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Beware of the soaring dragon as China's military power takes off

Very good article. Anyone know how many j-20's are going to be built by the supposed 2018 operational date?

bob gates visited China on Jan, 2011 when the first J-20 took its first flight. Now its May-June 2012 and the 2nd J-20 rolls out into visibility, about 1.5 years since the first trial flight. In between now and end of 2018, there is 6.5 years. So my guess is between 6 to 10
No, we understand the our alliance with the US is just for mutual benefits. The problem, is some Pakistanis don't understand that this also the case with China & Pakistan.

That's nonsense, no disrespect to you.

1. China sold you ballistic missiles that USA REFUSED to sell you.
2. China helped Pakistan with both their nuclear and ballistic missile programmes.
3. American BS media always, without exception, have been against Islam and Muslims, and your idiotic Saudi kings and princes (most notabley Prince Al Waleed bin Talal) have invested heavily in these very same media which continue to slander Muslims and Islam. In contrast, Chinese media in general have been neutral or mildly friendly towards the Muslim world and Islam without commensurate benefits in return. Saudi Arabia and all the wealthy Gulf countries continue to invest multiple times more in the devilish anti Muslim USA than in China, for example, or in the Muslim world, for example.
4. America only in recent years has killed and carried out unspeakable atrocities in Iraq and many other Arab and Muslim countries. China did none of them.
5. Just one example of the difference between Chinese and American media. I am taking a random movie from Hong Kong, perhaps the most Westernized part of China, and look at a selection of American movies discussed in the first 5 minutes of this video.

Observe that even for a Hong Kong movie based in the 7th century CE, they have set aside a character for an ambassador from the Umayyad empire even though the depiction may not have been accurate because Ummayads would not be speaking some Spanish or Italian languages. Compare that with the persistently negative portrayals by Americans in Jewish media. Do you think your relationship with America is a mutually beneficial one?

How exactly has America benefitted you or the Muslim world? You bought hundreds of billions of weapons from them and invested trillions in their economies, but you have no leverage over them. You can not attack them, you can not kill them, you can not bomb them, you do not own any nuclear bombs, you do not operate any nuclear submarines, you do not operate any aircraft carriers. You do not operate any military bases around American mainland. You have no power to do anything against America.

I am actually eagerly waiting for China to acquire military bases in the vicinity of mainland USA to safeguard the region and the world from the violent terrorist threats emanating from that region. All sane, self respecting nations should support such moves. In my view, that would be better appreciated by Asians and non Westerners, in general, because the conflict zone would be pushed out of Asia (to some extents, at least) and into mainland USA, which has not faced any war during World War II or ever since.
^ what is more important:

Who has killed Pakistanis and is killing Pakistanis through their drones NOW?
you are seriously lacking logic in your post if china and palkistan alliance is unatural and is not for mutal benefit, can you explain what so natural about saudi and usa alliance???? have you heard of china non inerference foreign policy?
That's the thing, there is nothing natural about our alliance with America. 15/19 of 9/11 terrorists were Saudis and we still have very good relations with the US!
Like it was said, after oil the strategic relation will break and we know it. Same with you, after Pakistan's role as a buffer against India is finished, the alliance will break, since as I said its unnatural.

China has been Pakistan's best friend for the last 60+ years and more than 80% of Pakistanis view China in a positive light ( the highest in the World ).
Surveys show Chinese don't look at you so favourably, look it up.
It's a sign of friendship.
No friendship between China an EU. We only do business.
The arms embargo is a political insult to China. It is 2012 now, not 1989.
The UK,France,Italia,Spain do want to lift the embargo,but those east-euro countries like Poland,they take orders from US。
To be honest,I hope they never lift it,because it impels us to develop our own weapon system。
For example,Israel canceled the Phalcon AWACS deal under the pressure of US,but 4 years later,
we are able to build KJ2000 an KJ200,and even export ZDK-03 to our friends.

That's the thing, there is nothing natural about our alliance with America. 15/19 of 9/11 terrorists were Saudis and we still have very good relations with the US!
Like it was said, after oil the strategic relation will break and we know it. Same with you, after Pakistan's role as a buffer against India is finished, the alliance will break, since as I said its unnatural.

Surveys show Chinese don't look at you so favourably, look it up.
Don't speak as if you knew how Chinese think.
Pakistan is the only country that ordinary Chinese people will call them "brother"。
No friendship between China an EU. We only do business.
The arms embargo is a political insult to China. It is 2012 now, not 1989.
The UK,France,Italia,Spain do want to lift the embargo,but those east-euro countries like Poland,they take orders from US。
To be honest,I hope they never lift it,because it impels us to develop our own weapon system。
For example,Israel canceled the Phalcon AWACS deal under the pressure of US,but 4 years later,
we are able to build KJ2000 an KJ200,and even export ZDK-03 to our friends.

Don't speak like you knew how Chinese think.
Pakistan is the only country that ordinary Chinese people will call them "brother"。

Correct, it doesn't matter the content of the embargo, the fact that there is an embargo is an insult and to be put on the same list of countries as Zimbabwe and Congo is an insult.
All peoples who want a peaceful and prosperous world welcome the rise of China.

Yes You are true all the people who want peaceful and prosperous world should welcome US to prevail in Afganistan.
as usual chinese trollers in business..by the way..i already pointed out that the article is $H!t..so why they are keep bragging on it???
he's an't Saudis, with due respect I know a lot of Saudis even some royal members, their attitude towards China are mostly favorable.
China has been Pakistan's best friend for the last 60+ years and more than 80% of Pakistanis view China in a positive light ( the highest in the World ).

You people held the same view for the americans as well, but what happened now?? What happened to the famed "all-weather friendship"??

Chinese will also do the same to you to, the moment you people will stop fulfilling their purpose, they will abandon you.

Pakistan is nothing but a condom of a state, use and throw!! The moment pakistanis stop looking others to fight their war, you people will never gain self-respect.
You people held the same view for the americans as well, but what happened now?? What happened to the famed "all-weather friendship"??

Chinese will also do the same to you to, the moment you people will stop fulfilling their purpose, they will abandon you.

Pakistan is nothing but a condom of a state, use and throw!! The moment pakistanis stop looking others to fight their war, you people will never gain self-respect.

what are you talking about, idi0t?

we hate americans and we are well above the common sense line of identifying enemy and friends, China's even been a bother ever since this republic was born and constantly bullied by some local stup1d rogue, who itself has lost sense of intelligence of telling who's the sugar daddy.... and ends up being a sore puppet.
what are you talking about, idi0t?

we hate americans and we are well above the common sense line of identifying enemy and friends, China's even been a bother ever since this republic was born and constantly bullied by some local stup1d rogue, who itself has lost sense of intelligence of telling who's the sugar daddy.... and ends up being a sore puppet.

Calling me an idiot but behaving yourself like one!!

Go and read about the famed all weather friendship of americans and pakistanis and then come debunk my point.
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