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Baluchistan issue coverage by media - fair?


Jun 1, 2012
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I dont know if this particular aspect of the issue has been discussed. Nevertheless, I am posting this.

So you think the coverage of the Pakistani media and BBC/BBC-URDU is fair? Like i frequently visit BBCUrdu and they hardly miss any 'statement' that comes out of any lost Baloch rebels mouth. Clearly, they (these few rebels) dont have the mandate to speak for whole of Baluchistan as they NEVER won sweepingly in the province in history, they hardly represent their tribes, but being rich they are able to finance the trouble there and get the media attention.

Here, now at bbc.co.uk/urdu/ they are trying make a leader out of grandson of bugti by yesterday posting his picture and interview on their frontage, as otherwise who would listen to this scum who is living in Switzerland and speaking for all Balochis. I know a lot of Pakistanis who use internet do actually read this site and I have heard opinions from Pakistanis which actually appear to have inspiration and 'knowledge' from this site.

The irony is those there claim to speak for the poor there who are maybe richer than many Pakistani rich people. Clearly, it is not about funding at the same time when in last 10 year there have been more funds allocated to Baluchistan than other provinces, it is about they (a bunch of sardars who created trouble from beginning) do not want to live with Pakistan. Currently this dys-functional is busy in giving them amnesties for slaughtering any non-Baluchis in Baluchistan.

Now for the enemies of Pakistan its fine, but would this make sense for any patriotic Pakistani to help these rebels by giving them a opportunity to spread their propaganda?

And for lord's sake do not compare it with Bangladesh because :-

- There is no one single party in Baluchistan who has sweepingly won and now wants separation
- There is no ethnic hatred otherwise between baluchi and others in the country.
- The population of ethnic baluchis is appr. 5 million out of 180 million Pakistan
- Baluchistan is not 2000 km away from west Pakistan and there is no India bordering Baluchistan who can help to make a decisive victory to these scums.
Yesterday that A-hole Bugti was on BBC Urdu and openly said that they have only one aim now, to gain independence. And they will fight for it.

Why is this guy being given coverage? Why is he being aired? There should be a ban on airing these kind of interviews.

He has openly declared war now, by saying that they are wanting freedom from this state and they will fight. Now what defence will those Hamid Mir's and all those put up for this guy?

If these people have a problem with Pakistan, (remember, Baluchistan is also home to Pashtuns, and they don't have a problem, and only 3 baloch tribes have a problem), so if these chaps have a problem, they can go off to A-Stan or Iran or why doesn't Bugti take all these people to Switzerland with him and give them a nice European tour?
PLEASE tell me do you hear any grievences about balochistan? all we hear is PUNJABis fighting sindhis 7 Karachi people crying for rights!!

has there ever been any bulletin where they have discussed issues as sanitation,water crisis,electricity crisis! industries issue???

answer is Balochistan issue even if our ministers wish to discuss balochistan issue they prefer sitting in a 5 star hotel in islamabad drinking imported water & discussing balochistan over dinner!

rather than sit in khuzdar,tank,gawadar,quetta and discussing balochistan!
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