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Bangladesh Navy Submarines

type 214 is costy sub and buying 12 sub by 2025 'll take bangladesh in the league of somalia for sure! :)

are you talking about yourself?? Hmmm .... let me get this straight... with the largest number of hungry population in the world still after the 60/70 year of independence, has the pathetic ambition of becoming world power with other countries arms... hah!
Why you guys are always bashing BD . They have also desire like any other nation and they are doing pretty well and will for sure come out like winners and have a fleet of SUBs. Well buying Chinese second hand sub looks not a good idea or maybe it's good idea for training the navy personnel and later to buy a new SUB.
A force of 12 diesel submarines, 100 J-10B and 100 J-21 is achievable by 2030.

Impress me with some statistics as to why this is not possible.

Even if you grow at 10% per year till 2030....your economy will be close to $600bn.

You cant afford those toys at current prices even today.
Who said you need to have links to open a thread? I can give you buckets of threads in your and Indian section which is born out of members' fantasies. They post it just to discuss their heart out and guess what Imran, they get 20 likes on average!

Plus BD submarine program is disclosed long back. All we need to do it anticipate. So there is no issue here. So keep this logic to yourself, with due respect.


Hey hey, the billion dollars soft loan from india is not meant to be squandered as such....
No cheers...
Have you thought about the Agosta 90Bs with AIP that Pakistan manufactures with French TOT ? :undecided:
very much possible around 2019 as quoted by BD PM

if bangladesh grow on average 7% till 2020.there gdp would be roughly around 244billions

now if there budget is 3% of GDP than there defence budget would be 7billions USD

more than enough to get high tech submarine,fighter aircrafts ,tanks and alot of arms.

by 2030 bangladesh GDP would be around 764billions USD if grow on average 7% till 2030..may be 70billions usd even more

and if 3% of gdp is termed as bangladesh defence budget would be 23-24billions

even Nuclear submarine and aircraft are possible than
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No. No nuke submarine as the first submarine.


Besides, countries typically don't export those. Though, India is one exception.
Hey hey, the billion dollars soft loan from india is not meant to be squandered as such....
No cheers...

For you information, that 1 billion peanut loan was offered ages ago but the previous Government wasn't interested at all and even the present Government is keen to have them because they want to rip money off from every possible source, but it's still hanging in your basket. Next Government will certainly push that offer away!!!
For you information, that 1 billion peanut loan was offered ages ago but the previous Government wasn't interested at all and even the present Government is keen to have them because they want to rip money off from every possible source, but it's still hanging in your basket. Next Government will certainly push that offer away!!!

And u want subs for?
One thing we tend to forget that just having enormous military power does not guarantee national security and stability, example - USSR. Indeed, military power is important however that needs to be aligned with a country's strategic objective and proportionate to the financial capability as we all know (I don't mean to lecture on this subject but just thought to remind some of us who are not making sensible comments).

Israel's strategic objective is not same as other countries or not many countries Governments are as rogue as North Korea; likewise Taiwan's security concern is not similar to many other countries.

While Bangladesh is working to improve it's economy, it also is trying have a modern military capability to PROTECT itself (people, land, sea, national security and stability etc.) and live peacefully, not to INVADE or THREATEN others! And certainly Bangladesh is not in a competition with others to show off the military might!

We have a fair ambition and we are working on that.
A force of 12 diesel submarines, 100 J-10B and 100 J-21 is achievable by 2030.

Impress me with some statistics as to why this is not possible.

The super power Bangladesh should get at least one submarine of each of the latest Chinese types including Qing and Tang type submarines. Also please buy JF 17, J 10, J 20 and J 31 and any other latest chinese toy that you can get your hands on. We will be very thankful to you.

Can you not do that yourself now? If you can't us having one will still mean you cant detect it.

Nothing can be beat the analysis of the subs we can do in the Bangladeshi harbor.

Hey hey, the billion dollars soft loan from india is not meant to be squandered as such....
No cheers...

Why are Indians playing spoilsport here. This is the best way to get full details about Chinese toys. Heck I say lets even give them a few billion dollars loan to buy these Chinese toys. They can never use it against us just like their BDR who are mute spectators of BSF activities on boarder. So the only people who will use this toys will be DRDO scientists.

Go for it Bangladesh we are with you
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