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Behind the CeaseFireLine (CFL) ......

Mangus Ortus Novem

Jun 7, 2008
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Dear Paks,

Now that GanguDaesh has burried all the UN resolutions and the deadhorse of ShimlaMirch with its savage annexation of IoJK we are back to the pre 1947 stage of struggle for Pakistan.

Let us show our GreenColours and start using the term CeaseFireLine (CFL) instead of LoC... because by using LoC term we are indirectly legitimsing GanguDaesh's annexation.

Those who have SocialMedia accounts, kindly, use the term CeaseFireLine so that GoP wakes up and starts using this correct term in Offical Discourse.

Every small thing we can do is a contribution to The Struggle for Independence ... for the Idea of Pakistan.

Allow me to thankyou all for your kind help in The Struggle.

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Dear Paks,

Now that GanguDaesh has burried all the UN resolutions and the deadhorse of ShimlaMirch with its savage annexation of IoJK we are back to the pre 1947 stage of struggle for Pakistan.

Let us show our GreenColours and start using the term CeaseFireLine (CFL) instead of LoC... because by using LoC term we are indirectly legitimsing GanguDaesh's annexation.

Those who have SocialMedia accounts, kindly, use the term CeaseFireLine so that GoP wakes up and starts using this correct term in Offical Discourse.

Every small thing we can do is a contribution to The Struggle for Independence ... for the Idea of Pakistan.

Allow me to thankyou all for your kind help in The Struggle.

It is expected that in the next major war between Pakistan - India, the IA will cross CFL, penetrate into Gilgit, Skardu and could even reach Chitral.
It is expected that in the next major war between Pakistan - India, the IA will cross CFL, penetrate into Gilgit, Skardu and could even reach Chitral.

Yes, this scenario is real and WinterWar is actually what enemies think will benefit them...

GanguDaesh wishes to cut-off physical connection between Pak-China... and this desire is equally matched by the GanguStrategicPartners.

The Greatest Game is in town and Pakistan is The Heartland.

We also need to see the breakdown of US-Talib peace dialouge in broader scenario as well. With direct connection to Afghanisatn... Ganguz would have direct line to CentralAsia as well... and of course, Yanks wouldn't have a need to ever leave Afg...

So, in all this scenario both China and Pakistan will sit still and let Ganguz go ShooperPauer scott-free? Afterall then the soft underbelly of China.. from Tibet to Xinjiang... free for poking and unrest... BRI boxed... CPEC dead???

What could we do to counter this rather audacious Gangu+StrategicAllies plan?
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Dear Paks,

Now that GanguDaesh has burried all the UN resolutions and the deadhorse of ShimlaMirch with its savage annexation of IoJK we are back to the pre 1947 stage of struggle for Pakistan.

Let us show our GreenColours and start using the term CeaseFireLine (CFL) instead of LoC... because by using LoC term we are indirectly legitimsing GanguDaesh's annexation.

Those who have SocialMedia accounts, kindly, use the term CeaseFireLine so that GoP wakes up and starts using this correct term in Offical Discourse.

Every small thing we can do is a contribution to The Struggle for Independence ... for the Idea of Pakistan.

Allow me to thankyou all for your kind help in The Struggle.

But what really Pakistan is trying to get which thing reversed??? Reinstate article 370- which means we still accept the position we were on before 5th August... Legal difficulties
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But what really Pakistan is trying to get which thing reversed??? Reinstate article 370- which means we still accept the position we were on before 5th August... Legal difficulties

Not really. Now it is out of everyone's hands.

GanguFacists won't/cann't reverse... if they do or don't things wont'change for them in IoJK.

For us it is more of a context to create extra pressure and keep building on it... in the end there is conflict!
Yes, this scenario is real and WinterWar is actually what enemies think will benefit them...

GanguDaesh wishes to cut-off physical connection between Pak-China... and this desire is equally matched by the GanguStrategicPartners.

The Greatest Game is in town and Pakistan is The Heartland.

We also need to see the breakdown of US-Talib peace dialouge in broader scenario as well. With direct connection to Afghanisatn... Ganguz would have direct line to CentralAsia as well... and of course, Yanks wouldn't have a need to ever leave Afg...

So, in all this scenario both China and Pakistan will sit still and let Ganguz go ShooperPauer scott-free? Afterall then the soft underbelly of China.. from Tibet to Xinjiang... free for poking and unrest... BRI boxed... CPEC dead???

What could we do to counter this rather audacious Gangu+StrategicAllies plan?

Usage of ganguz and gangadesh by the user. Please take action.


What could we do to counter this rather audacious Gangu+StrategicAllies plan?

In the AJK (and northern KPK) region, two major external threats are Indian Army and Northern Alliance whereas Internal threats are TTP and PTM. The internal threats are being dealt with, its the external threats which need a proper defensive setup as well as a force which has the ability to conduct offensives in the mountains.

Indian Army is deployed on the east of AJK where as Northern Alliance is deployed on the west of AJK and Northern KPK. Pakistan has deployed Military in North west of KPK region to counter Northern Alliance incursions. In any case Northern Alliance has its own set of problems dealing with opposing factions located inside Afghanistan. Therefore unless Indian Military deploys and builds up opposite Chitral along with Northern Alliance, the threat level remains low. There is an Indian Military base in tajikistan from where its said that IAF can provide logistics support to Indian troops based in Afghanistan and this could further mean that IAF can operate fighters (Mig-29's/Rafale/SU 30) from that base and launch strikes into KPK and AJK. The longer USA extends its presence in Afghanistan, the better it is for India and its Military in some ways. There were rumors of Indian Military building base inside Afghanistan, it could take shape in future though. China has started to train ANA Brigade in COIN Ops at a training base in Northern Afghanistan. So Chinese presence could be observed in future in Afghanistan.

On the Pakistan side, there was a decision taken to deploy an Infantry Division in Swat, probably under XI Corps, but maybe the decision has been reversed since FC was doubled in strength. PA uses formations from XI Corps such as 7th Infantry Division as reserve in AJK behind 12th Infantry Division or between 12th Infantry Div and FCNA. The newly raised SSD or 34th LID is HQ'd in Chilas. This formation has to perform internal security duties therefore its Regular Infantry Battalions could get committed only when a war breaks out. Since the formation is Light Infantry therefore it might not possess Artillery or AD units. FCNA is the major formation deployed in Northern LOC area opposite to IA and and also looks after Siachen area. It has three brigades which have limited offensive capability. The other formation is GB scouts, almost a Brigade a strength but un-modernized (compared to FC) and lacking Artillery. So FCNA (1 Division strength) is the primary force deployed in the region. SSD (34 LID) can conduct defense or offense, depends how its utilized in war.

If India Military wants, it can launch aa attack Dras, Kargil, Batalik and even from near Turtuk region. Indian Army and Indian Air Force have better air lift capability than PA and PAF in the form of fixed wing and helicopters ( all types of transport versions). Indian Army has 2-3 Infantry Divisions and an independent infantry brigade in the region. These can be reinforced by sending more Infantry Divisions and Infantry brigades to reinforce the sector. Formations of BSF are also present in this area.

In case of war, best bet for India is to mobilize Northern Alliance opposite Northwest of KPK and Regular Infantry/Mountain Divisions from in North East of AJK. This will stretch PA's 34th LID on both sides and FCNA will have to go defensive. Pakistan Army requires an air assault operation in the area to keep war inside IOK.
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In the AJK (and northern KPK) region, two major external threats are Indian Army and Northern Alliance whereas Internal threats are TTP and PTM. The internal threats are being dealt with, its the external threats which need a proper defensive setup as well as a force which has the ability to conduct offensives in the mountains.

Indian Army is deployed on the east of AJK where as Northern Alliance is deployed on the west of AJK and Northern KPK. Pakistan has deployed Military in North west of KPK region to counter Northern Alliance incursions. In any case Northern Alliance has its own set of problems dealing with opposing factions located inside Afghanistan. Therefore unless Indian Military deploys and builds up opposite Chitral along with Northern Alliance, the threat level remains low. There is an Indian Military base in tajikistan from where its said that IAF can provide logistics support to Indian troops based in Afghanistan and this could further mean that IAF can operate fighters (Mig-29's/Rafale/SU 30) from that base and launch strikes into KPK and AJK. The longer USA extends its presence in Afghanistan, the better it is for India and its Military in some ways. There were rumors of Indian Military building base inside Afghanistan, it could take shape in future though. China has started to train ANA Brigade in COIN Ops at a training base in Northern Afghanistan. So Chinese presence could be observed in future in Afghanistan.

On the Pakistan side, there was a decision taken to deploy an Infantry Division in Swat, probably under XI Corps, but maybe the decision has been reversed since FC was doubled in strength. PA uses formations from XI Corps such as 7th Infantry Division as reserve in AJK behind 12th Infantry Division or between 12th Infantry Div and FCNA. The newly raised SSD or 34th LID is HQ'd in Chilas. This formation has to perform internal security duties therefore its Regular Infantry Battalions could get committed only when a war breaks out. Since the formation is Light Infantry therefore it might not possess Artillery or AD units. FCNA is the major formation deployed in Northern LOC area opposite to IA and and also looks after Siachen area. It has three brigades which have limited offensive capability. The other formation is GB scouts, almost a Brigade a strength but un-modernized (compared to FC) and lacking Artillery. So FCNA (1 Division strength) is the primary force deployed in the region. SSD (34 LID) can conduct defense or offense, depends how its utilized in war.

If India Military wants, it can launch aa attack Dras, Kargil, Batalik and even from near Turtuk region. Indian Army and Indian Air Force have better air lift capability than PA and PAF in the form of fixed wing and helicopters ( all types of transport versions). Indian Army has 2-3 Infantry Divisions and an independent infantry brigade in the region. These can be reinforced by sending more Infantry Divisions and Infantry brigades to reinforce the sector. Formations of BSF are also present in this area.

In case of war, best bet for India is to mobilize Northern Alliance opposite Northwest of KPK and Regular Infantry/Mountain Divisions from in North East of AJK. This will stretch PA's 34th LID on both sides and FCNA will have to go defensive. Pakistan Army requires an air assault operation in the area to keep war inside IOK.

Quite logical layout, as always!

We need to add in the mix... BlackWater and Daesh as well... paid mercernaries.... at the cost of few hundered millions dollars ... GanguDaesh can contract them as well... along with PTM/TTP and combined with political chaos and FazoolMullhaMaffia ready-for-business-any-time ... GanguDaesh+StrategicAllies can create a lot of mess...

We need to keep in mind that Balochistan can be disturbed as well... again money element there.

NorthernAlliance or ANA and all of the combinations above could create quite a headache for us. Again I do fear it is going to be HybridAttack... and Ganguz+Allies have deep investments within our MarasiMedia and politicalClass.

If you look closely it is 71+++ scenario they wish to create.

What counter HybridCounterAttack we can launch? On paper they got more of everything... so what to do?
@Signalian my very brother, seems like NorthernFront has been considered since 2010... we have been training there since 2011 with the Chinese as well.

So WinterWar is coming?

Some here on PDF fear Shock n Awe type opening salvoz... Your thoughts?
And we would be doing dandiya i guess?
With bangles in wrists....

They even not dare to cross LOC....We have much advantage over them and that is why they always open front in plains of Punjab, Lahore, Sialkot sectors.
It is expected that in the next major war between Pakistan - India, the IA will cross CFL, penetrate into Gilgit, Skardu and could even reach Chitral.
Shoot and scoot spg and rocket artillery covered by short and medium range air defence as well as a special mountain division with good gear and heli infiltration training to protect the vital supply line with China
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