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[B]I quit[/B]

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May 5, 2011
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The moment I saw this forum, I had a lot of dreams of making friendship with Pakistani Brothers and Chinese Brothers. but from the few days of joining this forum i found out that this is all about bashing, denial and self richousness via self centered argumesnt.

Some one point one country for the worlds problems the others showing example of how the other country has behaved in the past. All spreading heatread and violance. There is no humanity left in humans and we all need to be put to sleep by the God. We have become a plague to this planet and not the saviours of the Planet.

Killing is justified, UN is incompetent and the so called super powers are interested in selling weapons to third world countries so that more of our kind die. and the developing countries they are very much interested in achiving supremecy by developing weapons of mass destruction and smart weapons which kills silently. whom does it kill? our own kind.

No one realizes the survivors of the last ICE AGE where just 1000 men and we are all decendents of these who survived and hence one way or the other every one is related to every one. We say kill, kill, kill just like a mindless mob getting entertained by the genocide commited by humans on humans.

No other species kills its own species for any reason and we are the exceptions, this is why we evolved from animals to thugs and hence the rotten egg in one basket(Earth).

And after a few days of scraping in the forum, the forum has changed my attitue from being a Thinker to a Emotional Idiot.

For the above reasons I quit, and I feel there are better things that I can do for my planet and people rather than typing here in this forum.
The moment I saw this forum, I had a lot of dreams of making friendship with Pakistani Brothers and Chinese Brothers. but from the few days of joining this forum i found out that this is all about bashing, denial and self richousness via self centered argumesnt.

Some one point one country for the worlds problems the others showing example of how the other country has behaved in the past. All spreading heatread and violance. There is no humanity left in humans and we all need to be put to sleep by the God. We have become a plague to this planet and not the saviours of the Planet.

Killing is justified, UN is incompetent and the so called super powers are interested in selling weapons to third world countries so that more of our kind die. and the developing countries they are very much interested in achiving supremecy by developing weapons of mass destruction and smart weapons which kills silently. whom does it kill? our own kind.

No one realizes the survivors of the last ICE AGE where just 1000 men and we are all decendents of these who survived and hence one way or the other every one is related to every one. We say kill, kill, kill just like a mindless mob getting entertained by the genocide commited by humans on humans.

No other species kills its own species for any reason and we are the exceptions, this is why we evolved from animals to thugs and hence the rotten egg in one basket(Earth).

And after a few days of scraping in the forum, the forum has changed my attitue from being a Thinker to a Emotional Idiot.

For the above reasons I quit, and I feel there are better things that I can do for my planet and people rather than typing here in this forum.
I will feel not good man I am still here where are you going don't go speak truth and face truth man
Speeking truth needs some acceptance, and for me, i feel like doing this :hitwall:
Are you kidding me?? do you take virtual people this seriously !!

I mean how sure you are that A Pakistani is a Pakistani and not a Chinese or a Chinese is not actually a Pakistani !!

They deny but does that change the truth?? come on we all are third world countries competing with each other, don't expect them not to try to pull you down, because that's what we do as well...!! its a fun infact..

remember, posting on forum wont bring development in the country but working for it will. Defeating some one in forum war means Nothing not even a Sh**!! Dont worry what others say because in the end they are Pakistani and Chinese (our best friends :P) and being a neutral observer i can tell you that Indian posters are not saint either..
Patriotism tends to take the upper hand but it's only in here.

In real life, even in my office, the Pakistanis and the Indians are always the closest.

Try not to take things too personally. This forum welcomes all different thoughts and ideas and that's what makes discussion interesting.
Are you kidding me?? do you take virtual people this seriously !!

I mean how sure you are that A Pakistani is a Pakistani and not a Chinese or a Chinese is not actually a Pakistani !!

They deny but does that change the truth?? come on we all are third world countries competing with each other, don't expect them not to try to pull you down, because that's what we do as well...!! its a fun infact..

remember, posting on forum wont bring development in the country but working for it will. Defeating some one in forum war means Nothing not even a Sh**!! Dont worry what others say because in the end they are Pakistani and Chinese and being a neutral observer i can tell you that Indian posters are not saint either..

I am no longer refering myself pertaining to any country, what see is heatread and when you say it is fun its ok, how would you justify that fighting in forums killing our inner spirit for friendship and thirst for happiness and harmoney. after a hot argument what we do, we spread the message to fellow citizens spreading the heat from cyberspace to real world.
I am no longer refering myself pertaining to any country, what see is heatread and when you say it is fun its ok, how would you justify that fighting in forums killing our inner spirit for friendship and thirst for happiness and harmoney. after a hot argument what we do, we spread the message to fellow citizens spreading the heat from cyberspace to real world.

Stay away from those thread, Remember writing something over net does not change the very fact that India is looked as a future economic powerhouse and world economic driver, You have to remember that we should not prove over prowess with words but with our action..!!

its a Human nature that when we see our neighbors doing extremely well and shifting to much bigger house than ours , we tend to criticize them , try to find fault on them, try to bi*ch about them because they were once our neighbours were one of us, Just to give you an example...

India is in a stage where it will have lots of criticizm from our neighbors and this forum reflects that clearly but that doesnt mean they (criticizer) are not good as Human, ofcourse they are !! All those on this forum , Iam sure would be good at heart !!

Therefore I say dont take it too seriously, just chill and let time shut everyone up !! :D
Patriotism tends to take the upper hand but it's only in here.

In real life, even in my office, the Pakistanis and the Indians are always the closest.

Try not to take things too personally. This forum welcomes all different thoughts and ideas and that's what makes discussion interesting.

Those who do not have tolerance for opposite view should not be whining. its either continue or quit why to play a victim card.
Stay away from those thread, Remember writing something over net does not change the very fact that India is looked as a future economic powerhouse and world economic driver, You have to remember that we should not prove over prowess with words but with our action..!!

its a Human nature that when we see our neighbors doing extremely well and shifting to much bigger house than ours , we tend to criticize them , try to find fault on them, try to bi*ch about them because they were once our neighbours were one of us, Just to give you an example...

India is in a stage where it will have lots of criticizm from our neighbors and this forum reflects that clearly but that doesnt mean they (criticizer) are not good as Human, ofcourse they are !! All those on this forum , Iam sure would be good at heart !!

Therefore I say dont take it too seriously, just chill and let time shut everyone up !! :D

Thanks for such kind words, i don't want India alone to grow, i want the entire human race to grow in humanity, The thing that is bothering me is the footage from Channel 4 about the Killing Fields,
We as humans were not able to stop Nazi from killing innocent Jews, we as humans were not able to stop the killings in Ruwanda and Congo, We as humans were not able to stop General Radek from killing innocent sherb muslims. we as humans were not able to stop killings in Sri Lanka.

what are we when we are not able to help when it is much needed from the international community.
Thanks for such kind words, i don't want India alone to grow, i want the entire human race to grow in humanity, The thing that is bothering me is the footage from Channel 4 about the Killing Fields,
We as humans were not able to stop Nazi from killing innocent Jews, we as humans were not able to stop the killings in Ruwanda and Congo, We as humans were not able to stop General Radek from killing innocent sherb muslims. we as humans were not able to stop killings in Sri Lanka.

what are we when we are not able to help when it is much needed from the international community.

Survival of Fittest dude !! we have no option, nobody wants to live in a 3rd world country and nor does Indians
may be I am being too Practical.
Survival of Fittest dude !! we have no option, nobody wants to live in a 3rd world country and nor does Indians
may be I am being too Practical.

I'll rather remain a inactive participent in the forum, rather than indulging in fist fights with mouths.
Bye all.
What bothers me is USA with 4% of world population, enjoys 33 % of world resources whereas Indians with 17% of world population have less than 3 % world resource to feed its people. west has always been smart for centuries in looting all the Asian wealth and now they complain Indians are snatching their Jobs..!! They should not forget that West has taken trillions from India and it would take generations for them to repay us..
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