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Barak: Enemies will be able to choose which building to hit within five years


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Barak: Enemies will be able to choose which building to hit within 5 years | JPost | Israel News

Israel's enemies will gain access in the coming years toprecision guided missiles that will allow them to target individual buildings, former defense minister Ehud Barak warned on Wednesday.

Barak spoke at a conference held at the Tel Aviv-based International Institute for National Security Studies to mark Israel Science day, which was organized by the Ministry for Science, Technology and Space.

Science is serving hostile enemy forces, Barak said. "We will continue to see many more missiles, a lot more accuracy, and within five years the missile will reach a maximum level of accuracy that will allow them to choose which building in Israel to hit. These means will proliferate, and will be cheaper for resistance organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas in Gaza," he added.

"In the future we will see resistance backed by science and technology," the ex-defense minister said.

Threats from biological and chemical attacks by non-state actors also present growing dangers, Barak warned.

"Somewhere in a small lab, hostile elements sit planning the future weapon of mass destruction. This is an unprecedented terrorism potential," he stated, adding, "We can't wait until threat is realized, as the gap will be difficult to close."

Israeli scientific and technological advances allow it to receive intelligence alerts, achieve deterrence, and grant it the ability to win wars, Barak said.

Barak also criticized senior IDF officials who for several years opposed the development of the Iron Dome rocket defense system, saying they lacked foresight.

"Opposition to the multi-layered defense system was surprising. It came from the element that was supposed to activate [the system]," Barak said.

In January, Dr. Uzi Rubin, an architect of the Israeli missile defense program, told an INSS conference that Israel's enemies are seeking to arm themselves with precision-guided heavy rockets and missiles.


This is fishy, the bolder part, why does he come to such an conclusion?

@haman10 @JEskandari @Islam shall be the winner @xenon54 @Arabian Legend @Neptune @BLACKEAGLE


Take into account, Israel's Air Force capabilities have greatly increased, it is capable of instant targeting and high intensity. Their ground forces capabilities also have greatly increased ever since 2006, they have added much technology. And their air defense has significantly increased.

What this means is a much more intense war within a shorter amount of time. This also means Hamas and Hezbollah have to adjust, by this they need to bury weapons underground and fire from remote controls, this also means they will increase their intensity to allow the conflict to end as soon as possible if there is ever such a scenario.

So they have to advance their capabilities as rapidly as possible and get more advanced rockets, slowly they're transforming their arsenal from slow short range rockets with weak damage into short range advanced rockets with more blast damage.
This is why Hezbollah, Iran and Hamas need to develop their strategy lately...:

Artillery: Israel Changes Everything

March 21, 2014: Over the past few years the Israeli army has been changing its approach to artillery. This began in 2011 when Israel decided to replace most of its 155mm artillery with GPS guided rockets. Now it is training some of these rocket battalions to fire GPS rockets into inhabited areas. For the present this means Gaza, where Israel has heretofore used F-16s firing smart bombs or helicopters using guided missiles to attack terrorist targets there. Now, the GPS guided rockets will take over some of these missions. This will be a lot cheaper and, with more shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles showing up in Gaza, a lot safer for Israeli aircraft.

These changes began after Israel noted the success the Americans were having with GPS guided rockets in Afghanistan. The weapon used was the 309 kg (680 pound) GMLRS (guided multiple launch rocket system), a 227mm GPS guided rocket that was first used in 2004. It has a range of 70 kilometers and the ability to land within meters of its intended target at any range. This is because of using GPS, plus a less accurate back up inertial guidance system, to find its target. Israel accepted that the American use of GPS guidance in rockets, while more expensive, was more effective than the cheaper (but less accurate) Israeli developed rocket guidance system and even cheaper unguided artillery shells.

Israel has gone ahead and developed its own GPS guided rockets, like the Romach, a 175mm rocket similar to the American GMLRS but smaller and with a range of 35 kilometers. Israel has also developed a GPS guided 155mm artillery shell and 120mm mortar shell. Each tank battalion has some of these 120mm mortars and using GPS guided shells does not require using a lot of ammo to get the job done. In effect, Israel has all but eliminated the use of the traditional artillery barrage, reducing ammo use by over 90 percent. This meant many artillery units were disbanded.

This radical shift in artillery weapons has been coming since the 2006 war with Hezbollah, when the Israelis found that they did little damage to Hezbollah bunkers, even though over 120,000 unguided 155mm shells were fired at them. Meanwhile, they noted that the U.S. 227mm MLRS rockets with GPS guidance was excellent at taking out similar targets in Iraq and Afghanistan. So Israel equipped its 160mm Accular rockets with GPS. These 110 kg (242 pound) rockets have a range of 40 kilometers and enable one bunker to be destroyed with one rocket. The larger and more accurate (lands within 5 meters of the target versus 10 meters) Romach came out of that project.

Who believe the zionists again?
I don't know if Syria and the palestinians still exist in 5 years

Last time i checked, the precision of the Islamic Jihad projectiles has worsened terribly, only 1 rocket on hundreds hit an israeli city
Who believe the zionists again?
I don't know if Syria and the palestinians still exist in 5 years

Last time i checked, the precision of the Islamic Jihad projectiles has worsened terribly, only 1 rocket on hundreds hit an israeli city

The real only threat to them is their policy, if they continue with this occupation and aggressive policy it would cost them their reputation and enable the West to embrace the Palestinian cause.

Islamic JIhad is weaker than Hamas, they purposely fired projectiles at open areas and only 60 fell inside Israel mostly in open areas. You make it sound like they control Gaza, Hamas is stronger in every aspect. Of course, this article is for scare tactics, just acquiring not so advanced GPS systems is no ground breaking achievement. Only advanced ballistic missiles can breach Israel's missile defense systems. You need rockets with multiple warheads, Israel is outpacing Hezbollah and the Palestinian Resistance. They need to talk it over with Iran and see how they could change things. But, in 2012 we saw Hamas could still manage under very intense firepower, their strategy was working and they managed to maintain the majority of their arsenal. Israel ran out of targets after 1,500 missile attacks on Gaza and that's when it ended.
Arab countries don't care anymore, all the countries resisting are under zionist Al Qaeda attack

JEWS punch palestinians daily and everybody stay at home only saying "Assad must go"

What you say is wet dreams

The real only threat to them is their policy, if they continue with this occupation and aggressive policy it would cost them their reputation and enable the West to embrace the Palestinian cause.

Islamic JIhad is weaker than Hamas, they purposely fired projectiles at open areas and only 60 fell inside Israel mostly in open areas. You make it sound like they control Gaza, Hamas is stronger in every aspect. Of course, this article is for scare tactics, just acquiring not so advanced GPS systems is no ground breaking achievement. Only advanced ballistic missiles can breach Israel's missile defense systems. You need rockets with multiple warheads, Israel is outpacing Hezbollah and the Palestinian Resistance. They need to talk it over with Iran and see how they could change things. But, in 2012 we saw Hamas could still manage under very intense firepower, their strategy was working and they managed to maintain the majority of their arsenal. Israel ran out of targets after 1,500 missile attacks on Gaza and that's when it ended.

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