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BBC panorama - Muslim first British second

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@Jaanbaz Where abouts in the UK do you reside?

There is a bit of an issue, but definitely not as bad as the vast majority love to claim.

The Severity is exaggerated, sure. Not every useless South Asian who calls himself Muslim is a threat per se.
But the prevalence of these problems is not exaggerated. We as Muslims after 9/11, after 7/7, after many terror incidents, after 2 wars in our lands.... we were always going to be the targets of some unwelcoming eyes.

But we did nothing to try and show our own, we bought it upon ourselves even worse. We are the least well integrated, the most backward community in all of Britain and by far the most disgusting part is our ego... Despite all this we still have the nerve to think of ourselves as saints among sinners.

The thing is other communities do integrate and so do the majority of Muslims but there is a large section of Muslims who don't integrate and cause loads of problems.

Hear, Hear. And I'm ready to back you on that view.

Just remember my friend, there are some sane ones of us around. Believe me, I want to get rid of these idiots FAR more than you.
@Jaanbaz Where abouts in the UK do you reside?

The Severity is exaggerated, sure. Not every useless South Asian who calls himself Muslim is a threat per se.
But the prevalence of these problems is not exaggerated. We as Muslims after 9/11, after 7/7, after many terror incidents, after 2 wars in our lands.... we were always going to be the targets of some unwelcoming eyes.

But we did nothing to try and show our own, we bought it upon ourselves even worse. We are the least well integrated, the most backward community in all of Britain and by far the most disgusting part is our ego... Despite all this we still have the nerve to think of ourselves as saints among sinners.

Hear, Hear. And I'm ready to back you on that view.

Just remember my friend, there are some sane ones of us around. Believe me, I want to get rid of these idiots FAR more than you.
Good to here mate, I just hope those Jihadi boys in Syria don't return. I think that will filter out the sane Muslims from the parasites.
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