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Bangladesh working on Russian arms deal

Hi, why would BAF go for it that has been rejected.

i didn't know that BD ever evaluated MIG-35???:blink:.......................and if u were meaning india then i'll say that it just does not meet the high requirements of the IAF(we tested each aircraft in basis of 637 points)................as far BDAF is concerned MIG-35 is perfect as it is the latest variant of MIG-29 and they already have MIG-29 and it will require less changes in infrastructure.
Now insh allah we will get Su-30 beside Yak-130 and Mig or Jas Insh Allah. When BNP will be in power, Insh Allah we will get J-10B. Then we will have each squadron or more of Su-30, Yak 130, Mis-29 or Jas Grippen and J-10B. And as an intercepter we already have F-7BG and F-7BGI. Alhamdulillah I hope Allah will make this happen Insh Allah. I just got this idea reading all the articles. I could be wrong. I hope bd becomes succesful insh allah buying these fighter jets. Anyone wants to correct me and give their idea?

Why J-10B china hasn't exported it yet and won't for years you mean FC-20, Mig29 and FC-20 if possible.
So SU-30's will be used to fight with SU-30's of India and Myanmar? Will they not already have inbuilt counter-measures?

It would only take india a few days to get to Dhaka and destroy the bangladeshi airforce. the bangladeshi military is currently inferior to that of Myanmar in that case a border war Myanmar taking chittagong due to a more advanced airforce + army.
sir, that's what i'm trying to tell, sukhio30 is the present-and would be the past, sukhio35 is the Future, new proven technologies and one of the lowest RCS due to completely new composite based airframe where mki, Chinese mkk/mk2 loses.

My friend you need to understand that BAF needs something that is conducive to their military and financial needs. Bangladesh is more like the Czech Republic of the subcontinent. It is a recently emerging country with potential but with equal limitations. Su-35BMs are the latest and the best of the Su-27 family but they are also very expensive. While our MKIs are around $50-70 million today, the BMs would easily go upto $80-90 million apiece depending on its customization.

A more reasonable combat aircraft and heavy investment in air defence is the way forward to go.
It would only take india a few days to get to Dhaka and destroy the bangladeshi airforce. the bangladeshi military is currently inferior to that of Myanmar in that case a border war Myanmar taking chittagong due to a more advanced airforce + army.

Yes, you are right about IA prowess and we have already started to line up in the Dhaka streets to embrace the IA troops with garlands in hand. So, what is the exact date of IA adventure? We know already that our respected big DADA has kept on mobilized 300,000 troops around our border, but we wonder why they are not ordered for a push?
How do you know he is not a stallion of 7' 4"? He will certainly run away seeing you and attack you from back with a dragger. You have body buy he got the brain. Now I can see the outcome of the fight..

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

In my society most of the people are 6' tall, but it is not about height, we know these guys very well they are not only fall short in physical strength but also in mental strength, bravery. They have no bravery in their history only cowardliness of mass killing in 1971, which we stopped. These guys ran into the holes seeing us coming.

Attacking from behind is nothing new, that has nothing to do with brain, but another example of cowardliness. As I said you have no contribution to the science and arts of this world through out the history, so do not talk about brain.

Competing with EF where? The la la land?? la la land does not count..

Have ever heard about MRCA competition? It was competeing with EF and Rafale. Don't live in la la land.
Have ever heard about MRCA competition? It was competeing with EF and Rafale. Don't live in la la land.

And being lowest in Price Yet rejected by hindustan even though the avionics-new engines-radar-EW suite were as good as european counterparts, and offered platform compatibility with the existing indian fulcrums.

By latest reports BAF is not interested in fulcrums but in sukhios due to being better and superior over mig and from point of view of cost it is best bang for the buck compared to JAS gripen which is still $15M expensive than sukhio 30 and equally price to su-35 but factually sukhio is generation ahead of gripen but gripen has also proven western technologies incorporated.
No hindustan evaluated and it got rejected. No point is acquiring something that is not already in the market, it is the same Mig-29 airframe.

i see that you didn't read my whole comment or perhaps you are just pretending....:rolleyes:
It would only take india a few days to get to Dhaka and destroy the bangladeshi airforce. the bangladeshi military is currently inferior to that of Myanmar in that case a border war Myanmar taking chittagong due to a more advanced airforce + army.

Destroying BD Airforce..? Possible.

Taking Dhaka..? Bring it on!

Destroying BD Airforce..? Possible.

Taking Dhaka..? Bring it on!


Why would anyone spend money and resources to capture Bangladesh? What is the return? It doesn't even serve any major strategic interest. So no one is going to do that. Cheers.
So SU-30's will be used to fight with SU-30's of India and Myanmar? Will they not already have inbuilt counter-measures?

Man you need to come out of your fancy world. Use your military to patronize and inspire your citizens rather than thinking of attacks. You almost got into a conflict with the Burmese last year.
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