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Best way to approach China's GDP figures: Ignore them!

China holds 1315 billion us dollare of US national debts, can it be faked?
Suggest you write a letter telling world bank that they are wrong and by the way double India's firgure twice, and then you can claim that the figure is true.

The problem is world bank doesn't print the figures I provide, but it does print the figures which the govt of various countries provide.

And the govt of PRC is CPC .. if it hasn't changed, yet.
China holds 1315 billion us dollare of US national debts, can it be faked?

Obviously not. But try encashing it.

If china were to try to encash, the bond yield shoots and the fed is cooked. So any attempt at encashing will make the US threaten China will import bans, if not worse like human rights issues or Tibet. You are doomed to provide perpetual vendor financing to americans for their toys.So I suspect that you can see it, touch it, smell it...but can't really encash it.

In the ultimate analysis, China is just a workshop. You are no match for the Jews.
China holds 1315 billion us dollare of US national debts, can it be faked?

And US companies hold an equivalent amount of assets in PRC or they shipped out that amount of assets out of PRC, already.

Please feel free to buy back the things which US took from you. :tup:

(and hope that you'd get them back at the same price, at which they bought it).
,can it also be fake?
,can it also be fake?

C'mon dear.. nobody is here to convince you.

Feel to free to believe whatever CPC preaches.

In fact, Bloomberg website (where the original article was published) is banned in PRC.

Obviously, the article was never targeted at PRCians.

Enjoy the "7.5%" .. and even eat a bit of it, if that helps you. :tup:

maybe we are no match for Jews,you are right,but better than Indians.

You are almost as good as Saudi Arabians.

Guess, why?
We are talking growth here...GDP growth. Nobody doubts China' s currency reserves....of course most of it is in worthless US treasury bonds...so good luck trying to ever encase it.

People who believe US treasury bonds are worthless is not fit to lecture others about economics. Especially since their own government is buying them as well. :coffee:
This is US's old policy that whenever someone does not do as is wished, start demonizing them.

I remember that during the cold war years, muslim countries were eulogized to the point that Christian and muslims were said to be from 'one tree' and after 1991...........

China should now expect criticism and should not bother about it. Just do not make the same mistakes as the Soviets.
Indian A: Look at China. Its an emerging super power with a 8 Trillion $$ economy and still going strong. Look at us. We are still not reaching bollywood's India.

Indian B: lol, don't tell me U believe in all those rosy projection of Bollywood? Idiot we follow chanakyan neti of screwing our neighboors. Agni 5s and DRDO's project take precedence over development unlike in CHina. :chilli:

Indian A: But even all our DRDO projects are super flop and only God knowns whether Agni 5 will fall back on its launch pad in hypothetical times of war. People call us a papaer tiger always harping crap & living in delusions.

Indian B: Your are such a pessimist U dork. Look at the bright side, if we can't grow we won't let our neighboors grow. Those people can't do jack but to complain about leg pulling by India which puts a broad smile on our hungry countrymen's face. That's the true chanakyan sprit that we Indians pride about. :)

Indian A: But I don't pride over something like that. Why are we doing such things anyway and not strive for peace & prosperity like CHina. :unsure:

Indian B: Man U are such a fool. Do U have no love for your nation's hegemonic ambitions? Your are such a traitor. Are U a closet muslim ,christain or a dalit? Are U a puppy. Sri Modhi ji said muslims... thuku I mean puppy's are traitors :pissed:

Indian A: Eh what are U talking about. I am a Hindu Indian.:angry: But I can't talk about hegemony on a empty stomach and neither can my fellow countrymen whehter hindu, muslim or dalit. :undecided:

Indian B: U are a naive Hindu then.

Indian A: No I am not. U are so rude.

Indian B: Yes U are U naive idiot.

The bickering goes on when suddenly a cunning Indian comes forth.​

Indian C: WHy are we fighting over china and its development. Following our chanakyan philosophy we can make up lies regarding chinese Development. If we can't beat it nor pull its leg , lets just launch a massive propaganda to demonize its achievement. That's the chanakyan way.:azn:

Other Indains pay heed to it with interest and they soon find good friends with similar thinking like Uncle Obama and Auntie elezabeth. Soon news such as Best way to approach China's GDP figures: Ignore them!, chinese hoax GDP figure comes out. The Indian B was pushed aside and ridiculed as a naive idiot.:coffee:
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