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Balochistan MPAs press for Sharia law, hijab, ban on mehndis


Apr 25, 2012
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If Maulana Abdul Bari Agha had his way, any woman who did not wear the hijab would be punished, television dramas would be banned, any government officer who did not pray five times would be fined and mehndis at weddings would be proscribed.

The Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-F elected representative gave seven proposals for new amendments to the Council of Islamic Ideology during the session of the Balochistan Assembly on Thursday.
The MPAs, at least the ones who bothered to show up for the session, demanded the use of Sharia law, continued to rail against the imposition of Governor Rule in the province and criticized renewed corruption investigations into five ministries. The session started about one hour behind schedule with Speaker Syed Matiullah Agha in chair. Only 15 out of 65 members turned up and at least 17 are required to run the business of the house. But none of ministers present pointed out the lack of quorum.
As with the session three days ago, members chose to peg the president’s decision to impose Governor Rule to the use of Sharia law. The argument is that if the president can remove the elected government of Balochistan using articles from the Constitution then why can’t he do the same to implement the recommendations of the Council of Islamic Ideology?
JUI-F leaders Maulvi Abdul Samad Akhundzada, Maulvi Sarwar Musakhel, Syed Ahsan Shah, Ainullah Shams, Asad Baloch of the Balochistan National Party-Awami joined others to speak on this point.
They said that Pakistan was achieved in the name of Islam but after 60 years the recommendations of the council to change non-Islamic laws into Islamic ones had yet to be implemented. The speaker tasked a committee to be headed by former senior minister Maulana Abdul Wasay to undertake this.

The members then lashed out at the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) which has recently opened investigations into five ministries on allegations of corruption. Maulvi Sarwar Musakhel asked why NAB had kept silent for the last five years but was now suddenly calling their members dacoits and thieves every few days. “I ask, was Balochistan Governor Nawab Zulfiqar Ali Magsi himself not held by NAB and did an Arab prince not secure his release after paying up?” He said that NAB could scare nawabs and sardars but it could not scare the JUI-F.
Another MPA to decry what he perceived as double standards was former minister and leader of the Balochistan National Party-Awami, Syed Ahsan Shah, who called the prime minister ‘Raja Rental Power’, saying that as he was accused of corruption worth Rs520 billion he did not have the right to impose governor ‘s rule on Balochistan. “The chairman of NAB himself has said that 65 per cent of corruption is being committed in Punjab but no action is being taken against anyone there because most of the NAB officials belong to Punjab,” he added.
Ainullah Shams of the JUI-F said that NAB’s allegations were absolutely baseless.
Another complaint the MPAs made was the absence of security for them under Governor Rule. Maulana Abdul Wasay brought this up. In response, the speaker directed the secretary of the assembly to write the federal interior ministry that MPAs were not being provided security and the chief secretary of Balochistan was not respecting their wishes.
The speaker adjourned the session for an indefinite period.
Maulana Abdul Bari was one member who did not criticise governor’s rule and NAB.

Balochistan MPAs press for Sharia law, hijab, ban on mehndis – The Express Tribune
First thing first - stop production of Alcohol from the land of the pure - close down Murree Brewery for ever. Alcohol is Haram and nearly 400 Muslims are working in there flouting Sharia laws.

Why is he silent on this and against the interests of women?
If Maulana Abdul Bari Agha had his way, any woman who did not wear the hijab would be punished, television dramas would be banned, any government officer who did not pray five times would be fined and mehndis at weddings would be proscribed.

The Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-F elected representative gave seven proposals for new amendments to the Council of Islamic Ideology during the session of the Balochistan Assembly on Thursday.

Any Hadith or Ayat in which this happens? ANY ONE?
Any Hadith or Ayat in which this happens? ANY ONE?

Islam Question and Answer - Verses and hadeeth about hijab

Any Hadith or Ayat in which this happens? ANY ONE?

Q: What Islam says about rasam-e-hina or mehandi and meau? Can these ceremonies be celebrated without songs and dancing? Is mehndi is sunnat? Can women wear yellow dress and can paste "ubtan"?

Answer: Rasme hina comprises various types of sins like dancing, singing, unveiling of women in front of strange people and to put henna on the hands of the groom by the ladies of the bride and on the hands of the bride by the ladies of the groom. To put henna on the hands of the groom consist of two unlawful acts.
1) It is unlawful for a man to use henna on his hands because it is resemblance to women.
2) The unveiling of strange women in front of the groom who is an unconfident person for those women as well these women touch the groom's body. It is also another unlawful act. Therefore such a bad custom can never be lawful only by leaving dancing and singing. As concerning to use of henna for women so there is no problem in it. Rather it is a sunnah for them. There are many narrations, which tell us that the Holy Prophet (Sallal lahu Alaihe Wassalam) ordered women to use henna. As regarding "Mayoon", if the custom of "Mayoon" also consist of the same unlawful acts which have been mentioned in previous lines so there is no doubt that it is also forbidden (Haram) in Islam. There is no problem in wearing yellow dress and in cleaning the body with particular paste of "Mayoon". And women are not allowed to get out from their house without any religious need.

source: http://www.islamyat.net/q&a/marriage/answers.html
Complicated ...everyone pretends to be better muslim than other and the process will end when people grow beard from face to ground and pray till death ...
God bless some lively hearts which wants to beat in some lively occasions ..

Complicated ...everyone pretends to be better muslim than other and the process will end when people grow beard from face to ground and pray till death ...
God bless some lively hearts which wants to beat in some lively occasions ..
Syed Matiullah Agha should not be sitting in the Balochistan Assembly. Instead he is the speaker in the National Assembly. But if someone looks at the lower level they will know exactly what the issue is. People have no one to elect in many parts but Mullahs. The most poorly developed districts have successively been electing the worst Mullahs ever. For example in Qilla Saifullah has elected Maulana Abdul Wasay in the assembly. Israr Ullah Zehri is a part of the senate and he is famous for having buried alive innocent Baloch girls for choosing husbands.

These are the type of people around that stinking place we call a government. Raisani is not a fanatic but he cannot even talk properly. He is a joke.
Islamic Voice

Yeah, right

Read ^ post its Haram. Rasme Hina it is called.

“Whenever somebody came to Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) with complaints of headache, he directed him to undergo cupping and whosoever complained of pain in legs, was advised to apply Henna.” (Bukhari, Abu Dawood)

Osman bin Abdullah Ibn Mohib narrates: “My family sent me to Ummul Momineen, Hazrat Salma (R), with a bowl of water (the narrator of this Hadith, Israil closed his three fingers and said the bowl was of silver). A few holy hairs of Prophet (Pbuh) were there in the bowl. If some one fell ill with evil sight or with any other ailment would send the water in a bowl to Umme-e-Salma. She would dip the plate in it. I looked into the water and found that the colour of the Prophet’s hair was red.” (Bukhari)

Jahzma (R) the wife of Bashir Bin Khasasia (R) narrates “I saw Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) coming out of the house. He was coming after taking bath, therefore, he was shaking his hairs. The colour of Henna was visible on his head.” (Tirmizi)

Wasila (R) narrates that Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) said “Use Henna, it makes your head lustrous, cleanses your hearts, increases the sexual vigour and will be witness in your graves”
& wht next baluchistan becoming a part of ISLaMiC EMArAT OF TALIBANs?
Thn wht else , karachi, thn wht islamabad & mulana fzl ur rehman & mulana Nawaz sharif president & PM of IslaMic emarat of pakistan?
Wht a plan , wht a plan!
Islamic Voice

Yeah, right

“Whenever somebody came to Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) with complaints of headache, he directed him to undergo cupping and whosoever complained of pain in legs, was advised to apply Henna.” (Bukhari, Abu Dawood)

Osman bin Abdullah Ibn Mohib narrates: “My family sent me to Ummul Momineen, Hazrat Salma (R), with a bowl of water (the narrator of this Hadith, Israil closed his three fingers and said the bowl was of silver). A few holy hairs of Prophet (Pbuh) were there in the bowl. If some one fell ill with evil sight or with any other ailment would send the water in a bowl to Umme-e-Salma. She would dip the plate in it. I looked into the water and found that the colour of the Prophet’s hair was red.” (Bukhari)

Jahzma (R) the wife of Bashir Bin Khasasia (R) narrates “I saw Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) coming out of the house. He was coming after taking bath, therefore, he was shaking his hairs. The colour of Henna was visible on his head.” (Tirmizi)

Wasila (R) narrates that Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) said “Use Henna, it makes your head lustrous, cleanses your hearts, increases the sexual vigour and will be witness in your graves”

It is always funny when a baniya acts like he knows anything about Islam.
& wht next baluchistan becoming a part of ISLaMiC EMArAT OF TALIBANs?
Thn wht else , karachi, thn wht islamabad & mulana fzl ur rehman & mulana Nawaz sharif president & PM of IslaMic emarat of pakistan?
Wht a plan , wht a plan!

What is the problem here.
Did you forget Zia Ul Haq glorious Sharia time in Pakistan?
BTW, let me ask you, whats wrong with Sharia laws in Pakistan?
Does not the Saudi Arabia do the same thing viz: public beheadings every friday, amputations, lashings, stonning to death?
Whats the problem, its the part n parcel of Islam.
And what is Islam without Sunnah and sharia?
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