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Bangladesh ranked least innovative country in Asia


Feb 4, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Singapore, South Korea and Japan are the most innovative

Dataleads, New Delhi

Bangladesh has been ranked the least innovative country and Singapore the most innovative in Asia.

The lower ranking innovative countries -- Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan -- will benefit from more innovation in the future, according to the Global Innovation Index 2018 report.

Bangladesh along with Myanmar and Pakistan sustained growth foreseen to 5 per cent in 2018 and 2019, the report said.

Published in July, the report analyses the energy innovation landscape of the next decade and identifies possible breakthroughs in fields such as energy production, storage, distribution, and consumption. It also looks at how breakthrough innovation occurs at the grassroots level and describes how small-scale renewable systems are on the rise.


Meanwhile, Singapore, South Korea and Japan are the most innovative countries in Asia.

South East Asia is at the third place globally in terms of innovation. Singapore leads the region with a high score in most of the indicators. Globally it has moved two positions up since last year.

South Korea is also among the high income countries that has increased investment in innovation and is ranked second in Asia. The country has not only increased the investment but also “improved its performance in the quality of its scientific publications and the quality of its universities,” It is followed by Japan that is ranked third in Asia.


China is ranked fourth in Asia. The country has been on a dynamic innovation trajectory. China's innovation prowess has been evident in its global R&D companies, hightech imports, the quality of its publications, and tertiary enrolment.

It is followed by Malaysia which is ranked fifth in Asia and is one is one of the middle income countries that is edging closer. This year it moved ahead in the rankings with strengths in Tertiary education, Knowledge diffusion, and Creative goods and services.

Thailand ranked sixth has outperformed on innovation relative of its development, according to the report. It is followed by Vietnam and Mongolia ranked seventh and eighth in Asia respectively.


India ranked ninth is Asia is also seen as an overachiever in relation to its development. As per the report India is one such country that make a significant change in the innovation landscape.

Although Brunei is a high income country the innovative input score is very less. It is ranked tenth in Asia. It is followed by Philippines and Indonesia. Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh are the least innovative countries in Asia.

As per the report, innovation in Asia can grow if if increased protectionism -- in particular protectionism that impacts technology-intensive sectors, IP, and knowledge flows across the board -- could be contained.

Such dynamics, as per the report, could create the basis for productive knowledge spillovers and opportunities for collaboration and the generation of new knowledge and innovation.

Copyright: DataLEADS/ Asia News Network 44545454



This is called intellectual dhokeybaaji courtesy of current Indian administration.

1. Look at who sponsored the report - CII (Confederation of Indian Industries)

2. Look at the primary writer of the 'Global Innovation Index 2018' report - Soumitra Dutta (a bong from WB). Two gora's names added to provide extra credibility.

3. Basic idea is to attract FDI capital to India vis-a-vis other South Asian competitors.

Can you say Dhappa-baaj? :cheesy::rofl:
Last edited:


1. Look at who sponsored the report - CII (Confederation of Indian Industries)

Along with a bunch of others.

2. Look at the primary writer of the 'Global Innovation Index 2018' report - Soumitra Dutta (a bong from WB). Two gora's names added to provide extra credibility.

a) editor not a "writer" (given its a WIPO publication first of all)

b) 2 other editors

3. Basic idea is to attract FDI capital to India vis-a-vis other South Asian competitors.

Yeah you should take that up with WIPO lol. Its all a big ole huge conspiracy because some 1 - patent a year, 70% poverty, basket case community pole vaulter sez so.

Keep reaching for that rainbow you twink :lol:


Along with a bunch of others.

a) editor not a "writer" (given its a WIPO publication first of all)

b) 2 other editors

Yeah you should take that up with WIPO lol. Its all a big ole huge conspiracy because some 1 - patent a year, 70% poverty, basket case community pole vaulter sez so.

Keep reaching for that rainbow you twink :lol:

And that is why BD has economic growth reaching nearly 8% last fiscal.

Think these growth figures are a lie then see below:

1/ Electricity consumption has gone up by 3 times in the last decade - average increase of 13% a year.

2/ Exports have also gone up by 3 times in the last decade - average increase of 13% a year.

3/ 2.4GW nuclear power station, 1.32 + 1.2 GW coal fired power stations are being built. Deal for 3.6GW gas-fired power station has just been signed.

4/ Multi-billion dollar Padma Bridge is being with BD's own finances. Deal signed with China for multi-billion dollar railway that crosses the Padma Bridge.

5/ Elevated Expressway and 1st Metro Line being built in Dhaka.

6/ 3.4km tunnel being built in Chittagong.

Does this look to you like a country that is having any economic problems?
And that is why BD has economic growth reaching nearly 8% last fiscal.

Think these growth figures are a lie then see below:

1/ Electricity consumption has gone up by 3 times in the last decade - average increase of 13% a year.

2/ Exports have also gone up by 3 times in the last decade - average increase of 13% a year.

3/ 2.4GW nuclear power station, 1.32 + 1.2 GW coal fired power stations are being built. Deal for 3.6GW gas-fired power station has just been signed.

4/ Multi-billion dollar Padma Bridge is being with BD's own finances. Deal signed with China for multi-billion dollar railway that crosses the Padma Bridge.

5/ Elevated Expressway and 1st Metro Line being built in Dhaka.

6/ 3.4km tunnel being built in Chittagong.

Does this look to you like a country that is having any economic problems?

Yup, laundering inflation to begin with abusing GDDS non-sensitivity to it to get feelz growth numbers:


Not to mention the extremely low base BD is in, energy consumption still at 50s levels that India and Pakistan had....so each power plant or bloc of energy of course seems an infinite improvement. It is like opening canal in parched desert and saying this means there is no problem lol.

Become a non-LDC first and see what the actual ramp (that matters most in future compounding projection) you can sustain is. Harvard study projects only 4% long term given such factors as below:

Till then keep stitching the chaddi (not diversifying into anything else one bit), filing 0 or 1 patent a year at USPTO, having 70% poverty even in the most developed free market countries in the world....and lately winning 0 medals in asian games (even with 170+ million people) and getting thumped by Afghanistan in Cricket.

These accomplishments say it all :D

@django @Desert Fox @Imran Khan @Game.Invade @Aung Zaya
. . .
Come to the same level of Bangladesh before making such comment if you have any shame Mr. Rank 150th.

Pakistan must never ever strive to have the level of non-credibility and propaganda 3 millioner swamp has for the feelz. That would be a huge mistake.

It is doing fine in improving its corruption and credibility (Esp considering war on terror conflict) even if it means exposing where its lagging socioeconomically...and thus more ready to actually fix it on the ground where it counts.....rather than using BBS feelz and illegal emigration to both shield and deflect the reality.

Paper solution is no solution in the end. Same reason why no country outside BD recognises 3 million number. But everything in BD stems from this attitude of denial and lying......hence why the corruption is off the charts even for the region.....such a sheeple population becomes all the more reliant and dependent on the atrocious politicians....instead of bucking up and charting their own way too.
Pakistan must never ever strive to have the level of non-credibility and propaganda 3 millioner swamp has for the feelz. That would be a huge mistake.

It is doing fine in improving its corruption and credibility (Esp considering war on terror conflict) even if it means exposing where its lagging socioeconomically...and thus more ready to actually fix it on the ground where it counts.....rather than using BBS feelz and illegal emigration to both shield and deflect the reality.

Paper solution is no solution in the end. Same reason why no country outside BD recognises 3 million number. But everything in BD stems from this attitude of denial and lying......hence why the corruption is off the charts even for the region.....such a sheeple population becomes all the more reliant and dependent on the atrocious politicians....instead of bucking up and charting their own way too.

Do you consider 6 million Jews died during holocaust? Now if not do you consider Israel lies about it's stat of it's country? 3 million people died in 1971 has nothing to do with stat of Bangladesh.
Do you consider 6 million Jews died during holocaust? Now if not do you consider Israel lies about it's stat of it's country? 3 million people died in 1971 has nothing to do with stat of Bangladesh.

Holocaust has much much more evidence than anything that happened in BD.

Internationally every country recognises the holocaust happened (except maybe Iran), tell me which countries recognise BD govt one? They are polar opposites in recognition and evidence chain and debate.

This means everything, because if BD govt is lying this brazenly about something so fundamental (for the feelings), why would it suddenly be gods honest truth regarding everything else?
Holocaust has much much more evidence than anything that happened in BD.

Internationally every country recognises the holocaust happened (except maybe Iran), tell me which countries recognise BD govt one? They are polar opposites in recognition and evidence chain and debate.

This means everything, because if BD govt is lying this brazenly about something so fundamental (for the feelings), why would it suddenly be gods honest truth regarding everything else?

We are not talking about who accept or who deny holocaust. I am talking about is it statistically possible to proof 6 million jews died due to holocaust? Is it supported by European census data? Was there 6 million jews left under Nazi controlled area? When auschwitz concentration camp revised data in 1990s from 3 million to 1 million jews died there which can be as low as 250k, is it still possible 6 million Jews died specially 3 million jews died at auschwitz was the basis for 6 million jews died after second world war.

Obviously a huge number of Jews died due to hunger, disease and starvation which is not part of the holocaust.
Who even cares? I don't think developing countries are prized for their 'innovation'. And let's be honest, no one is going to India for their innovations. Its for access to call centre staff and cheap IT support.

Yup, laundering inflation to begin with abusing GDDS non-sensitivity to it to get feelz growth numbers:


Not to mention the extremely low base BD is in, energy consumption still at 50s levels that India and Pakistan had....so each power plant or bloc of energy of course seems an infinite improvement. It is like opening canal in parched desert and saying this means there is no problem lol.

Become a non-LDC first and see what the actual ramp (that matters most in future compounding projection) you can sustain is. Harvard study projects only 4% long term given such factors as below:

Till then keep stitching the chaddi (not diversifying into anything else one bit), filing 0 or 1 patent a year at USPTO, having 70% poverty even in the most developed free market countries in the world....and lately winning 0 medals in asian games (even with 170+ million people) and getting thumped by Afghanistan in Cricket.

These accomplishments say it all :D

@django @Desert Fox @Imran Khan @Game.Invade @Aung Zaya

Why don't you try inventing yourself some toilets?
উদ্ভাবনার ক্ষেত্রে সবার পিছনে বাংলাদেশ, কেন?
  • ১৭ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৮

Image captionনিউ ইয়র্কে গ্লোবাল ইনোভেশন ইনডেক্স ২০১৮ ফলাফল প্রকাশ অনুষ্ঠান।
নানা দেশের উদ্ভাবনী ক্ষমতার ওপর যে তালিকা তৈরি হয়েছে, তাতে দেখা যাচ্ছে বাংলাদেশের অবস্থানই সবার পেছনে।

আন্তর্জাতিক গবেষণা প্রতিষ্ঠান গ্লোবাল ইনোভেশন ইনডেক্স ২০১৮ অনুযায়ী, তালিকার সর্বনিম্নে আছে বাংলাদেশ, আর তার পাশাপাশি অন্যান্য দেশগুলো হচ্ছে শ্রীলংকা, পাকিস্তান, নেপাল এবং কাজাখস্তান।

আর এশিয়া অঞ্চলের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে বেশি উদ্ভাবনী শক্তি দেখা যায় যে দেশে - তা হলো সিঙ্গাপুর।

গত জুলাই মাসে এই রিপোর্টটি প্রকাশ করা হয়।

কিন্তু বাংলাদেশে যারা নিজেদের উদ্ভাবনী শক্তিকে কাজে লাগিয়ে একটা নতুন কিছু তৈরি করতে চান, তাদের ঠিক কী ধরনের সমস্যা মোকাবেলা করতে হয়?

তরুণ উদ্ভাবকদের পথ দেখানোর লক্ষ্য নিয়ে বাংলাদেশে ২০১৫ সালে চালু হয় 'দ্য ইনোভেশন হাব'।

ছবির কপিরাইটIMRAN FAHAD
Image captionইমরান ফাহাদ
আরও পড়তে পারেন:
উঁচুপদের সরকারি চাকরিতে কোটা বাতিলের সুপারিশ

বাঙালী শরণার্থীরা নাগরিকত্ব পাবেন: ইমরান খান

পরিবেশ দূষণের কারণে কী কী রোগ হতে পারে?

এর প্রতিষ্ঠাতা ইমরান ফাহাদ বলছেন, এক্ষেত্রে সবচেয়ে বড় বাধা হচ্ছে ফান্ডিং-র অভাব।

তিনি বলছেন, উদ্ভাবকরা জানেন না তাদের আইডিয়া নিয়ে কোথায় যেতে হবে, তারা যেটা তৈরি করতে যাচ্ছেন তার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় অর্থই বা কোথা থেকে জোগাড় হবে?

"আমাদের দেশে স্টার্ট-আপ কালচার মাত্র শুরু হয়েছে," বলছেন তিনি, "এধরনের প্রকল্পের জন্য সরকারের কাছে অর্থ ঠিকই রয়েছে। শুধু সে সম্পর্কে মানুষকে আরো বেশি বেশি করে জানাতে হবে।"

প্রযুক্তিবিদ অধ্যাপক মোহাম্মদ কায়কোবাদ মনে করেন, বাংলাদেশ উদ্ভাবনী শক্তির দিকে থেকে অন্য কোন দেশের চেয়ে কম নয়।

তিনি বলেন, উন্নত দেশগুলোর জনঘনত্ব ও বিনিয়োগ বিবেচনা করলে বাংলাদেশের উদ্ভাবনীশক্তির বিষয়ে কোন অভিযোগ করা চলে না।

তিনি উদ্ভাবকদের জন্য সবচেয়ে বড় চ্যালেঞ্জ হিসেবে চিহ্নিত করেন মেধার পরিচর্যার অভাবকে।

পাশাপাশি, নানা ধরনের ভৌত সমস্যাও রয়েছে বলে তিনি উল্লেখ করেন।

"যিনি পাবনায় বসে নতুন একটা কিছু বানাতে চান, তার সামনে নানা সমস্যা, "তিনি বলছেন, তার কাছে বিদ্যুৎ নেই, ইন্টারনেট সংযোগ নেই। তার কাজের দেখাশোনা জন্য রয়েছে মেন্টরের অভাব।"

তিনি বলেন, উদ্ভাবনী সত্তা তৈরি হয় দেশপ্রেম থেকে।

Image captionঅধ্যাপক মোহাম্মদ কায়কোবাদ
"বাংলাদেশের ব্যাংকিং খাতের জন্য বহু সফটওয়্যার রয়েছে। কিন্তু তারপরও ব্যাংক মালিকরা বিদেশ থেকে কেনা সফটওয়্যার ব্যবহার করতে বেশি পছন্দ করেন। এটাকে আপনি কী বলবেন?"

গবেষণার খাতে সরকারি অর্থায়নের নিয়মকে সম্পুর্ণভাবে বদলে দেয়া দরকার বলে তিনি মন্তব্য করেন।

বিভিন্ন মন্ত্রণালয়ে গবেষণার জন্য কিছু অর্থ বরাদ্দ থাকে বলে তিনি জানান, কিন্তু প্রকৃত গবেষণার বদলে সেই টাকা ব্যয় হয়ে যায় যন্ত্রপাতি কেনাকাটায়।
. .
And let's be honest, no one is going to India for their innovations. Its for access to call centre staff and cheap IT support.

India has the world's cheapest Ph.D's which is the cause for the cheap patents it produces. It seems sometimes that these Ph.Ds will work for food.

That is why all larger US outfits have opened 'innovation centers' in Indian cities and mostly in the South, where Ph.D wages are even cheaper than the North. Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad are swimming with Ph.Ds walking around with chappals.

But of course, the point is, you get what you pay for. These idiot cockroaches could not invent or 'innovate' their way out of a paper bag, if you ask their American gora managers.

I've met so many of these gora manager folks in get-togethers and social settings so many times on so many conversations. All of them say the same thing about their Indian 'innovation' quality.

Lazy, unmotivated, Indian schedule cast schmucks aren't even worth the one-third or one-fourth salary they are paid for the 'quality' of work you get in return, whether stateside or in India itself....the stories are legion. :lol:

These gora managers are at wits' end on how to motivate these South Indian idiots. Even the one fourth level salaries aren't worth it anymore.

Evolution, exposure, motivation, values, civilized behavior and polish don't magically appear if you pay someone a windfall salary all of a sudden. It takes years....and multiple generations of breeding and upbringing. These schmucks are at a lower than normal evolution level even for India.

Why don't you try inventing yourself some toilets?

That will take some time, and they are used to 'innovating' out in the open - old habits die hard...:laugh:
We are not talking about who accept or who deny holocaust. I am talking about is it statistically possible to proof 6 million jews died due to holocaust? Is it supported by European census data? Was there 6 million jews left under Nazi controlled area? When auschwitz concentration camp revised data in 1990s from 3 million to 1 million jews died there which can be as low as 250k, is it still possible 6 million Jews died specially 3 million jews died at auschwitz was the basis for 6 million jews died after second world war.

Obviously a huge number of Jews died due to hunger, disease and starvation which is not part of the holocaust.
People should not be naive enough to question even the authenticity of the Nazi killing all over Europe. Read the Daily Telegraph report and also many other reports of what Hitler did to the humanity. It was not only Jews who were killed in mass. There were other nationalities who were exterminated by Hitler's Germany.

Perhaps, you have little perception of what was a death or (poison) gas chamber under the Hitler regime. He managed to kill more than thirteen millions of innocent people with this kind of slaughtering machines as well as machine gun bullets.

Tuesday 18 September 2018
The Holocaust death toll

A memorial to Jewish deaths
2:18PM GMT 26 Jan 2005

Millions of Jews, gypsies, Russians, and prisoners of war died in Hitler's death camps as part of his Final Solution plans.

Below is a list of the death toll.
  • Between five and six million Jews
  • More than three million Soviet prisoners of war
  • More than two million Soviet civilians
  • More than one million Polish civilians
  • More than one million Yugoslav civilians
  • About 70,000 men, women, and children with mental and physical handicaps
  • More than 200,000 gipsies
  • Unknown numbers of political prisoners, resistance fighters, homosexuals and deportees
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