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Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan

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It means India can attack independently without any hesitation.

Prithvi can knock out whole country:P

Kid Pakistan have far better Nukes compare to India
if u guys have Prithvi than we have Ghaznvi,Abdil,Hatf-1 and M-11
Pakistan have cruise missile to (babar and RA,AD)
Our main cities will be gone.. that is not even up for debate..its a fact. But With out deep hinterland, we can easily save our half academicians and economists.. So we are looking at massive destruction but that's just it on the other hand pakistan will be totally annhilated..

every moving organism will be deep fried.. pERIOD !!


People like you have been misguided, misled and fed on lies by your media and war hogs...... These assumptions shows your lack of understanding ...... save half of your population????? Whole of India will be fried and so will be Pakistan..... Albeit taking out a couple of cities on both sides is enough to send both countries to stone age!

But for argument sake are you willing to spare a city to be deep fried as a trade off to fry Pakistan????

Sure..... Cyber Warriors like you are..... but in reality it wont happen! Responsible people from both the ends know it!

Dil Key Behlaney ko Khayal acha hey!
The seismograph didnt say so.
The seismic waves must have been larger if india had tested a megaton size weapon...

yeah the entire world was sitting with seismograph up their a$$es when pokhran II happened :woot:

truth is, not a single soul outside a few scientists and the PM new that this was gonna happen. And regarding US sources, they are as best as a person with one eye in a dark room among the sightless..

We penetrated upper echelons of NASA and knew the exact real time location of each and every satellites of US/EU. No way the could have detected accurately the seismic data..

As for the scientist who was crying hoax that the fusion device didnt go off completely, well I would like to believe in APJ Kalam who have said this in no equivocal terms that India poses thermonuclear weapons..


People like you have been misguided, misled and fed on lies by your media and war hogs...... These assumptions shows your lack of understanding ...... save half of your population????? Whole of India will be fried and so will be Pakistan..... Albeit taking out a couple of cities on both sides is enough to send both countries to stone age!

But for argument sake are you willing to spare a city to be deep fried as a trade off to fry Pakistan????

Sure..... Cyber Warriors like you are..... but in reality it wont happen! Responsible people from both the ends know it!

Dil Key Behlaney ko Khayal acha hey!

if you can read.. I said half of our academicians and economists. .. plz do the reading again !! Thanks !

People like you have been misguided, misled and fed on lies by your media and war hogs...... These assumptions shows your lack of understanding ...... save half of your population????? Whole of India will be fried and so will be Pakistan..... Albeit taking out a couple of cities on both sides is enough to send both countries to stone age!

But for argument sake are you willing to spare a city to be deep fried as a trade off to fry Pakistan????

Sure..... Cyber Warriors like you are..... but in reality it wont happen! Responsible people from both the ends know it!

Dil Key Behlaney ko Khayal acha hey!

Its strange when Pakistan is attacking nuke then it can use it as it will, said by internet warriors. On the other hand when India using it as a second strike then also it won't do massive retaliation?

Dil Key Behlaney ko Khayal acha hey !! :undecided:
yeah the entire world was sitting with seismograph up their a$$es when pokhran II happened :woot:

truth is, not a single soul outside a few scientists and the PM new that this was gonna happen. And regarding US sources, they are as best as a person with one eye in a dark room among the sightless..

We penetrated upper echelons of NASA and knew the exact real time location of each and every satellites of US/EU. No way the could have detected accurately the seismic data..

As for the scientist who was crying hoax that the fusion device didnt go off completely, well I would like to believe in APJ Kalam who have said this in no equivocal terms that India poses thermonuclear weapons..

if you can read.. I said half of our academicians and economists. .. plz do the reading again !! Thanks !

As for your cyber warrior thing.. meh !! I am just contemplating the possible ways the events will unfold after pakistan uses NASR.. Nowhere in my entire stay at pdf i posted anything remotely advocating the use of nukes !
if you hindus have some balls, then send drones over Pakistan...

wait, you did..and they were blasted into pieces...hah!

Drones are not flying over our territory . So before showing your verbal nuking , shoot down a single drone and comment .
Its strange when Pakistan is attacking nuke then it can use as it will, said by internet warriors. On the other hand when India using it as a second strike then also it won't do massive retaliation? Dil Key Behlaney ko Khayal acha hey !! :undecided:

If you read my previous post you would come to know..... that survival of both countries is in raising the cost of war to unacceptable level....Specially for us..... and in that we have been successful to major extent.....War is now almost out of equation! Unless u get mad to ensure MAD!!!
All of you talking of 'nuclear anninilation' need to go back and read about nuclear weapons.

Currently neither india nor Pakistan have fusion weapons,both have only fission nukes.
Fission nukes do not have megaton range power .
For that reason none of the two countries can cause a total annihilation as their nukes are of low yeild.
Any nuclear war between the countries will be tactical,not strategic .

and in that field pakistan has the edge.

Nope , India has already deployed operational TN weapons.
Don't invade us there will be no Nasr flying. Plain & Simple

lolzz who needs to invade anation like pakistan in the first place :rofl:

and about the OP who says neculear tipped nasr would be used in pakistyani territory well first we aint that desperate to invade pakistan as it dosent have anything worthwile :bounce:

secondli its the classical example of BLACKMAILING THE WORLD WHILE POINTING A GUN TO YOUR OWN HEAD :hitwall:
India simply does not have megaton size nuclear warheads.

Who knows ?? We can only speculate.

Without that there is no chance of a massive retaliation as in the wet dreams of indian members.
Both countries have kiloton sized warhead which can be used for tactical role.
So if the time comes when use of kiloton or subkiloton sized warheads on advancing Indian army,Pakistan can do so without worrying about MAD,as india is incapable of doing so anyway.

Who is having wet dreams now.

When did india make Hydrogen bomb?.....

Nasr is for use inside Pakistani territory.If India advances inside Pakistan and Pakistani forces are overwhelmed,it may be used..
Use "Inside Pakistani territory" isnt the same as used on Indian territory...

Inside territory means ???? do you guys want to curse your land???? huh even though if you lanuch nuke into indian territory the radiation will affect Pakistan mostly........:pakistan:
Once more.
India does not have hydrogen bomb so stop dreaming of a total annihilation of Pakistani cities or troops.

Both countries only have tactical warheads....

Nope , India tested a TN weapon in 1998 and we have deployed operational TN weapons.

The seismograph didnt say so.
The seismic waves must have been larger if india had tested a megaton size weapon...

Whose seismograph ??And you saw it personally .
Kid Pakistan have far better Nukes compare to India
if u guys have Prithvi than we have Ghaznvi,Abdil,Hatf-1 and M-11
Pakistan have cruise missile to (babar and RA,AD)

You have Chinese and North Korean origin Missiles and everyone knows how that pans out.

BTW what's the origins of Nasr? the Iranians have one with the same name...right?
If you read my previous post you would come to know..... that survival of both countries is in raising the cost of war to unacceptable level....Specially for us..... and in that we have been successful to major extent.....War is now almost out of equation! Unless u get mad to ensure MAD!!!

Yes .. war is now almost out of the question and rendering the discussion on the use of NASR on IA as also useless..

But I believe people are here discussing the aftermaths of pakistan using NASR which is a different issue..
Use of tactical nuke will take Indian self imposed No First Use.

India will most probably stop the conventional war if Pakistan uses tactical nuke. It will simply ask world community to isolate Pakistan. Of course we will loose many soldiers, but it will be more disastrous for Pakistan if India don't even fire a single nuke.

Conventional military capability of India is majorly focused not only for China but also to push Pakistan to invest more on Nukes which will make rest of the world uneasy.
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