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Biggest deal: IAF may buy 189 jets for $20bn

36 Aircrafts and 126 aircrafts.......which deal is bigger??.......Its not about the competitors or the amount......the real deal is about transfer of technology.......so that most of those planes could be manufactured in India by Indian Engineers and workers.......and use the technologies....on other planes....made by HAL.....Unlike your SA or Turkish deals where Americans would send staff from respective companies to even wash those planes.....and hide certain chips and tracking device in those birds.:taz:

No country could use their political influence over the deal.......which is not the case else where........India itself has bigger deals signed in aviation sectors but it is not reported as MMRCA deal......as such large scale competition.......parameter testing between the birds without any pressure never happened before.......The Brazilian competition itself is waiting for India to announce the winner.

First Look at the statement to which i was replying then tell me ths . look what he said

its the biggest defence deall because no other nation has so far conducted such a massive evaluation of fighter jets. we have conducted a compettion between the best jets and will be picking the the best.no other nation has done this before.

He was talking about the quality and number of competitors in his post, to which i replied
First Look at the statement to which i was replying then tell me ths . look what he said

He was talking about the quality and number of competitors in his post, to which i replied

Whats wrong with what he said......The 6 of the best potentials were brought to test.........on 600 different parameters from high altitudes of Laddakh.......to the lower regions of Bngalore.........fromk minus temperatures of laddakh to 50 degree celcius of Rajasthan.....where in the whole world is such a competetion held??........All the best tech....available were offered......and the bidders tried their best....to bring their latest to convince the customers.......I don't see that in the Brazillian tender......where the jets came one by one to join in.......later.....and lots of political influence was used.......even planes like Su 35/SH came with degraded electronics.
Mahindra Aerospace should also manufacture the MMRCA aircraft because it gives them expertise in manufacturing and they get to work with 4/4.5 gen fighter technology
Mahindra Aerospace should also manufacture the MMRCA aircraft because it gives them expertise in manufacturing and they get to work with 4/4.5 gen fighter technology

The do not have the necessary Infrastructure to build one, they are still into commercial aircraft's and that too single digit seaters.
The do not have the necessary Infrastructure to build one, they are still into commercial aircraft's and that too single digit seaters.

then the OEM should help them establish lines and factories and help them produce the first batch of the fighters so they can get the concept and do it themselves if we have 2 companies manufacturing the MMRCA fighter than the entire lot of 126+ can be inducted before 2020
then the OEM should help them establish lines and factories and help them produce the first batch of the fighters so they can get the concept and do it themselves if we have 2 companies manufacturing the MMRCA fighter than the entire lot of 126+ can be inducted before 2020
Why if in that case HAL can use NAL's Production lines instead of upgrading the Mahindra's.
Why if in that case HAL can use NAL's Production lines instead of upgrading the Mahindra's.

yeah but see Mahindra is privately owned not gov't owned we need more participation from the private sector in the indigenous defense base all we got is the DRDO OFB HAL NAL (all of them gov't owned) its no wonder why we import 80% of our defense equipment we can start by giving a shot in the arm to our private sector through this deal
there is no need to increase the number

better we go for either

60 f35
60 f22
60 su35

will be the best option or we can go for AC more AC in the sea means more security to nation
yeah but see Mahindra is privately owned not gov't owned we need more participation from the private sector in the indigenous defense base all we got is the DRDO OFB HAL NAL (all of them gov't owned) its no wonder why we import 80% of our defense equipment we can start by giving a shot in the arm to our private sector through this deal

Mahindra is not a sector where we can risk upgrading and value our future. Mahindra is a Pvt company and let them catch up the way they do. HAL is worlds 36th largest defense firm and we need to respect there potential. And above all, changing the working standards in govt agencies like done in ISRO will increase efficiency many folds.
there is no need to increase the number

better we go for either

60 f35
60 f22
60 su35

will be the best option or we can go for AC more AC in the sea means more security to nation

USA federal law prohibits the sale of the F-22 and the chances of us getting F35 is 0 been discussed on the hillary clinton F35 sale thread already

SU-35 is a heavy class fighter the MMRCA requires a medium weight fighter besides that would only add to the swelling fighter fleet of the future which would make it a night mare in terms of spares cost, training, logistics etc
Mahindra is not a sector where we can risk upgrading and value our future. Mahindra is a Pvt company and let them catch up the way they do. HAL is worlds 36th largest defense firm and we need to respect there potential. And above all, changing the working standards in govt agencies like done in ISRO will increase efficiency many folds.

we only have 1 aerospace firm for defense other countries like US have lockheed martin, northrop grunman, boeing, Russia with Sukhoi, Mikoyan, Yakolev, Ilyushin, we need more private participation bro HAL could not even build a decent 4th gen fighter in time to replace aging MiG-21's let alone a basic trainer to replace ancient and flying coffin HPT-32's, i am not criticizing them but the fact is we need more than 1 aerospace firm to become Swadeshi in defense aerospace and i mean everything from radars to engines, to air weapons etc

unless of course you want to move like a snail in the defense aviation industry, we need to examine our options more not just HAL involve big private firms as well so in the future we have a safety net to go to
USA federal law prohibits the sale of the F-22 and the chances of us getting F35 is 0 been discussed on the hillary clinton F35 sale thread already

SU-35 is a heavy class fighter the MMRCA requires a medium weight fighter besides that would only add to the swelling fighter fleet of the future which would make it a night mare in terms of spares cost, training, logistics etc

do you know how powerful is that


by proivding us they can counter china usa has more worry for china then us
do you know how powerful is that


by proivding us they can counter china usa has more worry for china then us

dude the US would not even sell the F-22 to its closest allies because of the risk of sensitive technology getting out not to mention the F22 costs more than 5 LCA's even if we did manage to get it we could only operate 1 squadron of them

we are building a stealth fighter of our own the AMCA and one with Russia the PAK FA/ FGFA the FGFA will be comparable to the F22 while the AMCA will be comparable to the F35 we can't always be in a buyer seller relationship you know?
we only have 1 aerospace firm for defense other countries like US have lockheed martin, northrop grunman, boeing, Russia with Sukhoi, Mikoyan, Yakolev, Ilyushin, we need more private participation bro HAL could not even build a decent 4th gen fighter in time to replace aging MiG-21's let alone a basic trainer to replace ancient and flying coffin HPT-32's, i am not criticizing them but the fact is we need more than 1 aerospace firm to become Swadeshi in defense aerospace and i mean everything from radars to engines, to air weapons etc

unless of course you want to move like a snail in the defense aviation industry, we need to examine our options more not just HAL involve big private firms as well so in the future we have a safety net to go to

Give me an answer on how are you going to make our Pvt players capable enough to help out HAL in manufacturing the MMRCA fighters in 3-4yrs?
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