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Birmingham murder may have been racially motivated

Last Hope

Oct 18, 2010
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A 75-year-old man stabbed to death yards from his home may have been targeted in a racially motivated attack, according to police.

Mohammed Saleem, who used a walking stick, was stabbed three times in the back as he returned home from prayers at his local mosque in Small Heath, Birmingham, on Monday night.

The blows were struck with such violence they penetrated to the front of his body.

The father of seven also had no defensive wounds in what has been described as a swift, vicious and cowardly attack by the man leading the murder investigation, Detective Superintendent Mark Payne of West Midlands police.

Officers want to trace a white man, aged 25-32, of medium height and build, spotted on CCTV footage running near the scene of the attack around the time it happened, just before 10.30pm.

Police also want to trace a seven-seat people carrier captured on CCTV, driving near the mosque with the two male occupants, both white and in their 30s, who are considered "significant witnesses".

In an emotional family appeal on Thursday, two of Saleem's daughters, Shazia Khan, 45, and Nazia Maqsood, 44, called for the attackers to hand themselves in. They tearfully described their father as a "widely respected member of the community" and "much-loved".

Payne said the possibility it was a racially motivated attack was "a significant line of inquiry" and a large number of detectives were working on the case. "To the attacker I say we will find you and we will bring you to justice," he added.

Khan, who lives in London, said she believed it was "a premeditated brutal attack, pre-planned, intended to kill".

She said: "I cannot see him having any enemies being so full of hate to do this to him. He was an old man – that's what he was. He had no other agenda in his life, it's unacceptable and we just cannot believe an attack like this would happen to him. We just cannot understand it.

"We have to walk past where he was killed and we can visualise it – we have to live with that for the rest of our lives."

Describing her father, Khan said he had worked with youths at the mosque and "was a really good role model and had a great sense of humour, very tongue in cheek". She said people from all walks of life had been paying their condolences.

Khan also had a message for her father's killers: "We don't know who carried out the attack – all we can say is you will be caught and you will be punished and justice will be done, legally.

"I hope they come forward. I hope that anyone who knows this man [seen in Wyndcliffe Road] or the driver in the car, there may be mobile phone videos made of the killing – we don't know. If there's any information people are sharing, every little bit of information is vital that will help catch the killer.

"It is unusual for someone of that description to be in that area. It may not be linked, we don't know, but every avenue has to be covered. We have to all pull together and get justice for my father and anybody else, because this could happen again."


A 75-year old Pakistani Muslim was murdered for which was racially motivated. I wonder why isn't there any news about this, in Pakistani media or International media?
So now british newspaper hasnt wrote that a pakistani was killed:undecided:
In the time of PIA flight bomb news they were widely criticizing and undermining Pakistanis.
There will most likely be revenge attacks for this.
In this country its always good to watch your back and never be overly trusting...
Youths here fro, broken families have no regard for peoples lifes specially none for immigrants' lives..
Police too is biased in many areas....the white boys even if caught will get away with lenient punishment or even if given harsh sentence in first hearing..it will be revoked in an appeal.
Terrible news. How come that didn't show up on national tv ?

A 75-year old Pakistani Muslim was murdered for which was racially motivated. I wonder why isn't there any news about this, in Pakistani media or International media?

This incident took place before the murder of the soldier, but rightly put the media did chose to ignore it. I started a thread on it under the below heading, but our in house experts chose to ignore it as well. I guess we are selective in what to and what not to criticize these days.

Western nations invented and optimized use of propaganda. It was Nazi Germany's Goebbels that invented and perfected propaganda that people hated and killed jews, gays, gipsys and others. Now these western democratic nations use and abuse media to get things done. The masses are either not able to understand or not interested to raise their voice.
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