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Baloch Choose Israel for govt in exile

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how about Trade Route from India or Indian Ocean?

Lets see which is easier?

From Gwadar, Pakistan through the Indus highway, Pakistan to The Karakoram Highway, Pakistan and China, into China or from Gwadar through the Indian Ocean into Mumbai, India through Delhi, India into China?


And by the way, why would China trust India over Pakistan...China invested the most into Gwadar, PAKISTAN.
Lets see which is easier?

From Gwadar, Pakistan through the Indus highway, Pakistan to The Karakoram Highway, Pakistan and China, into China or from Gwadar through the Indian Ocean into Mumbai, India through Delhi, India into China?


And by the way, why would China trust India over Pakistan...China invested the most into Gwadar, PAKISTAN.

Sorry no flaming you mistook it. i was replying to this question for alternative root.
And how will the oil from Gwadar get to China without the other provinces of Pakistan?

Actually I was talking for the case if it becomes Gwadar Balochistan and if Pakistan is not ready provide the route we can provide the root to China along with using the same port for Business with Balochistan.

Thanks for providing the actual root. I did not had the idea how can it be transferred from India.
Sorry no flaming you mistook it.

No actually I was talking for the case if it becomes Gwadar Balochistan and if Pakistan is not ready provide the route we can provide the root to China along with using the same port for Business with Balochistan.

In your wild dreams. Gwadar is already Gwadar, Balochistan a province of PAKISTAN.

Work on your own damn port in Mumbai or any other city you have in India near the sea.

P.S. The route through India would be too lenghthy and too costly.
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In your wild dreams. Gwadar is already Gwadar, Balochistan a province of PAKISTAN.

Work on your own damn port in Mumbai or any other city you have in India near the sea.

P.S. The route you described through India is very lenghthy and too costly.

Sorry about hurting your sentiments. I did not mean that Pakistan is going to break. Allah willing Pakistan will remain forever. And neither we dream about it. I just gave you a reply when you asked what can be the alternate route for Gwadar for Chinese. No hard feelings sir.

And yes that route would be really lengthy but there would not be any other solution.

Yes we are working hard on our ports. We have long way to go. We have friends like you who keep on reminding us where we have to work hard. We are really thankful to you. :angel::cheers:
Israel Bad, India Bad, Russia Bad, USA Bad, this bad that bad...... all over an illegitimate blog.
Israel is causing problems EVERYWHERE in the world.

To get world peace, Israel must be eliminated.

It's like saying muslims around the world are causing trouble so lets eliminate muslims.
Nothing new. If they were supporting Jondolah, they are supporting many others as well. Pakistan has to remain vigilant so that another 1971 fiasco does not happen again.
uh, 2009 thread anybody?:what:
baloch problem share its Dna with East pakistani problem. Now end result depend on people of pakistan. Its to be seen whether they repeat same mistake or not .
if people of baluchistan have any dignity in them/.../...they wlnt support these outcasts who CHOOSE to sit in the laps of israel....
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