Ambassador Arikana Chihombori-Quao.
Following the increased abuse of Africans in China, Ambassador Arikana Chihombori-Quao reminded the President of China, Xi Jinping, that more than ten million Chinese live on the African Continent.
Ambassador Arikana said the trend was ‘not acceptable’ since no African had disobeyed the pandemic laws in China, and listed some of the abuses hurled against Africans.
1. Africans forced to take COVID-19 tests without meeting criteria for testing
2. Evictions simply because they are Africans
3. Thrown out of hotel rooms, simply because they are Africans
4. Africans living on the streets with their belongings simply because they are Africans
5. Women, together with their babies, living on the streets simply because they are Africans
6. Separation of Africans married to the Chinese simply because they are Africans
7. Africans being singled out and mistreated simply because they are Africans
“We have over ten million Chinese residing in Africa where we have welcomed them with open arms. We have allowed the Chinese to establish themselves, to marry Africans and to live happily ever after in our Africa. Why can’t Africans be accorded the same welcome that we have given to millions of your citizens?” the Ambassador said.
She pointed out that the treatment of Africans in China was deplorable and called for world leaders not to sit back and watch as the violation of human rights continues unquestioned.
The Ambassador asked President Xi to allow Africans forced on the streets to go back to their homes and hotel rooms.
“We would like the relationship between China and Africa nations to continue unabated but the behaviour from a few of your citizens will not be tolerated, and we are counting on President Xi to do what is right, just and fair,” said Ambassador Arikana.
She ended her statement by stating categorically that ‘Africans were no longer going to tolerate the abuse from the Chinese or anybody else’.
“The children of Africa are saying enough is enough…the abuse has got to stop,” she said.
FACT: Ambassador Arikana is Ghanaian, a US-trained doctor and has served in different capacities at the African Union. She makes bold and honest demands for Africa and Africans that do not sit well with leaders from other continents.