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Battle of air assets: who should own them?


Mar 21, 2010
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Battle for the control of critical aerial assets, has already put Indian army and Indian air force fight out in open , not only war of words has been echoed at senior level officials from both the forces but battle has reached media , which literally forced Defence minister A.k Anthony to step in to diffuse the tension .

What is reason behind the whole fiasco? For that we have to go back at the previous purchases of mid 80’s, Indian then that purchased two squadron of Mil Mi-24 helicopter gunship and eight Mil Mi-26 heavy-lift helicopter to support Indian army operations .

Then it has been told that purchases of both helicopters were funded out of Indian army’s budget and was operated by Indian air force to support Indian army. IAF then was considered best to operate them due to better pool of resources and Infrastructure .Now after decades of Mutual cooperation on owning and operating these assets. Now it’s time to replace them.

India is all set to again purchase 22 new attack helicopters along with 15 heavy-lift helicopter to support Indian army operations. Again even this time funds for both the helicopter deals will come from Indian army’s budget , but this time army wants full control of the this assets and is not keen to allow it to be part of IAF fleet.

Senior army officials have pointed out that various army around the world operate this two categories of helicopters, even pointed out the example of Pakistani army which operates attack helicopters and heavy-lift helicopters.

Air force wants to control this assets and also are not keen over handling it over them to army, due to various other reasons too like, army has already committed more than 100 orders for HAL’s Light combat helicopters, and has also taken centre stage in testing of the helicopter, while senior Army aviators have been providing key inputs to the developers of the helicopter.

But what might have angered air force, is that Army is also keen to operate medium transport aircrafts in future and army is also improving its own Infrastructure for pilot training. Well who should own it? Should be sorted out by both forces and not open out in media and public.

SOURCE: PRASAD CHAWAN / My Take for Idrw.org

Battle of air assets: who should own them? | idrw.org


This is really informative. I never knew why IA and IAF fought for attack Helli? If the fund is coming out of IA budget, they should be taking the decisions. If IAF has a requirement they should get there's.

in my personal opinon the army must be allowed all the rotary wing air assets, apart form those for personal carrier of air force. And airforce must operate the fixed wing jets, this will allow army for swift decision making and deployment of its assests.
in my personal opinon the army must be allowed all the rotary wing air assets, apart form those for personal carrier of air force. And airforce must operate the fixed wing jets, this will allow army for swift decision making and deployment of its assests.

exactly and if i may aad
#1 army should have atleast 4 squads of Ground support aircraft + attack & general support helicopters like ALH+LCH combo

#2 Air force should opparate heavy+medium hellis +LCA,MRCA+MKI,FGFA combo &transport aircrafts & all AA batteries with Radars & support systems

I've never understood this time on inter-service fighting (present in most militaries). Shouldn't IAF/IA just be content India (the nation they serve and live to protect) is acquiring such lethal assets? Surely they know they are all on the same side working for the same end. What benefit does the IAF feel they get if they operate these helos than if IA operate them? Seems very juvenile.
What benefit does the IAF feel they get if they operate these helos than if IA operate them? Seems very juvenile.

Wasn't there reports where the air chief mentioned, that they are under IA's command, but operated and maintained by IAF? So When IA needs the Mi 24s, they just have to order it, but since they are based at IAF bases, operated by their pilots and maintained by their crews, IAFs might see them as primarily theirs. That isn't even wrong I would say and as long as IA has not increased the capacity of their bases to operate and maintain larger numbers of medium class transport and combat helicopters, IAF might still be the better choice.
However, personally I think MoD has not only to take a decision, but also to reform the old doctines a bit, to make them more effective. IA and IN should have their own air wings, including combat and transport squadrons! In the past that might not be needed, nor feasable by the lack of dedicated bases, but today IN has carriers and will get LDPs/LDHs so operates combat fighters and medium to heavy transport helicopters as well, that's why they should take over the shore based maritme attack role with fighters too. Similarly, IA will operate Rudra and LCH combat helicopters soon, which mainly will support their ground troops, or escorts transport helicopters that transports their troops. So having their own medium class helicopters and their own air bases would just be the logical step with regard to the new capabilities.
IAF instead should focus mainly on the fixed wing fleet, or medium to heavy class helicopters in the cargo lifting roles, so Mi26/Chinnok and some parts of the Mi 17s only, not all of them.
I've never understood this time on inter-service fighting (present in most militaries). Shouldn't IAF/IA just be content India (the nation they serve and live to protect) is acquiring such lethal assets? Surely they know they are all on the same side working for the same end. What benefit does the IAF feel they get if they operate these helos than if IA operate them? Seems very juvenile.

It sure is. No one is interested in the use of the equipment properly, but more interested in who gets to play with them!
Boys with biggest bad-arsed toys!

IMHO the IA should exercise full authority over attack and medium transport rotary wing aircraft. Let IAF deal with air superiority, delivery of munitions, rapid deployment and transport of troops and protection - air cover -for advancing 'cavalry'.
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