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BGB on alert on Myanmar border

I know its pretty tough for you. Just got out of your cave, the world has changed. Nobody is ready to accept the bihari left overs of Bangladesh. You are getting end of the stick in Bangladesh, Pakistan have had enough of you.

Its pretty frustrating is it not? But don't be sad there must be a zoo for jihadi monkeys somewhere in the world. Good luck!
My cave or your comment is worth like Doi Poisar Fakinni... Vhatere Abar Koy Anno? Now, it seems like I'VE kicked, where it hurts the most thus losing trajectory and blabbering like world has changed... Aare how has world changed? Has Sun started to rise from West and Moon provided light during the day? Or how about Kolkata shifting East of Dhaka? So, world hasn't changed but your Benya technic has come into perfection, understand Dada? Now, tune of melancholic-sympathy for Pakistani by a Hanuman seems like news to me. Since when Pakistanis have decided to hire Bharati mouth piece, dada? As you curse me as Bihari/Jihadi... I would just pray for Bhagaban Ram Chandra to provide Vedic lesson to one more of his Kor-Shavoks about neighbor's well-being. How does the hand shake feel?
How can Hanuman be someone's religion or God except metaphorical comparison of a man that acts like animal leaving all rationalism aside? And what similarity of Muhammad is there for you call him animal's alike except known chorus of yours?
How can Hanuman be someone's religion or God except metaphorical comparison of a man that acts like animal leaving all rationalism aside? And what similarity of Muhammad is there for you call him animal's alike except known chorus of yours?

Why do Bangladeshis resort to religious slur when exhausted of all other options. I'm agnostic so these slurs not gonna stick on me, but if reply you using your own coin them you might blow up in crowded place. Think about it! ;)
Oh! it is still a Bharat-China Bhai Bhai! I thought it is already Bharat-China Bye Bye.

There is no bhai bhai talks here but economic interest.

Sittwe-Kunming Pipeline project

Sittwe Kaladan River Project
It is significant that the Burmese junta has started the current massacres of Arakan Muslims just after the visit of MMS whose govt and party are close to Awami League and Hasina Govt..
Why do Bangladeshis resort to religious slur when exhausted of all other options. I'm agnostic so these slurs not gonna stick on me, but if reply you using your own coin them you might blow up in crowded place. Think about it! ;)

It seems he wants to say "Poont koira dimu."
It is significant that the Burmese junta has started the current
massacres of Arakan Muslims just after the visit of MMS whose govt and party are close
to Awami League and Hasina Govt..
You're right on the money on coinciding Junta's massacre with MMS's visit, IMO. Infect, Bharati's footprint in every scheme of Muslim's massacre is evident by now and that also fits with its Ultra-nationalist's plan on rooting Islam out of SA's hemisphere. My 30 yrs long observation, study and analysis have led me to conclude that current Pashtun massacre in PAK, Afghan under the bogus WOT is also a part of Indian's scheme of things. If they can annihilate Rohingyas then the likelihood of the creation of BD's buffer zone in Rakhaine would diminish and CTG could become vulnerable. I guess as the peals of Bharati game plans are coming off, its intention on cutting BD into pieces is getting clearer day by day. We are in the last ebb of our defence and I don't see any other way of surviving besides coming into PAK's nuclear umbrella. How is it possible that needs to be ironed out IMO, thanks?
Lab0ng, once you were very good poster, you used Abir in your id then! Have you decided to become the greatest troll ever????

Abir or LaBong he remains a troller. He is here to destroy all the important threads.
There is no bhai bhai talks here but economic interest.

Sittwe Kaladan River Project

Tell us what this route is for. Is it a dream pipeline over our sea territory or it is a sea route to Sittwe to your eternal NE paradise? If it is a sea lane for Kolkata people, better the pharmaceutical industries in India start producing medicines to treat sea sickness. BoB waves are known to be very nasty. These can shallow your boats, too, and keep your Passport ready because BN will certainly not allow a free passage for the Indians through our exclusive sea territory.
Myanmar is not a tiny country by any means, its only slightly smaller than Pakistan and 4 times the size of Bangladesh. If am not wrong, they also have a pretty strong military.

Big country Burma may be, but, a brave people are generous and sympathetic towards the minorities. But, Burmese are mean minded and I do not believe a people with that evil trait are good fighters.
Tell us what this route is for. Is it a dream pipeline over our sea territory or it is a sea route to Sittwe to your eternal NE paradise? If it is a sea lane for Kolkata people, better the pharmaceutical industries in India start producing medicines to treat sea sickness. BoB waves are known to be very nasty. These can shallow your boats, too, and keep your Passport ready because BN will certainly not allow a free passage for the Indians through our exclusive sea territory.

Its a cargo shipping route, and its outside Bangladesh territorial sea limit of 22 KM. India can even build a pipeline through Bangladesh's EEZ if need be. Any country can. Don't over stretch the meaning of "Exclusive" economic zone. That exclusivity is limited to fishing and prospecting for petroleum and minerals.

1. In the exclusive economic zone, all States, whether coastal or land-locked, enjoy, subject to the relevant provisions of this Convention, the freedoms referred to in article 87 of navigation and overflight and of the laying of submarine cables and pipelines, and other internationally lawful uses of the sea related to these freedoms, such as those associated with the operation of ships, aircraft and submarine cables and pipelines, and compatible with the other provisions of this Convention.


As for Kolkata people, if they are in rush they can just fly to north east, or catch a train otherwise. This is not 18th century that they need to travel by ships, so don't worry about them.

Big country Burma may be, but, a brave people are generous and sympathetic towards the minorities. But, Burmese are mean minded and I do not believe a people with that evil trait are good fighters.

Well lets just hope that it doesn't ever get to fighting. As for if Burmese are mean or not, I can't comment on that, no body is a saint really.
Both bangladesh (except few internet warriors on pdf) and myanmar are India's friends, so India would not want any trouble between the two countries.
Tell us what this route is for. Is it a dream pipeline over our sea territory or it is a sea route to Sittwe to your eternal NE paradise? If it is a sea lane for Kolkata people, better the pharmaceutical industries in India start producing medicines to treat sea sickness. BoB waves are known to be very nasty. These can shallow your boats, too, and keep your Passport ready because BN will certainly not allow a free passage for the Indians through our exclusive sea territory.

We have spent 100s of millions of dollars on this project only, can you tell me why?

You can dream about anything but right now Bangladesh's dream of having road-rail link to Kunming in China surely seems like a pipedream.
searching google, I just came to know there are several hundred rohingya refugees in India also.

Rohingyas are pretty unfortunate people, they are treated like dirt both in BD and Myanmar. Plenty of them immigrate to East Asian countries where they are treated even worse. I remember couple of years ago Thai or Malaysian authority left a boat loads of Bangladeshi rohingyas in middle of Bay of Bengal to die with no water or food. If it's not for timely intervention of Indian Navy they would have starved to death.
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