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Backdoor diplomacy: Pakistan seeks ‘new beginning’ with BJP-led India

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Backdoor diplomacy: Pakistan seeks ‘new beginning’ with BJP-led India
By Kamran Yousaf
Published: May 19, 2014
Pakistan has begun ‘back-channel diplomacy’ with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is all set to form the next government in India, in an effort to improve ties between the two neighbours, officials told The Express Tribune on Sunday.

Pakistan’s High Commissioner in New Delhi Abdul Basit has quietly been in contact with the BJP to convey Islamabad’s willingness for ‘meaningful engagement’ with the new government, they said. The names of the BJP leaders whom the Pakistani envoy has been in contact with were not revealed due to the sensitivity of the issue.

Insiders disclosed that the Pakistani diplomat delivered a message on behalf of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s government that it was ready for a ‘new beginning’ with the BJP administration despite strong public posturing against Pakistan by India’s prime minister-in-waiting Narendra Modi during his election campaign.

A source familiar with the development said the BJP leadership was informed that the current government in Pakistan was following a policy of ‘economic development and peaceful neighbourhood’. Given its policy, the administration in Islamabad wants to engage with the BJP government in meaningful and result-oriented dialogue.


The source said that the Foreign Office (FO) seems optimistic of a positive development after initial contacts with the BJP. It was because of ongoing backdoor diplomacy that Prime Minister Nawaz promptly telephoned Modi to congratulate him over his election victory, he added.

The hardline BJP’s unprecedented win has led to fears that the new government in India may take a tough stance towards Pakistan.

However, Prime Minister’s Adviser on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said BJP’s clear majority could help New Delhi in taking ‘decisive and positive’ decisions. He added that the government was optimistic about the relationship with India as the BJP’s manifesto was economy driven and sought good ties with neighbors. “We also have the same policy, so there is a point of convergence on this issue at least,” the adviser told a private TV channel in its first reaction to BJP’s victory.

Another FO official told The Express Tribune that Pakistan was ready to resume the normalisation process with the new government in India provided it was willing to move forward.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, he said the ‘package’ was ready and Pakistan would approach New Delhi as soon the new administration was installed there.

The official said that a lot of homework had already been done to liberalise trade and increase people-to-people contact between the two countries. “But at the moment we will wait and watch,” he added saying it was premature to predict anything at this stage.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 19th, 2014.

Pakistan hopeful of thaw in ties after Modi victory
Updated 31 minutes ago
The election of Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi has sent shivers through many among India's 150-million strong Muslim community, but neighbouring Pakistan is cautiously hopeful for a thaw in long-fraught ties.

Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who is himself a centre-right leader, has hailed Modi's “impressive victory” which saw the hardliner gain an outright majority in India's parliament for the first time in 30 years.

Sharif has cited his working relationship with Atal Bihari Vajpayee, India's last prime minister with the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as a reason for optimism, according to diplomatic sources.

It was during Sharif's second term in 1999 that Vajpayee rode a bus to Lahore to sign a peace accord, raising the prospect for normalisation between the two-nuclear armed neighbours that have fought three wars.

Three months later, the countries embarked on the Kargil conflict in the Himalayan region of Kashmir -- though Sharif has blamed his then-army chief General Pervez Musharraf who went on to overthrow him in a coup, for provoking the fighting without his knowledge.

Strong mandate
With both leaders currently enjoying a strong mandate -- Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) won a big majority in elections last year -- members of parliament and experts say the stalled peace process could get fresh impetus.

Sherry Rehman, a member of parliament for the opposition Pakistan People's Party and former ambassador to the United States, told AFP: “The blockbuster numbers should give Modi the parliamentary muscle and confidence to work with Pakistan for stability in the region.

“If his policies are driven by economy, then Pakistan would find it easier to do business with Modi's India, but the ball is in India's court.“

Key issues confronting the relationship remain the disputed Kashmir region, as well as militancy inside India which New Delhi frequently accuses Pakistan of backing.

Bilateral ties have only slightly recovered from the rock bottom they hit after the 2008 Mumbai attacks in which 166 people were killed by Pakistani gunmen.

For its part, Pakistan accuses India of funding a long-running insurgency in its southwestern Balochistan province.

Simbal Khan, a former Pakistan fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, said the unpopularity of the outgoing Congress party had hindered its ability to thaw ties, despite its more secular and liberal outlook.

“There is a general feeling that coming from a right-of-centre platform and riding on this wave of popularity, any overtures or steps taken to mend relations or to take the subcontinent out of old constructs is more likely to happen under Modi's rule than Congress,” she said.

Khan cited as an encouraging example the warming of ties between Pakistan's Punjab province, which is governed by Sharif's brother Shahbaz, and the Sikh-centric Shiromani Akali Dal party, a BJP ally which rules India's Punjab state.

The analyst said she was hopeful that Sharif may soon grant “Most Favoured Nation” status to India and open land borders in an effort to kickstart trade that would particularly benefit Pakistan's stuttering economy.

Sharif, a pro-business industrialist, is widely seen as being in favour of such a move though reports have suggested opposition by the all-powerful army has so far prevented him -- and could conceivably block future attempts.

Tainted past
Badar Alam, editor of Pakistan's Herald magazine, said Modi too would come under pressure from within his party if he were to push too hard for peace.

“Right-wing Hindu nationalists have always opposed normalising ties with Pakistan and a leader representing them will both be well placed to take the initiative vis a vis Pakistan and under pressure from his own supporters to not do so."

“Will Modi, as PM, be able to lead his electorate rather than be led by it?” he said.

While Pakistan's civilian leaders and business community are in favour of closer ties, many ordinary people revile Modi, who is tainted by communal riots in his home state of Gujarat 12 years ago that killed 1,000 people, mostly Muslims.

His campaign manifesto included pledges for a more muscular foreign policy, vowing a re-think of India's no-first strike nuclear policy and a hard line on Kashmir.

Such rhetoric had raised concern among some observers that another Mumbai-style attack planned on Pakistani soil could push the countries into all-out war.

But according to Mushahid Hussain, chairman of Pakistan's senate defence committee, some of the rhetoric could be simply an election strategy, and the two countries' nuclear capabilities would prevent such an outcome.

“There are two sides to Modi -- a dark side based on bigotry and violence against Muslims, and a positive side on development. If he is willing to bid goodbye to the politics of hate, then are grounds for optimism,” he said.
The fact of the matter is both nations have no choice but to get along together.

How they do it is the big question. What Pak is doing is the right thing any sensible nation would do. India after all got along with Mush too despite Kargil.

One cannot wish away realities.

In my opinion, it would be a lot easier to engage Modi than it was with the UPA. It may take a while & some doing for both to accept each others POV & stand on issues but then thats what diplomacy is all about. Modi has the mandate to take a call and the acumen to do so as well - something the UPA fell short of.

Nations never close the back door unless its a hot war situation.
some similarities where both countries can help each other...
oil/gas pipelines from CAR's
I don't think there is anyone in India serious about talking to Pakistan. Given their previous track record, It would again end up in failure .Just keep our borders tight and don't let the Infiltrators in . In next 10 years revive up the Economy under Modi and become a global player like China . All that while Pakistan end up in quagmire of extremism and surviving under doles from IMF . At that time we will dictate the terms of peace to Pakistan .
some similarities where both countries can help each other...
oil/gas pipelines from CAR's

The greatest similarity that exists between both nations is that they have to live together - an arranged marriage with no divorce clause.

Lump it or love it, when you have to live under the same roof ( read region) and interact with each other - you may as well find a workable way of doing it.

I don't think there is any immediate need to engage Pakistan now. Given their previous track record, It would again end up in failure .Just keep our borders tight and don't let the Infiltrators in . In next 10 years revive up the Economy under Modi and become a global player like China . All that while Pakistan end up in quagmire of extremism and surviving under doles from IMF . At that time we will dictate the terms of peace to Pakistan .

Failure does not mean we give up trying.
This is only one sided so far and to be honest its rather pathetic. GOP should had opted a more careful approach rather than bending backwards. Modi during his election campaign came out much harder on Pakistan, it was only logical to wait and see how he forms the policy w.r.t Pakistan after the usual rhetoric dies down but no we are so desperate that even though he has not even settled down as the PM, we have started using back door diplomacy.

Pakistan government should adopt the approach recommended by Maliha Lodhi which was of caution. With so much apologetic attitude and going out of the way to reach India, shows us weak and pathetic and a dialogue cannot be successful from a point of weakness. Nawaz has shown all of his cards and the reality will come down crashing upon him, let Modi settle down.
Insiders disclosed that the Pakistani diplomat delivered a message on behalf of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s government that it was ready for a ‘new beginning’ with the BJP.
How many 'new beginnings' are there going to be? We've been hearing this crap every time a new government takes charge whether in India or Pakistan.

Terrorism will continue to be exported. Ceasefire violations will continue to aid infiltrators. MFN status will be in limbo. Rhetoric on both sides would continue due to political compulsions and vested interests. Hafiz Saeed will continue earning his millions from donations for his 'kashmir cause'. Dawood will carry on with whatever he is doing. And the jobless hoards who've joined the LeT for their 'rozi roti' would continue dancing to the tune of the powers-that-be!

So all this talk of 'backdoor or the so called Track II diplomacy is all stuff and nonsense. Let's get real. Nothing is going to change except the new Indian government getting tough on cross border violations, because that's not going to stop.
I don't think there is anyone in India serious about talking to Pakistan. Given their previous track record, It would again end up in failure .Just keep our borders tight and don't let the Infiltrators in . In next 10 years revive up the Economy under Modi and become a global player like China . All that while Pakistan end up in quagmire of extremism and surviving under doles from IMF . At that time we will dictate the terms of peace to Pakistan .
And you think only india will make progress in next 10 years and Pakistan will do nothing.....seriously pal.....Wake Up from your Delusional Dreams ....!!!! Pakistan has suffered the worst in last 10 years and SURVIVED.....now it's time to move on......The major issue is terrorism in Pakistan and now many terrorist groups have shown their interest to restore peace in troubled areas.....that surely will take some time ......but after that we are gonna prosper and make progress.....so don't Underestimate Pakistan in any way:pakistan:
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