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Banglasdesh getting 44 Al-Khalid/MBT-2000s


Apr 29, 2011
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For the first time in the country's history, the government will purchase 44 new tanks and three armoured recovery vehicles (ARV) for the army as part of its plan to modernise the armed forces.

The government will also buy two brand new helicopters for the army to ensure necessary logistic support for the UN peacekeeping activities.

The Main Battle Tanks (MBT-2000) and the ARVs will be bought from China, and the helicopters from France through government-to-government deals, which were recently signed. According to the deals, the cost of the tanks will be around Tk 1,201 crore, and the helicopters Tk 174 crore. Besides, a process is on to buy 18 brand new cannons.
brother, this is one year old news.... We are all eagerly waiting to see these 44 MBT on our soil!
That's old news man, we knew that Bangladesh bought 44MBT 2000, reference from a officer in mechanized infantry division officer during the Military Hardware Show-2012. Whats the point of this thread??
haha at first glance of the pictures i thought the tanks are in Dhaka roads :drag:
Sorry guys didnt knew, Just got the news from another forum :D
Congratulations, enjoy your new toys.
well...what is the MBT of Bdesh army now??? t-69???
well...what is the MBT of Bdesh army now??? t-69???

The Type 69 Mk. II G is a rebuilt Type 69 II with modern armaments and combat systems supplied by China. The “G” suffix is abbreviated for “Gai” in Chinese or simply “Modified”.

All Bangladesh Army Type 59/69/79 MBTs are being upgraded to this new standard at present locally at the Army’s Heavy Workshop facility, which is capable of building and modernising tanks, armoured vehicles and artillery systems.

The main features upgraded Type 69 Mk. II G includes:

• 120 mm smoothbore main gun (Fires all NATO rounds)
• Capability to fire ATGM from main gun
• Gun stabilisers (vertical, horizontal)
• Modern fire control system
• Combat data link
• Extensive ERA (Explosive Reactive Armour) protection
• NBC suite
• 1,200 hp diesel engine
• Thermal sights
• Semi-automatic loader
• Laser warning receiver
• Laser range finder
• Range of new ammunition
• Fire fighting equipment
• Communications equipment
• Navigation equipment + GPS
• Jamming equipment

thanks to MHJ...
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