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Battle off Samar (Last stand of the Tin Can - 1944 AD)


Oct 24, 2012
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The second battle of last stand will bring you back to World War 2 at the sea of Philippine, to an unevenly match Naval Engagement off Samar. Where a tiny US navy contingent were pitch against a superior Imperial Japanese Naval task force in an Epic battle perhaps to all Naval History in the world.

Background of the Battle


October 1944 mark the year of Allied Invasion of Philippine and liberate the Filipino from the Imperial Japanese control The move would serve as severing the oil supply from Dutch East Indies (modern day Indonesia) and the Japanese Homeland.

With the oil production facilities in Dutch East Indies and the Naval Shipyard at home island, the Imperial Japanese Navy would have done for if Philippine falls to the Allies. As Japanese Naval Aviation were at a blinking point of destruction, the only real source of fire power left is the Battleship, Cruiser and the Destroyer left with the once mighty Imperial Japanese Navy.

The plan is to get those battleship forces smashed right against the American Landing Force currently unloading troop at Leyte, coast of Philippine. However, smashing the battleship head on would be suicidal, as US Naval Air Power is strong enough to deter any such attack, the Fighter/Bomber would have made mince meat out of those Battleship, even as mighty as Yamato and Musashi. US 3rd Fleet alone packed 6 Fleet carrier and assorted Escort and light carrier which made up to 600 planes in that group, also present with the 3rd Fleet Carrier is the Fast Battle ship, 6 of them and for a puny 23 ship Formation IJN force, even with Giant Battleship like Yamato and Musashi would still mean a hard fight with no a great chance of winning.

So a plan has derived code name Operation Sho-Go. Plan is, the Japanese Fleet will split 3 ways, The Northern Force, consist of the spent carrier force, which act as a bait to draw the 3rd Fleet out, the Center Force which would consist of the majority of fire power, and the Southern Force which consist of supporting battleship and destroyer.

The aim is for the Northern Force to draw off Halsey's 3rd Fleet, and hope that Halsey would take as many ships as possible, thus opening the coast for the Center Force and Southern Force. Then both force will move in a double envelopment thru San Bernardino strait and Surigaro strait and converge on the beach head on Leyte and the pincer will punch thru the American Fleet that defending the coastal area there.

On the other hand, the US 7th Fleet guarding the approach of the Leyte Beachhead is relax, comfortable and settle in the routine close air support role for the ground force landing in Leyte. The 7th Fleet commanding Admiral Thomas Sprague were noticed that the 3rd fleet were chasing after the Northern Japanese fleet, but was mistakenly think the Halsey have leave at least 1 Task group of his fleet help guarding the approach, instead, Halsey took all and not a single modern combat ship was left behind the approach to Leyte.

With the Japanese fleet now in visual sighting of the Northern Most American 7th Fleet Task Group, the American was surprised to see the massive battleship formation from the Imperial Japanese Navy.

The only thing that's stopping the Japanese unrelenting bombardment of Leyte shore is now rest on the small task group call sign 77.4.3, otherwise known as radio call sign Taffy 3.

At 07:30 October 25, 1944 the Battle Begin

Deposition of Force


The Japanese force consist of 4 Battleships (Yamato, Nagato, Kongo, Haruna), 6 Heavy Cruiser (Chokai, Haguro, Kumano, Suzuya, Chikuma, Tone), 2 Light Cruiser (Yahagi, Noshiro) and 11 Destroyers

The fleet was travel from NW Philippine Sea and travelling SSE on tactical column toward Leyte Gulf. With the Battle ship in the center of the group, surrounded by Heavy cruiser which was inturn headed by Light Cruiser and finally covered with Destroyer Screen. This is the standard formation for convoy to maximize the Anti-Air capability, while the destroyer screen search and destroy the enemy subs.

The American 3 Taffy task group is positioned tantum with each other covering that part of the Philippine Sea, with Taffy 3(77.4.3) on north, Taffy 2 (77.4.2) middle and Taffy 1 (77.4.1) South, a bit to the south of Taffy 1 would see a supporting element of the remaining 7th fleet, loaded with 6 battle ship and a few cruiser and destroyer, guarding the Surigao strait and had just fought withe the IJNs southern force last night

Each Taffy consist of 3 Fletcher class destroyer, 4 John C Butler Class Destroyer Escort (DE) which is a corvette in today standard.And 6 Casabanca Class or Sangamon Class escort carrier (CVE) for ground support and anti-sub mission, these little CVE is a lot smaller tham Light carrier and Fleet carrier, hold 28-30 planes compare to 50 in light carrier and 78 in a single Fleet Carrier On the day of attack Taffy 3 consist of 3 destroyers (Johnston, Heermann and Hoel), 4 DE (Raymond, John C Butler, Dennis and Samuel B Roberts) and 6 Escort Carrier (Fanshaw Bay, St. Lo, White Plain, Kalinin Bay, Kitkun Bay and Gambier Bay) The ship in Taffy 3 was anchored in an circle and with the carrier lay inside the protective screen of the Destroyer and Destroyer Escort.


The combine tonnage of the American shiop is 60,300 metric tons. Each Fletcher class destroyer weighted 2,700 tons, Each John C Butler Class DE weighted 1,350 tons where each Escort Carrier each weighted 7,800 tons. Full tonnage of each ship in Taffy 3 as follow:

USS Johnston (DD-557) - 2700 tons
USS Hoel (DD-533) - 2700 tons
USS Herrmann (DD-532) - 2700 tons
USS John C Butler (DE-339) - 1350 tons
USS Raymond (DE-341) - 1350 tons
USS Dennis (DE-405) - 1350 tons
USS Samuel B Roberts (DE-413) - 1350 tons
USS Gambier bay (CVE-73) - 7,800 tons
USS Kalinin Bay (CVE-68) - 7,800 tons
USS White Planes (CVE-66) - 7,800 tons
USS St Lo (CVE-63) - 7,800 tons
USS Kitkun bay (CVE-71) - 7,800 tons
USS Fanshaw Bay (CVE-70) - 7,800 tons

The combine tonnage of the Japanese exceed 200,000 tons. Where the battleship Yamato alone display 72,000 tons, full 10,000 tons more than ALL THE TAFFY 3 COMBINED. Tonnage information are listed as follow:

Battleship IJN Yamato - 72,000 tons
Battleship IJN Nagato - 32,700 tons
Battleship IJN Kongō - 36,600 tons
Battleship IJN Haruna - 36,600 tons
Cruiser IJN Chōkai - 15,600 tons
Cruiser IJN Haguro - 13,000 tons
Cruiser IJN Kumano - 13,400 tons
Cruiser IJN Suzuya - 13,600 tons
Cruiser IJN Chikuma - 15,400 tons
Cruiser IJN Tone - 15,400 tons
Light Cruiser IJN Yahagi - 6,650 tons
Light Cruiser IJN Noshiro - 6,650 tons
11 destroyer total displacement - 25,000 tons

Tactical Consideration

For the American, there are no turning back, the retreat of Taffy 3 and any of the Taffy element would mean an unopposed entry to Leyte Gulf and all the guns (18" on yamato, 14 inch on other battleship, 8 in on cruiser and 5 in on destroyer) would mean the Naval Landing Force would mean nothing more than mince meat to those gun. Yamato's ship gun can fire at 20 mile aways, meaning not only the American need to engage the Japanese fleet, but they also need to chase them off their gun range too.

The American also have a time consideration, with each passing minute, either 7th Fleet Battleship ship force or 3rd Fleet Battleship force would come closer for rescue, so the time factor is on the American side, that is if Taffy 3 can hold out a reasonible amount of time.

For the Japanese. The landing and eventual liberation of Philippine would mean a certain defeat in Naval War with the American, as both straite of Philippine was important for the Japanese Cargoship to traverse without getting the South China Sea's submarine playground. Losing control of Philippine would mean severing supply (Mainly Iron and Oil) from Dutch East Indies and the Shipyard in Japan Home island. Japanese force cannot allow an undisrupted landing in Leyte to proceed.

Time factor is not on Japanese side, as each minute pass mean the closer the US main fleet discover thier deceptive plan and turn around and head off the Japanese ship. The Japanese operation are to be smooth and easy, like cutting thru butter with a hot knife. otherwise the Tactical objective would be harder to achieve with each minute passing.

Opening Acts


The opening acts of the battle was a quiet one, the US carrier St Lo started the day with a 4 ship anti-submarine patrol while a TBF avenger discover the Japanese Fleet creeping up on the American fleet at speed.

At first the US fleet commander Clifton Sprague do not believe the formation is unfriendly, upon closer ID, the ship were indeed Japanese. At 0637, the sound of general quarter ring along with all Taff 3 Ship. The first official act of the battle is of those Anti-submarine patrol dropping their Depth Charge on the IJN Cruiser Tone, which bounced right off.

Upon receiving the Inforamtion, Taffy 3 command order their Carrier a easterly retreat while the destroyer and destroyer are to lay smoke and cover the Carrier withdraw. The carriers will then launch all available aircraft and head off to the Japanese Force. For the days mission, most aircraft were already loaded High Explosive bomb and depth charges for Ground support and Anti-submarine duty, nevertheness have no time to change, those plane took of the deck with what they have already loaded.

Being Escort carrier, there are 2 problems that pragued the Taffy 3. The first being escort carrier were not designed for Ship to Ship fight, thus does not have enough AP (Armor-Piercing) bomb that would pierce thru the thick armor of IJN battleship or cruiser, High Explosive (HE) Bomb would simply bounced off the armor belt of any Japanese Cruiser and Battleship. Second problem being Escort carrier was incredibly slow. At 17.5 knots, half speed of any other ship present in the battle field (Yamato can do 34 knows,which Destroyer like Johnston can do 32 knots normally and 42 knots overheating the boiler). That means it's not If the Japanese ship would catch up on Taffy 3 but when.

Nonetheness, the US Ship have to do what they can, and do something to stave off the inevitable.

First Salvo - with not much the US Ship can do (Planes launched and Gun out ranged) the next 15 minutes is just waiting for the Japanese ship to get in range with their gun. Right off the abt at 0700 to the dot, the longest range gun for all WW2 ship open fire at the Tiny Taffy 3 detachment. Yamato Open fire on their 18.1 inch main gun.

The official salvo were started with Yamato big gun, then Kurita ordered a general attack on the American Fleet. Each Japanese will break formation and proceed and engage their own target. Japanese ship took their own initiative to get in their own range, to their own target and engage said target.

Meanwhile The Carrier and Destroyer keep heading East and toward a rain squall hoping to get some respite.

American Counter-Attacked - Upon seeing the Japanese ship break formation, and the US carrier emptied their hanger, the Destoryer finished laying their smoke screen, then it's about time they carrier out their duty, that's to protect the Carrier. With nothing else to do, and the US destroyer gun and torpedo out of range ofthe Japanese ship, the only natural things to do is for the destroyer to take the fight and get in range with those Japanese ship.

Not waiting for order, Commander Evans's Johnston realised that is exactly what he have to do, and he break away and full steam ahead, and the some, toward the Japanese fleet. 1 Tiny destroyer against 23 large Surface battleship, which every single one of them are bigger than Johnston......


USS Johnston - At the same time the Japanese ship fire on the US carrier, Johnston move outside the Carrier protective circle and engage the japanese ship alone. The Johnston work his way up to the Japanese fleet, it would take 10 minutes for Johnston to heave and weave and dodging shell from Incoming Japanese fire to close to the gun range of Johnston, first target is the IJN cruiser, Kumano

At 10 nm Johnston open fire with their own pea shooter. 5 inch shell would bounce off any armored part of the ship, so the Johnston would aim their gun on the superstructure and the bridge, 45 hits in 5 minutes salvo, Johnston set fire on the bridge of Kumano. With Kumano bridge on fire, it is now not easy for the crew of Kumano to spot the position as the OP deck is on top of the bridge which now filled with smoke. The Johnston creep within torpedo range of Kumano for the first time, at about 6 mile out the Johnston fired all its torpedo toward the Japanese ship Kumano

At 0726, two to three torpedo hit and blew off the Bow of the Kumano, instantly taking it out of operation. Then with another Cruiser, Suzuya stop to asist the Stricken Cruiser Kumano, Johnston's torpedo run took 2 Heavy Cruier out of the fight, and IJN Kumano would be the first ship to lose in this engagement

As Johnston beat a hasily retreat under smoke screen, its luck ran out. It was first struck with 3 14 inch shell fired from Kongo, and 3 6 inch shell hit the bridge of Johnston. Practically killing and wounding everyone on the Bridge. Commander Evans was seriously hurt and the ship have beem cut to half speed and electronic system was shutted down.


USS Samuel B. Roberts - Right after USS johnston hitting Kumano with its 5 inch guns, the Commander of the Destroyer Squadron ordered their own general attack toward the Japanese ship. Smaller ship now sail with the bigger Destroyer and follow Johnston suit. Roberts was paired with the Destroyer Herrmann, where Roberts actually act on its own initiative to attack the Japanese. While being a small ship and under the smoke stack of Herrmann, the Roberts remain hidden until the ship was hit with a stray shell.

At 0800, at torpedo range, Roberts fire it's only capable armament, its 3 Mark 15 Torpedo. While still undetected, withdraw back under the cover of smoke. Where one of the torpedo Roberts fired hit and disable the heavy cruiser Chokai.

At 0810, upon rejoining the Carrier Formation after expanding its only available weapon against the japanese. The Japanese Cruiser Chikuma emerge out of a rain sqell and started boardsiding the US Carrier. Now intentionally put themselve in between the Japanese Cruiser and the American Carrier, Sam B Roberts now trading their own boardside with the heavy cruiser. With Japanese busy spliting their own 8 x 7.9 inch gun between the US carrier (possibly Gambier Bay) and Roberts.

A combine effort of Roberts and Herrmann 5 inch gun put in a mixture of all sort of 5 inch shell in Chikuma bridge, setting fire by star shell (Which were to use lumminating the skies at dark) and AA shell act as anti-personnel shell blowing sharpnel inside the Crusier Bridge. The 2 US ship disable number 3 turret on Chikuma and almost expanding all 600 rounds 5 inch shell stored with the ship.

Roberts luck ran out while busying with Chikuma, the other Japanese Ship open fire on Roberts. One of the cruiser shell eventually find its marks at 0851 and hitting Roberts in the boiler room, again cutting its speed by half, now a slow and small ship almost run out of ammo is a good target, Kongo finally sink the Samuel B Roberts at 0900 with a 14 inch salvo. 35 rounds of ammunition left inside Johnston.
USS Hoel - Hoel is the first ship to be hitted by the Japanese force, First 6.1 inch salvo from Yamato hit Hoel at about 0705. At range, Hoel sized up the situation, they were to "Counter Charge" into the Japanese formation trying to force them to break formation, with that goal set in mind, the Hoel commanding officer Commander Kintberger set their target on the nearest Battleship, the Haruna.

While the brave calavry charge only to one effect, that would be catching the attention of all the Japanese ship, soon shell of different color start raining upon Hoel, as one crewman put it, "It's kinda beautiful if you look at it" (Japanese gunner use dye on the shell to spot their round, as Japaneses gun is optical ranged, computer assisted direction, each gunner on their ship would have to spot the round, and each ship uses a different color dye to avoid confusion.)

While Hoel gone in all gun blazing, Japanese ship converge on Hoel and at 0750, Hoel was within range of their Torpedo and was fired at range of about 6 miles out. Did not register any hit. After half of what available torpedo strike, Hoel begin to take hits. Several Hits reduced Hoel to half speed, rudder jammed, aft turret malfunctioned. Commander Kintberger know the end is near. Instead of limbing back to the carrier formation like Johnston, Hoel get into position and fire the remaining salvo (5 torpedo) from their ship before ships losing its electric which would lead to the malfunction of the Torpedo Compressor unit. At 0800, Hoel launch the remaining Torpedo.

Now, with no torpedo left, Hoel trying to limb back to the carrier position, at 17 knots and with a jammed rudder, it is all but possible to. While egressing, Hoel shot at anything not American, in return, Japanese punch hole after hole in the hull of Hoel. At 0840, Commander Kintberger finally order the abandon ship order and the fight for hoel is all but over.

Still, Japanese cruiser got close to 2000 meter and virtually fire at the abandoned destoryer at point blank range. Any closer the japaense crew would get splashed by their own shapnel. Just as you seems the fight should be ended, the last 10 miuntes see the Hoel Forward 5 in gun duelling with a japanese tone class cruiser until the end. The Japanese only stopped firing at 0855 once Hoel kneel over and capsized.

USS Heermann - Heerman start off at the wrong side of the formation, at the farthest away from the battle. For Heermann to join the battle, she needs to run into the carrier formation that is fleeing East with smoke cover, after emerge out of other US ships smoke screen, on the way almost collided with Hoel and Samuel B Roberts. Heerman lead the charge on their own with Samuel B.

20 minutes from the order of attack, Heerman and Samuel B works their way up to the jaapnese group carefully and started firing on IJN Cruiser Haguro with their 5 inch gfun at 0750. While chasing splashes and Zigzagging into the torpedo position. Heermann was credited as the ship that put Yamato out of contention for 2 event happened during the attacks.

First Heermann were to launch a half salvo at 0750 toward the Cruiser haguro, however a 7 torpedo run forced the Haguro to break off and left open a spot inside the 3 battleship formation (Nagato, Haruna and Yamato) With the 7 torpedo gap consider widen the gap opened to the battleship, the Heermann took the advantage and charge inside the Battleship circle and get close to Haruna at about 4000 meters (~3 mile) and open fire on both 5 inch gun and the remaining 3 torpedo.

What that done was Haruna was able to evade all 3 torpedo and headed toward the Yamato, Yamato not bracketed with 2 of the torpedo aimed for Haruna and Haruna herself have to move North with Haruna to avoide either being hit by the American Torpedo or hit by Haruna herself...

Thus for the next ten minutes, both Yamato and Haruna was out of contention and for some inexplicit reason, yamato did not rejoin the fight with Hurana.

At 0803, after all torpedo expanded and believe they had hit something, Heermann start make it way back to the Carrier. All the while undamaged and dealling with Battleship Nagato.

At 0826 Heermann returned to the Carrier Formation and watching Samuel B Roberts duelling with Chicuma (The incident mentioned before) and join the 3 way fight between Chikuma, Samuel B Roberts and Gambier Bay. When the IJN force started to lend a hand to Chikuma, Heermann registered their first damage on the battle, and the Japanese Reinforcement effective sunk Samuel B Roberts. And the carrier Gambier Bay also felt prey to Chikuma, and sank at 0907, Heermann see no point to continue the duel, decided to make smoke and cover the still operating Carrier retreat.

The end of USS Johnston - At 0840 after retiring back to the Carrier formation, still running at 17 knots, Johnston spotted a group of Light Cruiser and Destroyer trying to do a torpedo run against the US Carrier Formation, with no other friendly ship in sight, Johnston takes on the responsibility to heads off the strike force.

Johnston was to cross the T to the lead ship of the Japanese Formation and the group trade fire with Johnston. The lead Light Cruiser seeing Johnston prepare to cross the T's to them and move to the west and either disengaging or wanted to use full boardside on Johnson. Meanwhile all the Japanese ship in that strike group launch their torpedo which would be effectively out of range.

Now, with the carrier temperory save, and the trailing element sinking (Hoel, Samuel B Roberts and Gambier Bay). Now almost all remaining Japanese Fire power are concentrate on the destroyer that's slow and smoking. With at many as 4 Cruiser and 6 destroyer open fire on Johnston, as the crewmember of Johnston later remembered "We cannot patch hole faster then the japanese making them" and Commander Evans ordered abandon ship at 0945, Johnston went under at 1010.

US Carrier and Fighter Support - Of the 6 carrier, US lose one (Gambier Bay) to naval gun fire from Chikuma and Possibly Yamato. That remain the only US carrier to be sunk by surface gunfire. US lose another carrier by Kamakazi attack followed by the Center Force assault (St Lo) However, while the carrier running away, White Plain did credit with a stinger blow which contribute to responsible for the sinking of Chokai.

Taffy 1, 2 would also lend theuir fighter arms to try and salvage the situation on Taffy 3. Combined total airpower numbered at 450 planes (Equal to 5 to 6 fleet carrier complement). Although Taffy 3 Airgroup first launched with HE bomb and Depth Charge, the airgroup with Taffy 1 and 2 would have loaded with whatever effective Anti-ship armament they have, including some AP bomb and aerial torpedo and those small guys, or flies (as the sailor that day nicknamed those planes) have been credited to 1 cruiser sunk (Chikuma) and 2 ship damage.

Even after expanding all their ordance, those aircraft would continue on and press on with mock strike and try to harass the Japanese fleet. In all FM-2 Wildcat, F6F Hell Cat and TBM Avenger would fire everything on the Japanese, i mean everything from Machinegun Bullet, Torpedo, Bombs (Both HE and AP), rockets, star shell, depth charge even some pilot fired their 38 calibur revolver on the Japanese ship....

Japanese Withdraw - As none of the Japanese Battleship damaged and Kongo score 2 ship (Johnston and Samuel B Roberts) With most of his ship intact, the Japanese nonetheness order a full withdrawal at 0920.

Though the Main battle ship was not damaged at all, Japanese already lose 2 heavy cruisers and a destroyer and 2 cruisers is heavily damaged, compounded with the risk that the 3rd fleet should have been turned back by now. The prospect of staying is not good.

Also contributing to this decision is that Kurita believed he is actually up against a bigger force than Taffy 3 actually is. The fact that Kurita refused to believe the Destroyer and Destroyer Escort can deal that serious a blow to his center force, the tenacity and ferocity of the American as well as the number of planes in the sky is all indication of a much larger force waiting to be seen. The Japanese does not recognize the profile of the 6 Escort Carrier and mistook them as Fleet Carrier, and coincidentally, the 450 Planes that Taffy 1,2,3 put up to an exact level to 6 Fleet Carriers (@78 planes each, 6 Fleet carrier would have 468 planes…). That fortified Kurita Belief that he was indeed up against at least large part of the 3rd Fleet.

Couple to the fact that by now Kurita had received the transmission on the Southern Force has all but destroyed by the American in the engagement. So, at 0950, all Japanese ship in formation headed north and disengaging with the American fleet.

This is at this stage, Clifton Sprague hear the most prolific comment on the whole WW2 from one of his crew “Damn it Boys, they are getting away”

What went wrong??

Normally I would be commenting on the tactics on both sides here, being not in the naval background, I do not know what’s what. So I made some call to Navy buddy as well as my cousin whom still serving with the USCG. And come up with this after report.

The moment Kurita gave the order of general attack started a chain of error on Kurita parts. The general attack descents the Japanese fleet in a chaos. What normally would do is for the battleship and cruiser to maintain a standoff range while the smaller Japanese ship (2 Light Cruisers and 11 Destroyers) would go in closer and pin the enemy, then the big gun on those battleship and heavy cruiser would have just take potshot and it will easily sink the American fleet that way.

When the General attack order were given, instead of a cohesion Military Unit, each ship descent into their own might, with no coordinate effort and no mutual support., where the big ship got mingle into a mist of small ship. It would present a very good target.

If Kurita instead of ordering a general attack and let the small ship swarm in, and the big ship stand at distance. This will also lead to a better command and control system for the Japanese. That way Kurita can see the battlefield at a whole instead of having him himself in the mix of battle. If he would have stood outside, he would have see he was indeed engaging a smaller force than he anticipated. But he would have been in tunnel vision if he allow himself to be in the mist of battle. Essentially with everybody focuing on the US ship in individual, nobody is looking at the grand picture.

Perhaps the reason why he disengage when the Yamato was attacked by a 3 torpedo salvo by heermann is a way that he try to salvage some command and control abilty and trying to gain an upperhand of the whole picture. But by then it was too little too late.

Command and Control failure, combined with the lack of insight of an enemy force and wrong estimation. Doomed the Japanese Fleet in this particular engagement.

Regardless on whatever happened that day. The end result is non-disputable. The Taffy 3 detachment display an extreme courage and facing an overwhelming odds and perform what they have to do to stave off being annahilated. And the reward is they got to live and fight another day.

For the Japanese, the failure of Battle off Samar means there would not have any serious contest at sea during the Philippine campaign and that would translate to the Naval Threat of the once migthy Japanese navy has been taken out, permanently.

Award and Decloration

For the action that's goes above and beyond the call of duty, Commander Evans was awarded the Medal of Honor for the charging of Japanese Fleet against insurmountable odds.

For the action that Taffy 3 display, the Unit was awarded with Presidential Unit Citation

Hope you enjoy this abttle report and see you in a week's time
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Just brilliant,reading all of it now.FIRST NAVAL BATTLE!
Cool.. Just watched the History channel documentary 'Battle of Leyte gulf'. Awesome documentary and must watch for WW2 movie aficionados.
Just brilliant,reading all of it now.FIRST NAVAL BATTLE!

Indeed, actually I had a chance to met The Gun Captain Robert Hagen on USS Johnston as he and my grand father belong to the same VFW chapter

This battle was very fascinating to me when I was very young. I still remember the first time I hear about this battle from the veteran himself, I cried in the end.

I guess the heroic thing on this battle is, those sailor on Taffy 3 have been told they don't stand a chance against the Japanese fleet, they know they don't stand a chance, yet they still went ahead and do something, anything and try to at least take the fight to the Japanese

The result is just simply hardworking, nothing else

Cool.. Just watched the History channel documentary 'Battle of Leyte gulf'. Awesome documentary and must watch for WW2 movie aficionados.

Try this

Indeed, actually I had a chance to met The Gun Captain Robert Hagen on USS Johnston as he and my grand father belong to the same VFW chapter

This battle was very fascinating to me when I was very young. I still remember the first time I hear about this battle from the veteran himself, I cried in the end.

I guess the heroic thing on this battle is, those sailor on Taffy 3 have been told they don't stand a chance against the Japanese fleet, they know they don't stand a chance, yet they still went ahead and do something, anything and try to at least take the fight to the Japanese

The result is just simply hardworking, nothing else

Try this

Thanks mate.. I did watch the same documentary..
Regrading Taffy-3, I suppose they didn't have much choice when Kuritas force stumbled on Task Unit 77.4.3 ('Taffy 3') by surprise. Halsey's 3rd Fleet which was tasked with giving aircraft carrier protection to Taffy-3 had left in pursuit of Ozawas diversion force and left San Bernardino Strait completely unguarded.

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