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Bangladesh Military prepares for a WAR against Myanmar

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Mar 14, 2008
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Bangladesh Military prepares to defend motherland in the face of Myanmar aggression

The Bangladesh military is preparing for war as Myanmar refuses to withdraw from the sovereign territory of Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Navy has already deployed five warships, while the fleet has been put on alert. The Bangladesh Air Force is also preparing according to sources within the organisation. Bangladeshi's from all walks of life have condemned the aggression by the neighbouring country ruled by an oppressive regime.

Tension is mounting over the intrusion of Myanmar vessels into Bangladesh territorial waters after Myanmar Tuesday said it will continue exploration of oil and gas in deep-sea blocks in the Bay of Bengal.

Bangladesh on Sunday and Monday twice summoned the Myanmar envoy in Dhaka and lodged strong protest asking to stop exploration in Bangladesh territorial waters.

Foreign Adviser Dr. Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury yesterday told newsman that a high-level delegation to Myanmar, led by Foreign Secretary M Touhid Hossain, will try to defuse the current situation.

He said more substantive discussions on maritime boundary will take place on November 16 and 17 when a delegation from Myanmar, to be headed by a Deputy Minister, will come to Bangladesh.

The Foreign Adviser said, "It will be our endeavour to settle the issue diplomatically, for Bangladesh is a peace-loving country. But let it also be understood that we will do all that it takes to protect our sovereignty."

He said Bangladesh has so far refrained from energy exploration in disputed waters. "It is our hope Myanmar will do the same."

The World Bulletin, an online news source, referring Reuters news agency reported that Myanmar will press ahead with oil and gas exploration in deep-sea blocks in the Bay of Bengal despite Bangladesh's claim to the disputed area.

"We have no reason to stop the exploration activities since these blocks are located in our exclusive economic zone. We will go ahead with it," a senior official from Myanmar's Foreign Ministry told Reuters.

"We summoned the Bangladeshi Ambassador to the Foreign Ministry on November 2 and lodged a complaint against the intrusion of their naval ships into our territory, and told them to leave," the official told the news agency, declining to be named.

Meanwhile, Bangladesh and Myanmar overnight mobilized more war ships in the Bay of Bengal as diplomatic efforts were underway to resolve the row over the Yangon's attempt to explore hydrocarbon in disputed maritime boundary.
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Main article: List of equipment in Union of Myanmar Navy
Vessel Type Quantity
Corvettes - 4
Offshore Patrol Boats - 3
Coastal Patrol Crafts - 12
Inshore Patrol Boats - 6
River Patrol Craft - 36
Gunboats - 21
Survey Ships - 2
Support Ships - 2
Transport/Landing Ships -14
Bangladesh Navy Ships/Equipment

[edit] Frigates
Name Pennant Number Class
Khalid Bin Walid F25 Ulsan class
(ex-Xingtan) F18 Type 053H1
Umar Faruq
(ex-Llandaff) F16 Type 61
Abu Bakr
(ex-Lynx) F15 Type 41
Ali Haider
(ex-Jaguar) F17 Type 41

[edit] 'Offshore Patrol Vessel" EX RN Island class patrol vessels





Bangladesh Military prepares to defend motherland in the face of Myanmar aggression

The Bangladesh military is preparing for war as Myanmar refuses to withdraw from the sovereign territory of Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Navy has already deployed five warships, while the fleet has been put on alert. The Bangladesh Air Force is also preparing according to sources within the organisation. Bangladeshi's from all walks of life have condemned the aggression by the neighbouring country ruled by an oppressive regime.


That would be the most stupid thing to do as Myanmar Navy and Army are no walk overs. They will retaliate and Bangladesh economy will suffer.

War seems to be an over reaction!

Trying to sort out the issue peacefully through negotiations is the right approach for both these poor nations.
Bangladesh has been maintaining "emergency status" since 2006 but yesterday president of Bangladesh ordered to withdraw troops and half-lifted emergency status. All army personnel are told to report in their headquarters. There could be a war but I don't think BD will suffer crisis in economy. Because lots of money will be on the way for this from all parts of the world.
There could be a war but I don't think BD will suffer crisis in economy. Because lots of money will be on the way for this from all parts of the world.

Please clarify how that will happen ?

Going into war on this matter is not only stupid, silly, self-devastating, but also looks childish and sounds petulant.

Where are the wise men in both countries?

Somebody/country has to step in and mediate the thing out, if it is indeed on verge of a war.
That would be the most stupid thing to do as Myanmar Navy and Army are no walk overs. They will retaliate and Bangladesh economy will suffer.


I totally disagree. Bangladesh has a full right to protect its water from it's enemy...and I dont think it will harm it's economy. Whats the point of forming Military then if it comes for no good for our country...!!
Bangladesh Military is surely stronger than Myanmar. Yes, I admit that we are less in number than Myanmar, but, numbers dont win a war. rather its the skill and discipline, which the Bangladesh Miltary has got enough. Let me tell you 1 difference between the Bangladesh Military and Myanmar Military: as far as I know, the Myanmar Military sometimes wear sandals(up to their wish!!) instead of boots while the Bangladesh Military are strictly sticked with discipline. its just a simple difference between us.
I totally disagree. Bangladesh has a full right to protect its water from it's enemy...and I dont think it will harm it's economy. Whats the point of forming Military then if it comes for no good for our country...!!
Bangladesh Military is surely stronger than Myanmar. Yes, I admit that we are less in number than Myanmar, but, numbers dont win a war. rather its the skill and discipline, which the Bangladesh Miltary has got enough. Let me tell you 1 difference between the Bangladesh Military and Myanmar Military: as far as I know, the Myanmar Military sometimes wear sandals(up to their wish!!) instead of boots while the Bangladesh Military are strictly sticked with discipline. its just a simple difference between us.

The VietCong wore sandals and the beat France Usa and China. Mukti bahini were bare foot and they won you freedom.

I assure you Bangladesh will be ruined if they go to war. Myanmar has nothing to loose and Bangladesh has all to loose and no one in the world or the Ummah will help you if you go to war.

Don't underestimate the foes.

The Myanmar military is no pushover.

People just seem to be spoiling for war here to get some excitement in their lives!
yes definitely BD has right to protect it's waters but i think bangladeshi economy is doing ok ? better not to risk it and find a diplomatic solution and appeal to the international community to put pressure of myanmar war should be last resort only.
Joint Exploration seems to be the best option.
yes definitely BD has right to protect it's waters but i think bangladeshi economy is doing ok ? better not to risk it and find a diplomatic solution and appeal to the international community to put pressure of myanmar war should be last resort only.
Your answer is here sir. just read the blue colored lines.

Bangladesh Navy deploys another warship to confront Myanmar aggressors

Peace-loving Bangladesh is trying to use all diplomatic measures in an attempt to diffuse the current maritime dispute in the Bay of Bengal though Myanmar has kept drilling despite protests from Dhaka. Another Bangladesh Navy warship has been deployed in the troubled waters to give Myanmar a reminder that other less diplomatic options can be exercised too.

Bangladesh said Tuesday it has deployed another warship to the Bay of Bengal and would send a top diplomat to Myanmar amid escalating tensions over gas exploration in disputed waters.

Foreign Minister Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury told AFP a three-member team led by Bangladesh's foreign secretary would fly to Myanmar later in the day to try to resolve the row.

"They will discuss the latest situation with Myanmar officials and try to defuse the situation," he said.

Chowdhury said Bangladesh would "endeavour to settle the issue diplomatically" but warned of unspecified action if Myanmar continued to hunt for gas.

"Let it also be understood that we will do all that it takes to protect our sovereignty," he said, repeating earlier warnings that the South Asian nation would not hesitate to take "all possible measures."

He said Bangladesh has so far refrained from energy exploration in disputed waters, despite its earlier invitation to foreign oil companies to explore offshore for gas.

"It is our hope Myanmar will do the same," he added.

A top navy official said a frigate had been sent to the disputed waters, joining the three warships already deployed 50 kilometres (31 miles) south of Saint Martin Island, close to the border between the two countries.

"We deployed a British-made frigate, the BNS Kopothakka, to step up patrols, as Myanmar's navy had not yet shifted its vessels engaged in exploration activities" he said.

"Other vessels in our fleet were kept on stand-by," he said.

Still Myanmar refused to wthdraw from our sovereign territory. What do you think BD should do after all these incidents...?
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