain English here: we’re borrowing money on commercial terms from a Chinese bank to pay for machinery imported from China under CPEC-related projects.

Elaborating on this, the report says “[w]hereas Q1-FY16 had seen a dramatic pick-up in net FDI from China, it was long-term loan disbursements that dominated in Q1-FY17.”

So last year in the same quarter, Pakistan saw net FDI inflow from China of $192m, but this year that figure dropped to $91m.

And loans from China in the first quarter last year were $138m, and this year they jumped to $979m, of which $700m was the commercial loan mentioned above.

These inflows helped cover up a hole that opened up in the country’s external account due to the drying up of Coalition Support Funds (CSF).

In the same quarter last year, Pakistan ran a current account deficit that was less than half of what it ran this year. Last year the CSF inflows played a big role in helping cover the gap.

This year the report says the commercial borrowing from China “helped to cover the increase in current account gap and lower foreign investment in the quarter”.

This is important for a couple of reasons.

First, we seem to be substituting CSF inflows with commercial borrowings from China as a stopgap measure to plug a running deficit in our current account.

CSF was always billed as a “reimbursement”, and booked in our accounts as an export of a service (an awkward classification for what it implies).

But the Chinese loans are on commercial terms and, unlike CSF, have to be repaid with interest.

So our current account is weakening almost irreversibly while imports from China are skyrocketing, and the gap is being plugged by commercial borrowing from Chinese banks.

How sustainable is this?

What are the terms on these loans, and what sort of outflows will be created when repayment begins?

Nobody knows, not even the State Bank it seems.

But noting the shifting gears in the economy, the report does point out that “in the short run, it is imperative that CPEC projects (both power and infrastructure-related) continue at their projected pace, mainly to ensure steady arrival of associated FX inflows from China.”

And then goes on to add that “[t]his financing will also be crucial to offset the rise in the import bill stemming from higher CPEC-related machinery imports.”

Is this a new relationship of dependency being built here?

Are we now getting locked into a cycle of borrowing and imports under the garb of CPEC even as the more important pillars of the external sector — exports, remittances and FDI — shrivel up?

If so, the first quarter of fiscal year 2017 will be the moment when the gears shifted.

Where these trends take us is difficult to foresee, but increasingly the government’s narrative of economic improvement is beginning to sound like a high-stakes bet instead of sound policy.

Energy is basic thing to run Industry, How we can boost our exports if we can't produce? Energy, Infrastructure and Industrial projects along with Gawader port operation will payoff the loans. Still many times better than USAID which mostly end up in overseas accounts of corrupts.
Energy is basic thing to run Industry, How we can boost our exports if we can't produce? Energy, Infrastructure and Industrial projects along with Gawader port operation will payoff the loans. Still many times better than USAID which mostly end up in overseas accounts of corrupts.

True at least people can see actual work being done on Ground

Pakistan has to pay 11.5 billion US dollars to various international monetary institutions during the next 18 months.

According to details, the country has to pay a sum of USD 8.76 billion to International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and Asian Development Bank.

Moreover, Pakistan has to pay 160 million Saudi Riyals to Islamic Development Bank.

To China, Pakistan has to pay 1.6 billion dollars, to Japan 192 billion Yen and to Paris Club 625 million Euros.

Maybe after the investment, when its economy develops and when it starts exporting it can pay off the debt. But how sooner they start paying off the deb bought from a commercial holding in China is a question.
. .
Maybe after the investment, when its economy develops and when it starts exporting it can pay off the debt. But how sooner they start paying off the deb bought from a commercial holding in China is a question.

Ooay, deal with Modi's notebandi problems. You are good at shooting yourself on the foot.

We have a 5-yr grace period before the loans have to start to be repaid. Besides, the electricity generation is for those who need it to power their businesses and homes. They will use it and pay for it. Who doesn't need electricity these days?

Private businesses can start and expand with better infrastructure. You will see the results soon my friend.
for a developing economy, debt to import capacity is a quicker way to develop.
in plain english:
You import capacity building machinery to make things at home instead of importing those things from abroad. as your economy matures, you will slowly begin to build those "capacity building machinery" as well.
Energy is basic thing to run Industry, How we can boost our exports if we can't produce?

You do realize having a surplus of energy doesn't mean loadshedding will end. Electricity companies have to purchase the electricity produced. If there isn't any funds then loadshedding will continue. India has surplus yet still has loadshedding because companies don't have enough money because the customers don't pay enough to offset purchasing costs.
You do realize having a surplus of energy doesn't mean loadshedding will end. Electricity companies have to purchase the electricity produced. If there isn't any funds then loadshedding will continue. India has surplus yet still has loadshedding because companies don't have enough money because the customers don't pay enough to offset purchasing costs.

Kehna kia chahta hai bhai? If Indians can't pay for electricity than Pakistan should stop setting up power plants?
The knives are out for CPEC. In full force. Now which newspaper is Dawn affiliated to again? Is it the Washington Post or the New York Times?

The ferocity with which CPEC is being attacked along with Sino-Pak relations these days speaks volumes for how important and beneficial CPEC actually is, and not just from a financial perspective but a strategic one. The Chinese have pulled a masterstroke here for Pakistani sovereignty while at the same time delivering huge economic benefits to both Pakistan and China. India and the West are apoplectic and want this stopped at all costs. However, it is already too late. That ship has sailed.
It seems Indians are so concerned over Pakistan's business dealings with China, that India itself runs a vastly larger trade deficit to China?
Owing to china is not such a bad thing, they will most likely write it off loans to Pakistan, though its not good fiscal practice... but its ok.

ndia and the West are apoplectic and want this stopped at all costs. .

That' a bit of a overreach, but's it's fine..that's the koolaid sold by Pak fauj to its people.
It seems Indians are so concerned over Pakistan's business dealings with China, that India itself runs a vastly larger trade deficit to China?

Indians can see the writing on the wall, as well as their American boyfriend. Balochistan and Free Kashmir have been strategically secured, and if Pakistan can grow at around 6.5-7% a year, India knows it has problems in the future. That is why vested interests are all guns blazing against CPEC and Sino-pak relations. This is no coincidence.

That' a bit of a overreach, but's it's fine..that's the koolaid sold by Pak fauj to its people.

It must have taken a lot of brain power to come up with that,son. Have a nap and recharge,
Indians can see the writing on the wall, as well as their American boyfriend. Balochistan and Free Kashmir have been strategically secured, and if Pakistan can grow at around 6.5-7% a year, India knows it has problems in the future. That is why vested interests are all guns blazing against CPEC and Sino-pak relations. This is no coincidence.

It must have taken a lot of brain power to come up with that,son. Have a nap and recharge,

Sick comeback yo!..PDF think tank material there.
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