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Beauty and Success

Naah - it just means that people are biased toward beautiful people and they end up getting better opportunities in life.

Beauty might favour you in certain jobs where appearance count more than anything else. I don't think there is one definition of "beauty" which we all agree with and also there is no one definition of success. What is success? good job ? good salary? Satisfaction? happiness? sense of accomplishment ? What is "beautiful " and successful" varies from one person to another. Any way here is another research

We spend our precious wages on beauty treatments that help us look presentable for the office.
But according to researchers, if a woman is applying for a ' masculine' job, she really needn't have bothered.

Although being pretty will help those applying for secretarial jobs, for other roles in which appearance is deemed unimportant, attractive women are actually less likely to be recruited.
However, handsome men are always at an advantage and never discriminated against.

Lead researcher Professor Stefanie Johnson, from University of Colorado Denver Business School, said: 'In these professions being attractive was highly detrimental to women.

In every other kind of job, attractive women were preferred. This wasn’t the case with men which shows that there is still a double standard when it comes to gender.'
Attractiveness was more beneficial for women applying for feminine sex-typed jobs than masculine sex-typed jobs.

Professor Johnson said: 'One could argue that, under certain conditions, physical appearance may be a legitimate basis for hiring. In jobs involving face-to-face client contact, such as sales, more physically attractive applicants could conceivably perform better than those who are less attractive.
'However, it is important that if physical attractiveness is weighed equally for men and women to avoid discrimination against women.'

Researchers gave participants a list of jobs and 110 photos of applicants - half men and half women - and told to sort them according to their suitability for the job.

In job categories like director of security, hardware salesperson, prison guard and tow truck driver, attractive women were overlooked. In each of these jobs appearance was perceived to be unimportant.

But the research, published in the Journal of Social Psychology, found beautiful people still enjoy a significant edge on the whole.

They tend to get higher salaries, better performance evaluations, higher levels of admission to college, better voter ratings when running for public office and more favourable judgments in trials.
But in one narrow aspect of life, beauty can be a hindrance, something researchers have called the 'beauty is beastly' effect.

The report said: 'In two studies, we found that attractiveness is beneficial for men and women applying for most jobs, in terms of ratings of employment suitability.

'However, attractiveness was more beneficial for women applying for feminine sex-typed jobs than masculine sex-typed jobs.'

Read more: Pretty women applying for 'masculine' jobs would be best to dress down for job interviews | Mail Online
Nice reading ,thanks for sharing Dr. Chengman.
The articles indicate a strong link between symmetry and perceived beauty, which in turn suggests that beneficial selection for these traits is taking place in humans too.

The traits would only propagate if the genes promoting symmetry are dominant. Couple pairings often mix power with beauty, where one member of the couple has one attribute and uses it to score a partner having the other. There is no guarantee that their offspring would inherit the beneficial attributes from each parent (famous quote from G.B. Shaw comes to mind).

The reason seems to be that perfect symmetry is hard for a developing embryo to maintain. The embryo that can maintain it obviously has good genes

Why is it 'obvious'? Who's to say environmental factors during development don't trump genetics?

Beautiful people garner attention and exude confidence which is perceived as intelligence and competence. Discounting extreme cases of objective assessment like science and technology, "success" in everyday activities is achieved through a number of means, and self-confidence is probably the greatest factor in such endeavors.
The traits would only propagate if the genes promoting symmetry are dominant. Couple pairings often mix power with beauty, where one member of the couple has one attribute and uses it to score a partner having the other. There is no guarantee that their offspring would inherit the beneficial attributes from each parent (famous quote from G.B. Shaw comes to mind).

Dominance is not necessary for gene propagation.

Why is it 'obvious'? Who's to say environmental factors during development don't trump genetics?

I think the research in one of the papers did take the environmantal and nutritional factors into account:

The team then considered the overall health of the monkeys during their first four years of life. This comparison was made from veterinary records and evidence of health problems. The researchers looked out for minor wounds that had been noted by staff but left to heal on their own; major wounds such as bites that required stitches; levels of subcutaneous fat and muscle; the quality of their coat; and their weight gain. These health factors were compiled into two scores, one reflecting wounds and one reflecting the monkey’s general condition, and they were compared with the asymmetry scores.

Beautiful people garner attention and exude confidence which is perceived as intelligence and competence. Discounting extreme cases of objective assessment like science and technology, "success" in everyday activities is achieved through a number of means, and self-confidence is probably the greatest factor in such endeavors.

I can agree with that overall.
Dominance is not necessary for gene propagation.

Only if both parents have the same genes. I am fairly sure that a recessive gene will always lose out if the other partner has dominant genes. That is why natural blonds are reducing as a percentage of the world's population -- it is a recessive gene.
Only if both parents have the same genes. I am fairly sure that a recessive gene will always lose out if the other partner has dominant genes. That is why natural blonds are reducing as a percentage of the world's population -- it is a recessive gene.

Most human traits, including hair color, are determined by multiple genes, and hence not as simply described by dominant or recessive inheritance.
In My personal opinion beauty and success has very good connection it works as catalyst in many cases. Beautiful girls get the most of the advantage of it. In my engineering college days, beautiful girls(read sexy in right terms) always gets good marks in comparison to normal looking girls. we call that they get C - benefit but we boys are entitled only for L-tax (Can't explain here these acronyms ;) ).

In Jobs, I have literally seen young and fresher girls out of the college gets always benefit for onsite and increment.
In My personal opinion beauty and success has very good connection it works as catalyst in many cases. Beautiful girls get the most of the advantage of it. In my engineering college days, beautiful girls(read sexy in right terms) always gets good marks in comparison to normal looking girls. we call that they get C - benefit but we boys are entitled only for L-tax (Can't explain here these acronyms ;) ).

In Jobs, I have literally seen young and fresher girls out of the college gets always benefit for onsite and increment.

Well there are girls who cash their beauty and adahein. Beauty may give them some edge in entry level jobs of sales girl, receptionist, Personal assistant and other low paying jobs but if you have a look at the financial industry and corporation top management. Do you see many pretty faces in there? I don't think so. They dress well and look professional but everyone can afford this and can make their appearance better with expensive cosmetics /perfumes. Looking cute is different than being cute as very few people born with ugly face. Appearance is only one criteria used to judge the personality but other traits like attitude, temperament, energy level, strength, stamina, stability, equanimity, states of anger, problem solving skills, kindness and a sense of humour also used to judge the personality of candidate for most senior positions. I know this because i have some experiences in HR.
Well there are girls who cash their beauty and adahein. Beauty may give them some edge in entry level jobs of sales girl, receptionist, Personal assistant and other low paying jobs but if you have a look at the financial industry and corporation top management. Do you see many pretty faces in there? I don't think so. They dress well and look professional but everyone can afford this and can make their appearance better with expensive cosmetics /perfumes. Looking cute is different than being cute as very few people born with ugly face. Appearance is only one criteria used to judge the personality but other traits like attitude, temperament, energy level, strength, stamina, stability, equanimity, states of anger, problem solving skills, kindness and a sense of humour also used to judge the personality of candidate for most senior positions. I know this because i have some experiences in HR.
You still did not get the point. You are right at your place and that is idealistic way of thinking. What i am saying is that when A guy and girl standing with say almost similar capabilities, in many cases they get favors first. If I am hardworking, I will go ahead and leave others behind. but then "Brownie points" are already distributed and we are not the beneficiary including normal girls.

I see this drama daily, I lead the team and I have seen that whenever beautiful girl need help they people start writing code on behalf of them that too even on weekends but if I senior resources to help normal looking girl or for guy, every one is busy with responsibilities. In this way these girls survive and nurture ahead while talented guy/girls remains on back foot.
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