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Balochistan Related Pakistan's Stance

Fasih Khan

Apr 1, 2010
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Check The Propaganda: Pakistani Baloch Were Never Victimized

Pakistani journalists and commentators are unknowingly repeating lies which anti-Pakistan elements use for propaganda. Our media must remember two points: how resources are equally distributed and that the economic mess is the work of politicians and terrorists in the province.

SPECIAL REPORT | Thursday | 8 March 2012

QUETTA, Pakistan—Pakistani media and commentators are repeating a mistake and accepting it as truth. That mistake is the myth of victimization of our Pakistani Baloch in their homeland, Pakistan.

Unfortunately, our media promotes these lies and our enemies in two foreign countries then use it to weaken us and mislead our young Pakistani Baloch.

To start, the myth revolves around the idea that Pakistani Baloch are or were deprived of state resources and were not allowed to manage their affairs.

Exactly how Pakistani Balochis received an unfair deal is never spelled out in any detail. But the accusation is leveled with confidence as if it’s true.

It is time to break this myth.

FACT ONE: Balochistan receives more share in state resources. With less than five per cent of Pakistan's population, the southwestern province receives nine per cent of the total federal funds allocation. How can this be a raw deal?

FACT TWO: Balochistan resources are used in the same way that resources of all other provinces are used. The rules for this are laid down in the Constitution and are same for all the provinces, as they should be. If the provincial government of Balochistan or local politicians feel the rules are not fair, they can approach the Supreme Court with relevant proof for redress. This is an option that was never exercised because there’s no case.

FACT THREE: Balochistan province lags behind in the areas of security, education, healthcare and jobs. But all of these subjects fall under the purview of the provincial government, which has always been in the hands of Baloch politicians. If blame is to be assigned it should be laid mostly, if not completely, on persons that have ruled the province as representatives of the Pakistani Baloch. These rulers of the province include those terrorists who are today working with United States and India to spread terror in southwest Pakistan.

FACT FOUR: Terrorists working with foreign powers have destroyed Balochistan’s economy. By resorting to terrorism in collaboration with foreign powers, the few traitors acting in the name of Baloch people have killed or scared away most of the teachers, doctors and professional Pakistanis in the province. Both Baloch and non-Baloch professional Pakistanis avoid the province thanks to these terrorists. No sane person is going to even think of making an investment in the province in the conditions that these terrorists have created. Thousands of jobs have been lost because of schools, hospitals and business closures and prospects for the future rendered dim. This is not the work of the federal government or any of the other Pakistani provinces. This mess is the creation of these terrorists who also happen to be sons of two or three tribal chiefs.

The great Pakistani Baloch must realize that the people who have created the present situation are not their friends and do not have their best interest at heart. Most of them have sold their souls to foreign governments or, at best, are in it for themselves. The rest are too gullible or ill-informed and have fallen prey to a false sense of injustice which is not helping the cause of Balochistan province or of Pakistan.

Understanding Balochistan Part - I

Pervez Musharraf

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It is painful to see what is happening in Balochistan. It is more painful to see accusations being made against the army or the Frontier Corps (FC), Balochistan, or even me, that we were the cause of the problem. Such accusers, who are actually trying to gain political mileage, do not realise how much they are damaging the solidarity and unity of Pakistan.

There also are TV anchors and writers in the print media who with, their half-baked knowledge, cause more damage to the cause of Pakistan. My motivation for writing this article is to remove some misperceptions and distortions and expose the vicious propaganda that is misleading the people of Pakistan on the Balochistan issue.

Balochistan was debated in a US Congressional committee and aspersions were cast on human rights violations. Signs of an ulterior motive of planting seeds of separation were visible. I have always warned of a known foreign hand trying to destabilise Pakistan through Afghanistan and Balochistan. This is now getting serious. Pakistan must take immediate note and tell the US not to encourage anti-Pakistan activity in its highest legislative bodies. It is a pity that human rights violations are not being noticed in Kashmir or Assam in India but are visible only in Balochistan. I strongly reject these planted notions of human rights violations or missing persons in Balochistan as anti-Pakistan designs being promoted by agents provocateurs.

Brutal suppression of demonstrations for public rights by citizens within a state does come under the purview of human rights but use of modern weapons to kill innocent people of a different ethnicity, undertake terrorist activity to disrupt/damage national infrastructure, launching a guerrilla war for separation against government forces, openly challenging the writ of the government by a small minority of the population is intolerable for any state and needs to be dealt with with an iron hand.

There certainly have not been any human rights violations in Balochistan. A few of the sardars have always shown anti-Pakistan tendencies since the country’s inception. Operations have been launched against them in the Ayub era, the Bhutto era, the Zia era, and then during my tenure. Such confrontations are not unique to my tenure.

Balochistan has a total population of about eight million (four percent of Pakistan’s population). Forty percent of these are Pukhtuns who inhabit west and north Balochistan bordering Afghanistan. They have orchards and are peace-loving traders. They are not Taliban supporters, they are very patriotic and strongly pro-Pakistan. The area to the south of Turbat, Panjgur and Bela is the Mekran coast. This area, and even up to Khuzdar and Kalat, is populated by Brahvi-speaking Baloch. These twenty percent of the Baloch population are very different from tribal Baloch. They are entirely pro-Pakistan.

This leaves the area in the centre and east Balochistan bordering Punjab and Sindh. It is this area that Marri, Bugti, Mengal, Rind and several other tribes inhabit. They are pro-Pakistan. It is mainly the Marri and Bugti areas where agitation is found. Their combined population is about 400,000 (0.25 percent of the population of Pakistan). Even in these tribes the major part of the population is not with the sardars.

The biggest sub-tribe of the Bugti clan, the 70,000-strong Kalpar Bugti, were expelled from their lands in a vendetta launched by Nawab Akbar Bugti, who forced them to languish in Punjab and Sindh for over 15 years. It was our government which resettled them on their own land for which they remain ever grateful to me. In the Marri area the rich Chamalang coalmines were closed owing to a Pakhtun-Baloch ethnic feud. Through strong action we got the dispute resolved and the coalmines were made operational again.

Thousands of people got employment and millions of rupees worth of coal was sold daily from the mines. Fifteen percent of the revenue generated went to Kohlu district, which probably became the richest district of Pakistan. The Marris were extremely happy at their newfound development. They will not follow their decadent sardars. In the Mengal tribe, Naseer Ullah Mengal is a prominent tribal leader. He is strongly opposed to the Akhtar Mengal group.

The question that arises is as to who are these militants opposing Pakistan and engaging in separatism. They are a few tribal followers of the agitating sardars and their offspring living abroad getting protection from foreign agencies. These tribal followers, who perhaps number 2,000 to 3,000, spread into some sixty “Ferrari camps” and, armed by foreign agencies, are the ones resorting to militancy. When governments show weakness or adopt a policy of appeasement towards them, these separatists and militants run wild and suppress the pro-Pakistan population, which is in vast majority.

Some of the sardars are very vicious, unforgiving and decadent. They believe in keeping their tribes backward and under subjugation. A typical insight was provided by none other than Nawab Akbar Bugti in an interview on June 29, 2006, with the Economist magazine. The magazine said “Mr Bugti claims to have killed his first man at the age of twelve.” Bugti was quoted as saying, “What is better than seeing your enemies driven before you and then taking their women to bed?”

Ninety percent of Balochistan was “B” area and only 10 percent was “A” area. In the “B” areas writ was exercised by the tribal sardars through the “Levies,” These Levies were paid by the government through the sardars who would keep a good chunk of the money themselves. Also, in cases of confrontations with the army or the Frontier Corps, which were not an infrequent occurrence, the government- paid levies acted as soldiers of the Sardars’ militias.

I gradually converted the entire “B” area, district-wise, into “A” area. We raised an additional police force for districts and additional 10 wings of the FC, creating thousands of jobs to augment law and order. This was not received well by some of the sardars, notably the Marris, the Bugtis and the Mengals.

It would be appropriate to talk of Nawab Akbar Bugti`s episode here. He was challenging the authority of the FC, the army, the provincial government and, indeed, of Pakistan. On his behest gas pipelines, electricity pylons, road bridges and railways lines were being intermittently blown up by miscreants. On one single day 450 rockets were fired at Sui gas installations. The FC garrisons were subjected to rocket and machinegun fire. The FC’s movement in Dera Bugti was restricted.

When the FC retaliated, Akbar Bugti escalated the confrontation and, with his close followers, went into the mountains. During the ensuing confrontation he was located in a cave in the mountains. The cave was surrounded and four officers went inside, quite clearly to ask him to surrender. If the intention had been to kill him, the officers would never have gone in like that.

After that an explosion took place and the cave collapsed, unfortunately burying Nawab Akbar Bugti and the four officers inside. The explosion, most likely, was from a planted explosive device or a rocket being fired. The officers certainly could not have been carrying rocket launchers. This is a clear case of a self-inflicted casualty.

(To be concluded)
Indians Stay Out Of This Thread. I Do Not want them to Participate and make it a Trollfest. It's Just about Pakistan's Perspective.
Don't ethnic Baloch people make up only 40% of Balochistan, anyway?
Don't ethnic Baloch people make up only 40% of Balochistan, anyway?

That's Not Right Scum. They are perhaps 6-8 % of Pakistan's population.

As of the 1998 census, Balochistan had a population of 8 million inhabitants, representing approximately 5% of the Pakistani population. Wiki
Read what I wrote again. I was asking if they make up 40% of BALOCHISTAN's population, not Pakistan. Talking in terms of their own province.
People of Balochistan want freedom from Sardars: Muhabbat Khan Mari

By Abdul Hafeez - Feb 21st, 2012 (7 Comments)

As a US lawmaker tabled bill in the House of Representatives, espousing self-determination for Balochistan, Pakistani media has been airing string of programmes and holding debates on the issue with several Baloch leaders sharing their views on how to redress the miseries of people of Pakistan’s southwestern province.
In an interview with a local Urdu daily published here on Tuesday, senior Baloch leader and provincial minister Muhabbat Khan Mari has said that Baloch separatist leaders were responsible for all the problems facing the people of Balochistan. He says it seems absolutely ridiculous when Baloch Sardars like Attaulluh Mengal, Akhtar Mengal, Nawab Khair Bux Mari, Barhamdagh Bugti and Herbyar Mari speak about rights of Balochis as they were who exploited the nation.

He said had there been people support for Herbyar Mari, there would have been his influence in at least three Tehseels of the province.

Muhabbat Mari claims only five percent of people have been supporting the separatists.

He says every Baloch child is ready to shed his last drop of blood for Pakistan.

When asked to elaborate situation in Kohlu district, deemed as stronghold of separatists, he said on the one side there were 180 million people of Pakistan while on the other hand only handful of terrorists and still the government of Pakistan seemed to be failed in controlling the miscreants. “Seeking separation is not new for this Sardars,” he said and added Khair Bux Mari lived in Russia for 20 years while his son Herbyar Mari had also been living in Europe. “They have no influence in Kohlu district despite they offered Rs10, 000 to jobless youth to join them,” he said. Mr Mari added that he knew financial status of Mari separatist Sardars and they could not purchase weapons. “Now they are having weapons and living in expensive cities like London.How come deprived Balochs live such a luxurious lives”.

He said Herbayar Mari had spent time in a London jail and was released after Rehman Malik’s efforts.

When asked to comment on excesses with Baloch, Mr Mari said it was beyond any doubt that excesses were committed not other than Baloch Sardars who ruled the province as governors and chife ministers. “I ask them what measures they took for providing basic amenities, education and employment to Baloch people,”. He said Sardars were responsible for injustices as they tried to make Balochis their salves.

He recalls the past and says Nawab Mehrullah Mari, father of famous Baloch leader Khair Bux Mari, didn’t allow British government to open a primary school in his area some 95 years ago. He said the Sardars wanted to keep people away from education.

Answering a question whether Baloch separatists could achieve their goal through US intervention he said: “Even father of this terrorist will not be able to achieve this goal”. We will free people of Balochistan form the shackles of this Sardars and our children would scarify for the integrity of Pakistan.

He also denied that any military operation was going on in the province. Mari said India was funneling arms and money to terrorists in Dera Murad Jamali, Sibbi, Kohlu and Makran through Afghanistan.

People of Balochistan want freedom from Sardars: Muhabbat Khan Mari | The News Tribe
Pakistan should rein in on anti-state propaganda outlets without giving a damn to what US or the zionists west thinks.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean individuals can take part in secessionist activities.
Agreed Luffy 500. Pakistan Should Ensure Balochis Rights. Should Do Much Needed Development in the province and taking Balochis In-confiedence eleminate the State Enemies, After warning them to stop playing in others hands.
the main problem is sardari system...how can a sardar imagine that his slave eat same food which he eat ..drive same car which he drive..have same house which he have and offcourse our politicians
These are the people Pakistani government has to take to the task, Rana4pak.

The same old gung-ho approach again and agian.

You can't take on sardars by force, you have to give the tribals a better alternative.

People living in urban centres just don't understand the tribal system. A sardar is, UNFORTUNATELY AND SADLY, a better alternative to a poor and uneducated tribal than our inefficient government.

Our government can't provide education, social security, or employment opportunities while a sardar will pay close Rs. 15,000 per month along with an AK-47 to that tribal person.

Now put yourself in his shoes and then decide whether you are going to support that sardar or the government.
The Balochistan CM has a Hummer H2, a Harley Davidson, and some other Balochistan minister has two Diamond studded Rolex watches, 10 gold cufflings, and 200 tola gold.

Now, they should be distributing some money and the baloch should wake up now and see this.

This kind of corruption is absolutely outrageous.
""FACT ONE: Balochistan receives more share in state resources. With less than five per cent of Pakistan's population, the southwestern province receives nine per cent of the total federal funds allocation. How can this be a raw deal?

BL may have less than 5% of pop. but they have 50% of resources and need to get benefit of all their resources. They should not be begging the punjabis to allocate what is due to them.

"FACT TWO: Balochistan resources are used in the same way that resources of all other provinces are used."
Yes indeed, resources of all provinces are first used up for Punjab, then Sindh then KP and only the BL. Pak courts and govt are corrupt so they enver can hope for justice. So they have to struggle

"FACT THREE: Balochistan province lags behind in the areas of security, education, healthcare and jobs. "
this is beause Punjab govt ahs never invested what they take out from BL. The jobs are given to Punjabis and chinese only.

"FACT FOUR: Terrorists working with foreign powers have destroyed Balochistan’s economy."

Pak ensure that BL has no economy to start with. Not 1 Re of the resources taken out were given back to BL people

the main problem is sardari system...how can a sardar imagine that his slave eat same food which he eat ..drive same car which he drive..have same house which he have and offcourse our politicians
thats equality right... the great sardars ensure that his slave gets the same things that he gets.. wow. great.
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