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Balochistan: Greater realism in China & Iran


Oct 12, 2010
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Balochistan: Greater realism in China & Iran

Independently of each other, China and Iran seem to be developing doubts in their mind about the ability of the Pakistani Armed Forces to restore normalcy in Balochistan and put down the Baloch freedom struggle.

2. Despite brutal suppression, different Baloch organisations calling for greater autonomy or independence have managed to maintain their freedom struggle. They have been greatly disappointed by the lack of external support---particularly from India—to their freedom struggle, but this has not demoralised them. Nor has it deterred them from keeping the freedom struggle sustained despite a large number of deaths sustained by the Baloch youth at the hands of the Pakistani Armed Forces.

3. Both China and Iran have been paying even greater attention to the ground situation in Balochistan than India.They do not wish well of the Baloch freedom-fighters. In their perception, the secession of Balochistan from Pakistan would not be in their national interest.

It could have adverse consequences for China in Chinese-controlled Xinjiang and for Iran in its Baloch areas. Any success of the Baloch freedom struggle in Pakistan could lead to a demand for a Greater Balochistan incorporating the Baloch areas of Iran.

4. While China and Iran do not want the Baloch freedom struggle to succeed, at the same time, they are increasingly skeptic about the ability of the Pakistani Armed Forces to put down the Baloch freedom struggle. In their perception, the Baloch freedom struggle will continue to keep Pakistan bleeding and prevent the restoration of normalcy in Balochistan.They are,therefore, avoiding further commitment of a major nature to assist Pakistan in Balochistan.

5.The Chinese reluctance to take up further commitments in Balochistan came out dramatically during the visit of Prime Minister Yousef Raza Gilani of Pakistan to China last month when Chinese officials, for the first time, openly indicated their lack of enthusiasm for the upgradation of the Gwadar commercial port built and commissioned by them initially into a naval base for use by the Pakistan Navy and subsequently into a base that could be used by the Chinese naval vessels operating in the Indian Ocean and Gulf areas.

6.The entire Gwadar project was a brainchild of Pakistan’s GHQ. Its ostensible commercial purpose of serving the external trade requirements of Afghanistan, the Central Asian Republics and Xinjiang in China concealed an ultimate military purpose of providing a strategic depth to the Pakistan Navy by reducing its dependence on the Karachi port which could be vulnerable to surprise Indian attacks in case of a military conflict.

7. Gen.Pervez Musharraf, when he was in power, was urging the Chinese Navy too to use the port not only to confront the Indian Navy with a new front, but also to use the Chinese military presence in Gwadar to brow-beat the Baloch freedom-fighters.

8. Till the beginning of 2010, there were indications that the Chinese were going along with the Pakistani ideas and urgings for the upgradation of Gwadar into a modern naval base on par with Karachi. Subsequent developments have poured cold water on the Chinese enthusiasm for the project.

9. Even the commercial port which was commissioned in 2006 has been a non-starter. The failure of the Pakistani authorities to develop roads and other infrastructure and to reach a peace agreement with the Baloch freedom-fighters have resulted in a situation where not only international shipping companies, but even those of Pakistan are reluctant to use it. Musharraf’s grandiose ideas of Gwadar becoming the port to serve the external trade of Afghanistan and the Central Asian Republics have remained a pipe-dream. They are more interested in a port being developed by Iran with Indian assistance than in Gwadar.

10. By the middle of 2010, it became apparent that the Chinese interest in Gwadar was diminishing. In an assessment on the high-profile visit of President Asif Ali Zardari to China in July last year, I had written as follows: “ Mr.Zardari once again took up with the Chinese the pending Pakistani proposals for the upgradation of the Gwadar port, the construction of an oil refinery and an airport in Gwadar and the construction of oil/gas pipelines from Gwadar to Xinjiang.

While the Chinese have readily responded in a positive manner to various proposals for projects in the Gilgit-Baltistan area, they are still hesitant regarding new projects in the Balochistan area. While they do not anticipate any security problems in the Gilgit-Baltistan area, they are still worried about the security situation in Balochistan. Mr.Zardari’s disappointment over the Chinese hesitation in the Balochistan area became evident in his reported remarks to Prime Minister Wen that Pakistan desired that “China should take maximum benefits from the Gwadar Port.” From this it is evident that while Pakistan is keen for the quick implementation of the Gwadar-related projects, security considerations still inhibit the Chinese response.” ( Please see my article titled PAKISTAN AS CHINA'S FORCE-MULTIPLIER AGAINST INDIA )

11. The Pakistanis were hoping that the openly-expressed Chinese backing for Pakistan in the wake of the widespread criticism in the US of the suspected complicity of elements in Pakistan with Al Qaeda which enabled Osama bin Laden to live undetected for over five years at Abbottabad might be translated into other benefits for Pakistan during Gilani’s visit to China last month. They were particularly interested in two benefits--- a Chinese agreement to expedite the supply of military aircraft to the Pakistan Air Force to strengthen its capability to prevent any surprise raids by the Indian Air Force in emulation of the US commando raid on Abbottabad to kill OBL and Chinese acceptance of the Pakistani proposals for the urgent upgradation of Gwadar into a naval base.

12. While the Chinese did oblige the Pakistani request for the expeditious supply of more planes to the PAF, they continue to fight shy of more involvement in Gwadar. They took the extraordinary step of contradicting motivated briefings by members of Gilani’s entourage who sought to convey an impression that the Chinese had reacted more positively this time.

13. In a despatch of May 24 from Beijing, the Reuters news agency reported as follows: “On Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said she had no knowledge beforehand of the naval port proposal and it had not been discussed during Gilani's visit. China and Pakistan are friendly neighbours. Regarding the specific China-Pakistan cooperative project that you raised, I have not heard of it," Jiang told a regular news conference in Beijing.”

14. Simultaneously with the Chinese reiteration of their continued lack of interest in the Pakistani proposals for the upgradation of Gwadar into a naval base with a possible Chinese presence there, reports have been coming in that Iran has started dragging its feet on the construction of a gas pipeline from Iran into Pakistani Punjab through Balochistan because of the continuing freedom struggle of the Balochs.

15. The scepticism of China and Iran regarding the ability of the Pakistani Armed Forces to put down the Baloch freedom struggle should act as a morale-booster to the Balochs and encourage them to further step up their freedom struggle. Unfortunately, the continuing lack of unity among different Baloch nationalist organisations and the consequent in-fighting are coming in the way of a successful culmination of the Baloch freedom struggle.

16. Lack of unity and in-fighting had led to the collapse of the Baloch freedom-struggles in the past. Instead of uniting to succeed, if the Baloch leaders let history repeat itself because of their inability to unite, history will not forgive them.

Since the days of Zia-ul-Haq the geopolitical circumstances in the region had never been more favourable for the Balochs.

If they miss this opportunity, they may not get another like this again. Unite to succeed---that is the slogan that should be reverberating across Balochistan.

Sri Lanka Guardian: Balochistan: Greater realism in China & Iran
No one is seceding from Pakistan. India, please stop having wet dreams.

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”

-- Gail Devers

Pakistan’s dirty war from ‘’Bangladesh’’ to ‘’Balochistan’’. By Ali Baloch

The Pakistani state is violating the international laws since her creation on 14th august 1947.The Pakistan first started violating the international norms by the military aggression and forcefull occupation of the soverign state of the Balochistan on 27th march 1948.The Baloch nation is fighting the illegal Pakistani occupation of the Balochistan from day first.The Pakistani state couldn’t make fool international community any longer by crying a foreign hand in Balochistan.Hang on a second! Pakistan first should explain her illegal presence in Balochistan? This is not a first time in the history that Balochs are resisting foreign invaders.Baloch had fought the Portugueese, Mongols, the British and even the Alexander the great but there was no such blames of any foreign involvement in Balochistan, but the Pakistan is trying to legitimize the genocide of the Baloch nation by labeling it as a foreign funded insurgency.The Pakistani occupiers should understand one thing that “Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth”.

In 1971 the Pakistani army and its paramilitary arm groups the Albadr and Alshams killed three millions Bengali civilians selectively Students, Professors, Doctors, Engineers and many other intellectuals.Now in Balochistan the Pakistani army and its paramilitary arm groups the Musalah Difah,Sipah-e-Shuda,Ansar-ul-Islam killing the Baloch students,professors,Doctor,Engineers,Journalists,Human right defenders and intellectuals.The Pakistani military,FC,ISI,MI abducted morethan 8,000 Baloch from all over Balochistan including 168 women , children and now killing them one by one and throwing their tortured bullet riddled dead bodies in the roadsides,mountains and deserts.The Pakistani terrorist military killed about 210 Baloch youths under custody in last few months.

1-Violence against women: The Numbers of Bengali women were tortured, raped and killed by the Pakistani forces during the war.Bangladeshi sources cite a figure of 200,000 women raped, giving birth to thousands of war-babies. The Pakistan Army also kept numerous Bengali women as sex-slaves inside the Dhaka Cantonment. Most of the girls were captured from Dhaka University and private homes.The Pakistani forces are repeating the same crimes against the Baloch women in Balochistan.The occupying forces abducted 168 Baloch women and kept in secret cells and their whereabouts are unknown from several years.A Baloch sister Ms. Zarina Marri, a 23-year-old school teacher from Balochistan , who has been held incommunicado in an army torture cell at Karachi, the capital of Sindh province and used as a sex slave which is also mentioned by the Asian Human Right Commission in one of their report.There are 100’s of other Baloch sisters who are missing after military operations in Balochistan,they are definitely held by the Pakistani military like the Zarina Marri.The Pakistani forces acid attack on Baloch girls in Kalat,Dalbandin,Noshki towns,and warn to attack Baloch women in future if they will come out of the houses.The Baloch women are playing vital role in the Baloch freedom struggle and Pakistan is too much afraid of their active role and that’s the only reason Pakistani forces attacking Baloch women.

2-Violence against minorities: The minorities of Bangladesh, especially the Hindus, were specific targets of the Pakistan army. More than 60% of the Bengali refugees who fled to India were Hindus.In Balochistan the Pakistani forces are killing and abducting Hindus.More than two dozen Hindu families in Balochistan have sought political asylum in India after an increase in cases of kidnapping for ransom and target killings of the members of their community in Balochistan.The Baloch are protecting the minorities in Balochistan from several hundred years and the Hindus holy worship places like Hinglaj Mata temple on the Makran coast and Kali Kalat temple in Kalat are protected by the secular Baloch nation from the ISI which supports and promotes extremist groups like Taliban,Lashkar-e-Tayaba,Sipah-e-Sahaba.

3-Violence against students:The Dhaka University was the center of the Bangladesh independence movement. The Dhaka University students greatly contributed to the liberation of Bangladesh.In March of 1971 the Pakistani Armed Forces chief General Yahya Khan and the politician Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, launched Operation Searchlight to demolish the independence demand of Bengalis. The Pakistani army convoy attacked the Dhaka University on 25 March, 1971 with heavy weapons such as tanks, automatic rifles,rocket launchers, heavy mortar, light machine gun, around 300 students were killed and hundreds injured.

The Pakistani para military force Frontier Core (FC) attack on the Khuzdar Engineering University during a Balochi cultural day celebration by hand grenades on 2nd march 2010 resulted two Baloch students killed and morethan two dozens badly injured. The (BSO-A) Baloch Student Organisation Azaad organized an event at High School Tump in memory of the Baloch freedom fighter Shaheed Meerjan Meeral who was killed by the Pakistani forces.The Pakistani forces attacked the High school Tump on 6th September 2009 during the event where hundreds of students were gathered to pay their rich tributes to the martyr freedom fighter.Pakistani forces rushed into the school premises and started firing on the participants of the event. Tear gasses were fired on the crowd and the participants were beaten badly by the forces, where young children and women were also victimized.The young Baloch student Mukhtar Baloch was killed and about 24 students critically injured.

The Univeristy of the Balochistan (UOB) looks like the military cantonment than any university as dozens of the army vehicles are stationed in the premises with 100’s of the army personnels.The many students have been abducted from the university hostel ,some found dead while others are still missing.The high number of the Pakistan’s military in ‘UOB’ indicates the Dhaka university style massacre in the coming days.

The extra judicial killings and abductions of the Baloch youths turned faster after the press conference of the Pakistan’s interior minister Rehman Malik during a visit in the Balochistan’s capital city of Quetta. Rehman Malik, has threatened to take action against the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) and the Baloch Students Organization (BSO) using brute force to “crush” those outfits.The human right situation of the Balochistan turned to the worse after Rehman Malik’s visit.The hundreds more Baloch youths abducted including students,political activists,journalists,teachers,human right activists and all of them tortured to the death in the military custody,so far 210 bullet riddled bodies of the youths found from different parts of Balochistan ,while the fate of 1000’s other still not known.But the abductions are still continue and everyday tortured dead bodies are appearing from the deserts ,mountains of the Balochistan.The most of the mutilated bodies are beyond any recognition as the corpses are several months old and in some cases few bodies found from the mass graves. In one of the such case the dead bodies of the Dr. Agha Abid Shah, a former vice chairman of the Baloch Students Organization Azaad (BSO-A), Abdul Sattar Baloch, a government school teacher and Safeer Baloch a political activist all were found from a mass grave.There are high chances that more mass graves would appear in future as the Pakistani military has abducted thousands of the Baloch.

The all of the victims were abducted by the Pakistani forces in the presence of eye witnesses but the Pakistani government keep denying the fact by alleging the foreign agencies like RAW and other forces are wearing the Pakistan’s military uniform are behind the abductions and killings of the Baloch youths, but no one is fool enough to buy the lies of the Pakistani state.Let assume it for a second if the foreign forces are behind all such incidents of abductions and killings of the Baloch activists , like in the case of Abdul Rehman Arif and Mehboob Wadhela who were abducted from Karachi and held several months in custody and their tortured dead bodies recovered from the coastal town of the Ormara ,just few steps away from the ‘’Jinnah Naval Base’’some 240 kilometers away from the Karachi.In the case of Faiz Mohammad Marri and Arif Noor,they were too abducted from their houses in Karachi.The body of the Arif Noor recovered from Windar town of Balochistan about 125 kilometers away from Karachi while the body of the Faiz Mohammad Marri found from the Quetta about 592 kilometers away from the Karachi.If really the foreign forces are behind the abductions of the Baloch youths and roaming freely around the country then what is the credibility of the Pakistani forces??? isn’t a big failure of the already failed state??? The Osama Bin Laden was living for several years under the nose of the Pakistan’s military next to the one of the biggest military academy in Abbotabad,but the Pakistani Army,ISI keep saying that they were not aware of the Osama presence in a military town.The COAS Ashfaq Kayani ,ISI chief Shuja Pasha,IGFC Obaid Khattak and Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik listen you guys are not smart enough to hide your committed crimes in Balochistan by nominating the outside forces in the genocide of the Baloch nation without any prove.

According to the Pakistani government that the Military uniform is available in the market ,the outside forces are buying ,wearing and roaming across the country and defaming the already defamed Pakistani military.So what do you think the Pakistani nukes are safe?? Don’t you think the Talibans and Alqaida’s members have also an opportunity to buy and wear the Pakistan military uniforms ,steal the nukes and disappear without any clue.The Pakistan's nukes should be fully dismantle before this world turn into real hell .The United Nation, European Union, International Criminal Court,International Human Right Groups ,International print and electronic media should immediately play their due role to pressurize the Pakistani state to stop violating the international laws and also make her accountable for committed crimes in Balochistan .Dont give another chance to the Pakistani military to kill three million more in Balochistan like they did in Bangladesh.

Pakistan Christian Post
Veeru;18345445.T[COLOR="blue" said:
6.The entire Gwadar project was a brainchild of Pakistan’s GHQ. Its ostensible commercial purpose of serving the external trade requirements of Afghanistan, the Central Asian Republics and Xinjiang in China concealed an ultimate military purpose of providing a strategic depth to the Pakistan Navy by reducing its dependence on the Karachi port which could be vulnerable to surprise Indian attacks in case of a military conflict.

What a crap idea,Pak Navy already has naval port at ormara they do not need at gawadar right now.The land it was given has already been given back to Provincial Govt.same is with PAF and Army has clearly said that they will not bulid any contonment if locals are not happy.
Gawadar port idea has a root in 1970s in Bhutto era and all its accords with china were completed in 1998 by Nawaz Sharif.From starting it had been a commercial project thaa a military one

Veeru;18345445.T[COLOR="blue" said:
7. Gen.Pervez Musharraf, when he was in power, was urging the Chinese Navy too to use the port not only to confront the Indian Navy with a new front, but also to use the Chinese military presence in Gwadar to brow-beat the Baloch freedom-fighters.

gawadar has never been offered to Chinese navy,give any reliable proof.Pakistan wants China to use it for its trade with the world.To persue chinese exporters and importers Pakistan offered its operational control to civilian chinese companies

Sri Lanka Guardian: Balochistan: Greater realism in China & Iran[/QUOTE]

All are assumptions and whole article is India centric.
China will not invest in Gwadar until collation forces exit Afghanistan
No one is seceding from Pakistan. India, please stop having wet dreams.

don't get impatient, India babus don't want to see pakistan beyond 2020 and that's the end of the story, whether you like it or not. "inshallah" won't prevent this from happening, nor your nukes.
don't get impatient, India babus don't want to see pakistan beyond 2020 and that's the end of the story, whether you like it or not. "inshallah" won't prevent this from happening, nor your nukes.

Ohh really ... if u can say this
then i can say this ..
"Bat k rahe ga hindustan " ban k rahe ga Khalistan"
many of pakistan and bangladesh are ready in india
don't get impatient, India babus don't want to see pakistan beyond 2020 and that's the end of the story, whether you like it or not. "inshallah" won't prevent this from happening, nor your nukes.

post reported

btw such indian comments and wet dreams and americans say, pakistan has nothing to be frightened from india, hope americaneagle or s-2 see this post
Ohh really ... if u can say this
then i can say this ..
"Bat k rahe ga hindustan " ban k rahe ga Khalistan"
many of pakistan and bangladesh are ready in india

well it may be a good wish for you. the situation in pakistan is much more perilous than in india. the reason balouch have not been able to get a separate state is because india so far has refused to play a catalyst role. even bangladesh wouldn't have become a separate state without india's help.
pakistan won't be able to supress the balouch no matter what.
don't get impatient, India babus don't want to see pakistan beyond 2020 and that's the end of the story, whether you like it or not. "inshallah" won't prevent this from happening, nor your nukes.

don't get impatient, India babus don't want to see pakistan beyond 2020 and that's the end of the story, whether you like it or not. "inshallah" won't prevent this from happening, nor your nukes.

The people who have little knowledge of ground realities can say this.
Balochistan is home to 5 million pakhtuns too,all sardars except three are Pakistan supporters,Financial probs of Balochistan have been solved by giving them 9% against 4% population share,no new contonment will be made in balochistan,8000 are in process of joining armed forces,the rebels are not getting help anywhere except Afghanistan.

Please note Baluchistan had same situation whenever India had presence in Afghanistan.
But still I personally think the human rights violation should end in Baluchistan.
The Patriotic Pakistani Baloch are enough for our enemies. :)

that's exactly my point, there are no more Patriotic bolch left anymore. the only Patriotic bolch left are the indians on your eastern border. trust me kashmir will have a payback. india has sustained kashmir even though pakistan has a land border with it. pakistan won't survive when india start supporting baloch poeple. baloch people won't come back to the pakistani fold for anytime to come, the gulf is to wide to be bridged. the only thing they need is the catalyst, that the only thing missing. you can be proud of your army for what ever reason you may want to be of, but in realty they have lost in every war be it with india or the current war with US. india is slow in responding but when it does will make sure that it has 200% chance of success. pakistan had its opportunity in Kashmir, but yet again it failed. your generals did not plan the probability of success in kashmir.
that's exactly my point, there are no more Patriotic bolch left anymore. the only Patriotic bolch left are the indians on your eastern border. trust me kashmir will have a payback. india has sustained kashmir even though pakistan has a land border with it. pakistan won't survive when india start supporting baloch poeple. baloch people won't come back to the pakistani fold for anytime to come, the gulf is to wide to be bridged. the only thing they need is the catalyst, that the only thing missing. you can be proud of your army for what ever reason you may want to be of, but in realty they have lost in every war be it with india or the current war with US. india is slow in responding but when it does will make sure that it has 200% chance of success. pakistan had its opportunity in Kashmir, but yet again it failed. your generals did not plan the probability of success in kashmir.

I think you have joined PDF with really high hopes of conquering it.
( The writer is Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi, and, presently, Director, Institute For Topical Studies, Chennai, and Associate of the Chennai Centre For China Studies. E-mail: seventyone2@gmail.com )

Written by a dooshbag.
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