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One more thing , if we choose China , we will be under the protection of their ( Chinese) nuclear umbrella, and also Pakistan has nuclear weapons too.

So India will no longer remain a real threat , as since India is expansionist and want to be a super power ( in their wet dream they are already super power though! ) , so there is no possibility that India and China can be ally.

India will never give up the dream of Akhand Bharat ( including China in it ) ,and China will never allow India to establish Akhand Bharat.

So choosing Chinese side will be the only safeguard of Bangladesh against India.

So try to use your common sense, thanks and regars to everyone.
Do not blame outsiders for who is in power
Are you a kid that don't understand the dirty politics?

They have full right to blame USA , as USA isn't outsider only but the biggest player.

Don't be so naive. No country is angels in the end.
One more thing , if we choose China , we will be under the protection of their ( Chinese) nuclear umbrella, and also Pakistan has nuclear weapons too.

So India will no longer remain a real threat , as since India is expansionist and want to be a super power ( in their wet dream they are already super power though! ) , so there is no possibility that India and China can be ally.

India will never give up the dream of Akhand Bharat ( including China in it ) ,and China will never allow India to establish Akhand Bharat.

So choosing Chinese side will be the only safeguard of Bangladesh against India.

So try to use your common sense, thanks and regars to everyone.

Are you a kid that don't understand the dirty politics?

They have full right to blame USA , as USA isn't outsider only but the biggest player.

Don't be so naive. No country is angels in the end.
bro...you've been under Pakistan's nuclear umbrella pro bono, for free.
In reality, those two most popular parties in BD (BNP and BAL) are both Indian stooges where BNP is ardently pro-west and BAL is traditionally pro-Russian. The relationships between China with BNP deteriorated in 2002-2006 when BNP openly stated courting the Taiwanese and started killing pro-China communists underground activists through Bangla Bhai and RAB. Low level BNP supporters and BD armchair generals don't know these things. They are also the ones who are backing the Rohynga rebels. Even Jamaat is not that hostile to Indians as opposed to popular beliefs. They never supported Pakistan movement prior to 1947.

BD needs a new political system which is independent of these two garbage which are Indian allies. They should revise their one sided history about 1971 and acknowledge their mistakes in order to move on. They also need to build common customs area with Burma and China. It will become interesting when CPEC will become operational and BD can connect to Pakistan -Central Asia through Burma-China.
I agree with your whole message, only will not talk about 71 issue , as it's different thing.

But yes I want cordial relationship with Pakistan as our Muslim brothers and don't ( actually never ) demand even any formal apology , as there is no point of pushing 50 years old matter that is purely based on ego.

Also Bhutto already asked for that formal apology in 1974 for 1971 incident and I consider it as official formal apology from Pakistan , so case closed.

About BNP I already believe that they are Indian stooge and I consider Jamat as sugar coated quinine , and maybe they are also working for India , but you are right that lower quality BNP Jamat supporters don't understand that.

About new political system , I believe it's on the way , don't know when but people are protesting , students are protesting and that's why I still be very optimistic.

Although I don't know when we will be able to kick those bastardised party named BAL and BNP .

It seems that BNP gone , if it's true , BAL should gone too and new patriotic parties must come , although I am confused who will belt the cat , as my analysis is also limited to theory and optimism only .

Thank you very much for this reply bhai.
bro...you've been under Pakistan's nuclear umbrella pro bono, for free.
Love you brother for your nice words, and you know that most of Bangladeshi common folks love you too .
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don't gimme that load a horse crap when condalisa rice herself was involved in creating the nro. and by the way, you should follow your own advice in not blaming Russia for bringing their agent orange in power, kapish nathuram? ;)

you make me believe as though USA is making decisions in Pakistan
. .
Like I said guys, let container ships sink and block Chittagong port for 6 months, oil refineries lit and Dhaka airport knocked out then they’ll come to their senses and buy anything. Just wait and pray Burmese monkeys pull a 10 on us

What is the reason for conflict (?) / mistrust between Burma & Bangladesh? Is there a land dispute?
What is the reason for conflict (?) / mistrust between Burma & Bangladesh? Is there a land dispute?
Actually you are right . Other than Rohingya issue , we have no problem with Myanmar , and it can be solved as long as we join Chinese block.

Our real threat is your country's Akhand Bharat agenda , and it won't let us live in peace in future.
Well , @Old School but India has extremely negative image among the people of Bangladesh for the right reason.
Why? Farrakkah barrage??

Even after India gave a good (from bangladesh perspective) river water treaty + gave rights over teen bigha + did not counter the judgement of international tribunal on maritime boundaries + housing 20M illegal bangladeshis? Even after all this, bangladeshis hate indians?
Actually you are right . Other than Rohingya issue , we have no problem with Myanmar , and it can be solved as long as we join Chinese block.

Our real threat is your country's Akhand Bharat agenda , and it won't let us live in peace in future.
Trust me....no one in India wants Akhand Bharat.......there may be some fringe elements (those exist in every country).

PS: I know you won't believe me. So, I will not counter any of your responses.
. .
Let's hope the new military leadership in myanmar would be more sensible. Having said that, militarily, I doubt that the mynmar military is much of a threat to Bangladesh, but even though then will be defeated fast, they do carry the potential of severely weakening the Bangladeshi military, even victory has its costs. It is of the utmost importance that Bangladesh rapidly builds its air force up to the latest 21 century standards along with indiginousing a number of tecnologies.

Bangladesh is wisely investing on her people.....let them become a developed nation. I do not know if there is a real threat from Burma. If there is no real threat, then it is better to invest for development.

It is very easy to squander away resources.

Bangladesh has no threat from India.
One more thing , if we choose China , we will be under the protection of their ( Chinese) nuclear umbrella, and also Pakistan has nuclear weapons too.

Bangladesh is under nuclear threat from whom?? Is it India??
Why? Farrakkah barrage??

Even after India gave a good (from bangladesh perspective) river water treaty + gave rights over teen bigha + did not counter the judgement of international tribunal on maritime boundaries + housing 20M illegal bangladeshis? Even after all this, bangladeshis hate indians?
Where is the water? Padma already dried in many areas , and Jamuna is following the same path.

Won't talk about border killing as I know the ready made answer of Indians.
Bangladesh has no threat from India.
Ah sounds so sweet. If only reality was like that!
Bangladesh is under nuclear threat from whom?? Is it India??
Not that. But if India want to reach to Dhaka , we need nuclear protection to keep them at bay!
Bangladesh is wisely investing on her people.....let them become a developed nation. I do not know if there is a real threat from Burma. If there is no real threat, then it is better to invest for development.

It is very easy to squander away resources.

Bangladesh has no threat from India.

Bangladesh is under nuclear threat from whom?? Is it India??
uhm...shouldn't you be giving this advice to your own government?
Get your facts straight. They are a lot of messes created during the Cold war - Vietnam, Cambodia, Angola, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Ethiopia. Most of them are doing fine these days.
If every one would have just done fine then why did USA end up losing thousands of soldiers, trillions of dollars wasted, a million plus civilians killed in Afghanistan with no end in sight?

The issue is not who is doing fine, but that USA has betrayed Pakistan regarding Afghanistan which is an openly acknowledged fact - The facts I have stated are clear: Pakistan was sanctioned, key defense articles blocked, blamed for extremist that USA itself created to fight Soviets, and once interests changed weapons are now blocked to Pakistan but are allowed to its arch enemy India; to date USA has provided no diplomatic support in with India, but India is provided all the support.

We are not talking about who is doing fine or not, or how a mess got handled. The fact is that Pakistan was left to deal with militants on its own which were trained, indoctrinated and equipped by CIA and west. Here is what Hilary Clinton officially acknowledged:

“Let's remember here... the people we are fighting today we funded them twenty years ago... and we did it because we were locked in a struggle with the Soviet Union.

“So we then left Pakistan ... We said okay fine you deal with the Stingers that we left all over your country... you deal with the mines that are along the border and... by the way we don't want to have anything to do with you... in fact we're sanctioning you... So we stopped dealing with the Pakistani military and with ISI and we now are making up for a lot of lost time.”

Nobody is whining about the past
No body is whining about the past, because we are still dealing with the same past - due to those policies, after Soviets exit West is itself involved in an armed conflict in Afghanistan with trillions wasted and still no one knows how to conclude the conflict.
Chinese PLA's commitment to defend Burma against any foreign power shouldn't be underestimated. China vigorously defends two countries at the international stage unlike anyone else— DPRK and Burma. Just look at the numbers of Chinese veto. Being an Indian ally , BD can not expect the same treatment from the Chinese which also shares land border with Burma. Therefore, competing with Burma in term of military might effectively means competing against PLA. Denying this irrefutable fact is not unusual for armchair generals but BD government high-ups understand this reality without any doubt. On the other hand, military procurements can also mean large chunks of commissions for many people in the developing nations and let them have it. The biggest mistake for any armchair general is to see Burma without the contexts of PLA.
Well , @Old School Bhai ,I always agreed with your analysis , unless you sometimes change your position and contradict your own words, and write complete negative message about Bangladesh.

Like with this message I feel that you are very correct. Surely ground reality say that China needs Myanmar more than us .

Because we can't provide China direct access to the bay of Bengal, but Myanmar can.

So of Myanmar joins western side , China will come to it's knees if in a bigger warfare China must needs that access to the bay of Bengal.

Because a hostile naval blockade will literally force China to down to it's knee!

So yes it's foolish to believe that China will choose us over Myanmar . And for this reason ( access to the bay of Bengal) even if Bangladesh were China , Bangladesh would have done the same ,and that's the reason I don't blame China, and also can't ignore the reality.

So is the western alliance solution for Bangladesh?

But westerns are now allied to India ,but India has extremely negative image among the people of Bangladesh for the right reason.

Can you please be specific and write something what Bangladesh should do?
That is the problem.

Bangladesh is essentially an effeminate docile nation with no balls.

Fix that first, otherwise even F-22s will be of no use.
China will protect Myanmar from Western pressure and total collapse in case other country attack it, no doubt. But China don't mind Burmese Junta/Govt. getting a good beating time to time in order to keep them in line. China itself use various separatists rebels in Myanmar for this purpose. Even if Bangladesh somehow in the future attain the capability of thrashing myanmar and decide to do so, it will not be without consultation with the Chinese.

Second point is, China may not pick Bangladesh over Myanmar for strategic reasons, but they are absolutely fine to strengthen Bangladesh economically and militarily if they can use it against India as a hedge. So China is extremely important for us strategically. Our long term real strategic threat is India, not Myanmar. I don't understand why many Bangladeshi's thinking get clouded by the Chinese support for Myanmar and fail to see the bigger picture. China is doing a very good job shoring up Pakistan's defence capability as a counter weight of India and they would like to help us as well in case we take China over India as a strategic partner(which present India friendly govt. is not doing, but if BNP or other nationalist forces came to power in the near future, it may well become a reality).
Our long term real strategic threat is India, not Myanmar.
@Homo Sapiens ,exactly , and I have been saying the same thing since NRC and CAA days.

That's the reason ,I want to join Chinese block as westerners are allied to India. For the rest of my thoughts,I already expressed all of them in some other posts in the thread.
I don't understand why many Bangladeshi's thinking get clouded by the Chinese support for Myanmar and fail to see the bigger picture.
Because most of them are dumb emotional folks and rest are intellectuals.

They don't live in reality. If any enemy will start attacking , they ( intellectual minded) shall be the front liners who will surrender and accept the slavery , while others will at least try to fight alongside army.

it sounds harsh ,but it's reality.

for the rest of your message , you just said my words. Agree with every word of your message ,just other than BNP part , as BNP is Indian stooge too ,just only sugar coated quinine.

@Old School bhai is right , we need to change our system, we have to replace both BNP and BAL with patriotic political parties , or simply return Fakhruddin type regime.
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