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Bernard Lewis, Iran in History

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Quote letter:

The letter seems fake, using that many personal attacks against someone or a people is a late 20th century invention. When I read the bit about "go back to the desert to where you eat lizards and drink camels milk"- doesn't that sound like something a neo-nazi would say? And of course the letters shows "aryan" pride so it's consistent with thier ideologies. Please explain how it got to the london museum, I don't live too far I might go check it out.

I too doubt the authenticity of this letter. The language is unbecoming for an emperor, it sounds more like the language of a pdf troll.
The letter is highly pertinent to show the mirror to a race of theocultural slaves.

Uncomfortable as it may be to be reminded of their legacy and how they failed it collectively as a people. Century after century.

What is especially ironic, if not downright hilarious, is that they still hark back to Persia and Cyrus the Great and the Farohar, and look down upon and abuse the lizard eating camel humping Arabs.

Conveniently blanking out a small and insignificant irritant while they are collectively at it.

Visible to all other races and cultures the world over, but them.

Sad. Tragic. And very pathetic.
Let me be a little clearer here with regard to my ire and how it is directed less to Iranians generically and more to moronic ignorant and brainwashed mullas like Abii here.

Parsis and Zoroastrians the world over are proud citizens of the land of their birth. But they continue to have a soft corner for the land of their ancestors and the birthplace of their great faith. The land. Not the people who currently reside there. Or their culture and religion.

I will still one day visit Iran with my wife and kids, and see for ourselves what you have managed to preserve of our past.

Not that it should make a difference, but I singlehanddly went up against a board fulll of Americans, a land and people and culture I admire, just because I defended your right to go nuclear, and got banned there for that.

Not because I loved you. But for the soft corner I still have for the land and the now lost civilization of our collective ancestors.

I look on Indians as my brothers and sisters. At India as my motherland. I see myself as Indian first and last. Not Persian.

For me the Iranians are a foreign race. Nothing good or bad about it. Just indifferent one way or the other. Plain and simple. Regardless of the fact that 1300 years ago we probably lived together as one people.

So when a mulla dares to talk down to me and my country (shithoe, slave, etc.) I must perforce show him the mirror. And remind him about who he really is. And the legacy he carries. And the one I do.

I must also remind him that 80,000 of us in India have done more measurably in arts, science, commerce, industry, professions, politics, national feedom struggle, and the military than 75,000,000 of them still living in Iran.

That may be partly attributable to some of the genes we share.

But the real difference lies in the land and the culture that has borne and nurtured us respectively.

Cheers and Jai Hind!

Doc - proudly Indian, and Zoroastrian
The mulla never left.
You do realize that I'm not muslim eh clown?

You're like that annoying kid in junior high that always tries to fit in with the cool kids and when they throw him to the gutter, he starts bad mouthing them and talking **** against them.

Buddy, you're Indian! You just happen to have the same religion as Iranians of millenia ago!

You're so nutz that you think you're more Persian than me because of your religion lmao

You don't even know if your ancestors from millenia ago actually did originate from Iran or not, but in your mind, you're a Persian, while I, the Iranian guy that can track back his ancestral line to people of Iran from many thousands of years ago and the guy that actually speaks Persian and follows Persian customs and codes of conduct, am not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You do realize that I'm not muslim eh clown?

if you are not a muslim, then what are you? it must be very easy sitting in canada and proclaiming this.

Buddy, you're Indian! You just happen to have the same religion as Iranians of millenia ago!

You're so nutz that you think you're more Persian than me because of your religion lmao

You don't even know if your ancestors from millenia ago actually did originate from Iran or not, but in your mind, you're a Persian, while I, the Iranian guy that can track back his ancestral line to people of Iran from many thousands of years ago and the guy that actually speaks Persian and follows Persian customs and codes of conduct, am not!

he is an indian, he proudly proclaims to be an indian, why do you have to remind him of that?! he has a sentimental fondness for the land and culture of his forefathers and he wants to see it rise again. we have a lot of parsis here and they are from persia, just you denying is not going to change reality. and i can tell you most modern iranians don't follow most of the trademark persian customs and codes of conduct. so you are actually less persian than most parsis here.
You do realize that I'm not muslim eh clown?

You're like that annoying kid in junior high that always tries to fit in with the cool kids and when they throw him to the gutter, he starts bad mouthing them and talking **** against them.

Buddy, you're Indian! You just happen to have the same religion as Iranians of millenia ago!

You're so nutz that you think you're more Persian than me because of your religion lmao

You don't even know if your ancestors from millenia ago actually did originate from Iran or not, but in your mind, you're a Persian, while I, the Iranian guy that can track back his ancestral line to people of Iran from many thousands of years ago and the guy that actually speaks Persian and follows Persian customs and codes of conduct, am not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are not Persian mulla Abii.

You wouldn't know Persian if it was a cat biting you on your arse.

You are an Iranian expat blowhard.

Parsi Zoroastrians are the true bearers of the ancient torch of Zoroastrian Persia. Those descended from those who refused to bend over.

There are no two ways about it. Much as it would hurt your Iranian sentiments.

Trace back your ancestry? To what?!!!!!!!

You are at best a half breed. Neither Persian nor Arab. A semitic "aryan".

Don't make me laugh kid.

And desist before you force me to tell you what we really think of you! :)

At best, stop talking about India and Indians, and I'll stop molesting you.

At worst, you do not want to find out .....
The mulla never left.

This clown is quite interesting. Himself being a perennial "slave" (not that I prefer to use this term), he and his ilk tries to lessen its own shame by calling others as slaves.

A slave is someone who loses his soul. Losing political power for a period means nothing in a history as long as that of a proud civilization as Indian or Chinese or Persian or Egyptian or Sumerian...

Sadly, many of them are lost now.

To eternal slavery...
This clown is quite interesting. Himself being a perennial "slave" (not that I prefer to use this term), he and his ilk tries to lessen its own shame by calling others as slaves.

A slave is someone who loses his soul. Losing political power for a period means nothing in a history as long as that of a proud civilization as Indian or Chinese or Persian or Egyptian or Sumerian...

Sadly, many of them are lost now.

To eternal slavery...

Tragically sad.

And they continue to mistake the goodwill and warmth Indians always hold out towards them.

As civilizational siblings. And fellow sufferers.

Not the ancient heritage we were born into ......
Tragically sad.

And they continue to mistake the goodwill and warmth Indians always hold out towards them.

As civilizational siblings. And fellow sufferers.

Not the ancient heritage we were born into ......

Agree. And it is not recent, this pathetic feeling of these slaves.

The "Iranian" slaves during the Mughal times had the same contempt for people who refused to sell their souls like these pathetic beings had done centuries back.

They would call them slaves without realizing the irony. ;)

They still do that to some of our neighbors who try to suck up to them. As for us, we have a respect for the Persian civilization and have no enmity to the current Iranians.

They should just learn to remain in their limits when talking of our country and people.

Else one just tends to understand why Saddam made the comment about flies and Iranians being useless species. ;)
Agree. And it is not recent, this pathetic feeling of these slaves.

The "Iranian" slaves during the Mughal times had the same contempt for people who refused to sell their souls like these pathetic beings had done centuries back.

They would call them slaves without realizing the irony. ;)

Things are not much different today for those you refer to per those from our country who have visited and come back with stories.

I believe the term "house niggers" fits best here.
Agree. And it is not recent, this pathetic feeling of these slaves.

The "Iranian" slaves during the Mughal times had the same contempt for people who refused to sell their souls like these pathetic beings had done centuries back.

They would call them slaves without realizing the irony. ;)

They still do that to some of our neighbors who try to suck up to them. As for us, we have a respect for the Persian civilization and have no enmity to the current Iranians.

They should just learn to remain in their limits when talking of our country and people.

Else one just tends to understand why Saddam made the comment about files and Iranians being useless species. ;)

time will show that who is slave :coffee:
time will show that who is slave :coffee:

I personally think no human is born to be a slave.

Some fools from Iran have used the word too often and it is meant for their kind.

And for them, time has already shown who is a slave.
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