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Balancing ties: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to visit Iran soon, says Sartaj Aziz


Feb 2, 2007
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Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s Advisor on Foreign Affairs and National Security Sartaj Aziz, while briefing the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee on Monday said that prime minister Nawaz Sharif will soon visit Iran in a bit to ‘maintain a balance’ regarding its ties with Iran and Saudi Arabia, Radio Pakistan reported on Monday.

Nawaz’s trip to Iran, if confirmed, would come at a time when ties between the two countries have suffered. A multi-billion dollar pipeline remains stalled with Iran questioning Pakistan’s sincerity towards the project in recent weeks.

Ties further plummeted in February when five Iranian border guards were abducted by militants and allegedly taken into Pakistan. Iran had then threatened to send its forces across the border into Balochistan in a bid to recover the soldiers, blaming Pakistan for sluggish action.

Aziz added that the country has received $1.5 billion ‘as a gift’ from Saudi Arabia. He explained that the money is ‘unconditional aid’ dispelling talks of strings attached.

Bringing illegal Pakistanis back

Previously, Aziz informed the committee that the government is negotiating with Saudi authorities for the return of Pakistanis who were illegally staying in Saudi Arabia.

He said that they are currently such Pakistanis have been detained in deportation centers. He added that so far, 3,448 emergency passports have been issued for the return of these people.

An agreement has also been signed with Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) to facilitate the return of the detainees.

Balancing ties: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to visit Iran soon, says Sartaj Aziz – The Express Tribune
Both Saudi Arabia and Iran are Muslim countries. We must not give precedence to one over other. We should have good relations with both. On top of that, Iran is our neighbor too. We cant have tension on all our long borders.
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