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Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan

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The question is, does that response ensure that the enemy's second strike capability is eliminated or minimized?

Depends on which country we are talking about.

In case of USA, Russia ..which have massive nuclear strike assets on land, sea and in the air in upwards of Defcon 3 situations. Such a strike will have no effect at all, on enemies second strike capabilities.

In case of countries like China(and in near future India), which have huge land area and sizable portion of nuclear assets deployed at sea, such a strike will only minimize the enemy nuclear response.

But for countries like Pakistan, which has limited land mass(to deploy nukes) and no sea based, air based strike capability (Nuclear bombers which are in the air for indefinite periods like US B-52s). Such a pre-emptive strike can very well eliminate the country's strike capabilities.

The "other" countries have abandoned this concept, because they rely totally on all-out strikes. With hundreds of nuclear weapons ready for launching, nobody cares for step-wise escalation because the adversary might escalate things a bit too quickly.

Other countries have abandoned the tactical nukes, because

1) You are handing over a nuclear weapon to a common soldiers, who in the heat of battle might use it as per his own accord, without a go ahead from higher ups leading to full scale nuclear war.

2) And because you can not gauge the enemy response.. whether enemy will treat tactical nuclear strike against its forces on tactical level or if he will choose to respond on strategic level.

Pakistan and India are in the same position as USA and USSR were in the early cold-war era. As both countries progress in developing more survivable nuclear weapons and reliable and fast command and controls, the focus of deployment of nuclear weapons will shift from SRBMs to canisterized and mobile IRBMs, SLBMs/SLCMs and ALCMs, ensuring immediate retaliation so that both countries avoid misadventures in future.

Pakistan and India are not exactly following the footsteps of USA and USSR.

See USA unlike Pakistan ensured its second strike capabilities will survive Soviet pre-emptive strikes by introducing SLBMs and long range/endurance nuclear bomber before it decided to introduce battlefield nukes in 60s.
Yes .. war is now almost out of the question and rendering the discussion on the use of NASR on IA as also useless..

But I believe people are here discussing the aftermaths of pakistan using NASR which is a different issue..

U cant pick a specific spot that suits you..... Nasr will be used on I.A in case it cross borders(which it should never in its right mind) ....If it does and are unstoppable by conventional means given the massive gap between the conventional forces then would be used as a last resort..... that means Indian going for full fledged nuclear war..... of Course dont accept Pakistan playing it nicely by then and waiting for Indians to pound it..... It sure would be an unacceptable scenario by then ... for both sides ......

So what Nasr ensures here.... Is that I.A never crosses the border!
What could be non-conventional doctrine of Pakistan army killing their hundreds of innocent people in bomb blasts by terrorists (implying CIA, RAW, SVR, MOSSAD, NDS joint ventures)? 200 = 5000 not a success but BS strategy holding such assets and use against India. Pakistan's military planners might be happy being protected from possible punch hiding behind NASR but suffered by more deadliest punches which at last not for uniforms but for civilians so they DAMN CARE ABOUT IT.
@Adios Amigo Sir, India has to make Pakistan use one nuke even if its tactical nuke. We can stop attack then and there. Rest of the world will come into picture.

And if we never attack, the growing conventional gap will result in more nukes in Pakistan and Rest of the world will also come into picture there too.

India will be focusing on propaganda. Both you and I know that in today's world Economy is biggest weapon, not nukes. US learned it in Cold War.
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So the stupidity continues.....

In case of war both countries would use variety of tools up their sleeves, which they have been acquiring, building up for decades....... Nasr is just one such tool ..... plenty others designed for their specific roles....... Nasr is definitely not designed to counter Prithvi ...... For Prithvi we have a whole line of Ballistic and Cruse Missiles (Hataf series) ...... This assumption that India will use a massive nuclear counter strike in response to battlefield (tactical) nuclear strike on its own territory ...... and that Pakistan would be naive enough to let that happen is simply redonkulous........MAD is assured...... Our survival is only in raising the cost of war to unacceptable level.....Top brass from both ends know it... thats why we have not gone to war despite of extreme tensions in the past decade....... And this strategy will continue in future ..... love it or hate it..... you got to live with it!

Saar!!! no pun intended as a senior member of PDF. I think the so called Pakistan ballistic missiles reach and effectiveness are now much more questioned, thanks to some inside info from some big names is something which should not be cherish. So I must say it will be a stupidity to use any those non doung missile
Mate, chk out its range i.e. 60 kms, that means it's like a smerch or Pinaka rocket with IA, if PA decide to use it against IA formations inside Indian territory than it must be stationed close to Indian borders, which will be a suicidal idea as a country doesn't keep it's nuclear delivery platforms so close to International borders, in a war they will be an easy target for Indian armed forces & they will get easily neutralized.

This weapon is developed only for the usage on IA soldiers inside Pakistan's own territory otherwise it's range doesn't make sense.

Even if i assume what you are saying can be true, even than India's NFU policy is breached, so it doesn't matter if Indian soldiers are killed inside Pak or inside India, India will retaliate in both the cases.

they are incorporated on mobile launchers which means they can be easily and swiftly mobilized to close border areas when the need arises ...nobody is asking to put all the missiles there but a limited number that are enough to full fill the purpose rest can be stationed a little far away place ...also these missiles will be accompanied by troops , choppers and fighting vehicles ...so in any case they cant be an easy target the way they might sound to you .....add to that the air defence cover they will have

and at retaliation part there is no doubt about it ...obviously these will be used in dire situation with an anticipation of retaliation .....do you think PA will go nuclear at the start of the war ...nuclear is and will always be a last solution ....
Pakistan has credible airlaunch capablity via Raad.
India doesnt.
Brahmos is yet to be integrated with IAF while PAF mirages are known to carry Raad and JF-17 are 'alleged' to carry two Raads..
So Pakistan is ahead in Airlaunch capability as we speak.
Saar!!! no pun intended as a senior member of PDF. I think the so called Pakistan ballistic missiles reach and effectiveness are now much more questioned, thanks to some inside info from some big names is something which should not be cherish. So I must say it will be a stupidity to use any those non doung missile

You really want me respond to that???
If I was in your place and the success rate of enemy missiles was half of whats being stated..... I would still worry for the other half..... Anyways this is not my cup of tea! enjoy your stay in lalaland!
Saar!!! no pun intended as a senior member of PDF. I think the so called Pakistan ballistic missiles reach and effectiveness are now much more questioned, thanks to some inside info from some big names is something which should not be cherish. So I must say it will be a stupidity to use any those non doung missile

You guys are obsessed with Ghauri-1
Its now a practice missile and more of a clay pigeon for Pakistan Armed forces.
Its not the missile that will be used in strategic role.
Pakistan has credible airlaunch capablity via Raad.
India doesnt.
Brahmos is yet to be integrated with IAF while PAF mirages are known to carry Raad and JF-17 are 'alleged' to carry two Raads..
So Pakistan is ahead in Airlaunch capability as we speak.

You are confusing ability to fire nuclear weapons from air with second strike nuclear deterrent, which is in the air round the clock to survive the enemy pre-emptive strikes akin US and Russian long range nuclear bombers.

Pakistan had acquired air launched nuclear weapons capabilities as soon it had tweaked its F-16s for them(similar to Indian Mirages and Sukhois) ..with Raad..Pakistan has just achieved ability to fire nuclear weapons from Standoff ranges.
IA crossing the border means there is something very serious happened from the Pakistan side. In that case as we all know India convey its message (directly or indirectly) to retaliate inside Pakistan to all major countries.

If the decision is taken to attack then surely IAF will make its first move and try to achieve air superiority over 40-50 miles of area so that Indian assets can move if they want to. IA may use Brahmos/Nirbhay to attack pin point target and to avoid any unnecessary casualties. These targets most probably terrorists hide outs and hence not a point for Pakistan to reach nuclear threshold.

If still India cannot achieve its mission objective and decide to send the IA inside the Pakistani border, first thing then try to do is to use the combinations of combat helicopters / ground attack aircrafts / satellite and radar imaging to keep mobile Nasar out of the range. As the intention of Indian forces would be to destroy the designated targets and then return, use of Nuclear weapons is not very likely. However if it happens then some new forum members would be discussing about the advantages of using Plutonium over Uranium in nukes :)
Pakistan will obliterate f*lthy hindus from india invading our lands. We don't want Pakistan to become f*lthy like our Eastern neighbor. So we will use any means.

We want launch a nuclear strike on your land. If you still wanted to go ahead...then its your choice. Thousands of years of dharmic history, civilization etc will be turned into smoke. After few centuries, humankind won't even remember that there were some "hindus" and something called "dharmic civilizations" etc...

this is your level of talking.... no wonder why you guys being called as brainwashed... bringing religion into everywhere and talking nasty... shows your pathetic level idiocy...
India simply does not have megaton size nuclear warheads.
Without that there is no chance of a massive retaliation as in the wet dreams of indian members.
Both countries have kiloton sized warhead which can be used for tactical role.
So if the time comes when use of kiloton or subkiloton sized warheads on advancing Indian army,Pakistan can do so without worrying about MAD,as india is incapable of doing so anyway.
When did india make Hydrogen bomb?.....

One doesn't need a megaton sized warheads for retaliation. A 30-40 kiloton warhead is enough to kill millions, if the target is a city.

And did tested H-bomb in 1998. But the yield wasn't satisfactory. And according to Kakodar, India does have designs of 300KT thermonuclear bombs. But the current political scenario is restricting us from carrying any further tests.
IA crossing the border means there is something very serious happened from the Pakistan side. In that case as we all know India convey its message (directly or indirectly) to retaliate inside Pakistan to all major countries.

If the decision is taken to attack then surely IAF will make its first move and try to achieve air superiority over 40-50 miles of area so that Indian assets can move if they want to. IA may use Brahmos/Nirbhay to attack pin point target and to avoid any unnecessary casualties. These targets most probably terrorists hide outs and hence not a point for Pakistan to reach nuclear threshold.

If still India cannot achieve its mission objective and decide to send the IA inside the Pakistani border, first thing then try to do is to use the combinations of combat helicopters / ground attack aircrafts / satellite and radar imaging to keep mobile Nasar out of the range. As the intention of Indian forces would be to destroy the designated targets and then return, use of Nuclear weapons is not very likely. However if it happens then some new forum members would be discussing about the advantages of using Plutonium over Uranium in nukes :)

Nice Story....But I dont understand one thing....While India doing all those macho stuff...Where would be Pakistan Sleeping???

Anyways nice story never the less!
Don't invade us there will be no Nasr flying. Plain & Simple

India will not invade Pakistan and we do not want any Land or resources from Pakistan. We are happy with our country.

If India had that plans , It would have done it in 1971, we donot want to conquer Pakistani people and make our economy a mess.

India only concern is Pak - china nexus and all the moves of India is to counter that.
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