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Awami League's Strategy


Apr 24, 2011
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Some key developments:

Ershad recently joined Hasina's all-party government :-)
Ershad quits grand alliance, urges BNP to join 'all-party' govt


Luring opposition members to join her government is part of the AL's grand strategy. This is to provide them with some political leverage.

Additionally, the recently established Union Bank is chaired by Ershad.
Nod to 6 more new banks

If the AL comes to power, Union Bank; along with five others would have more advantages to do business in the banking sector. Union Bank is also a Shariah-based bank.

Tareq Rahman has recently been acquitted from the much talked about money laundering case. Much to the surprise of many.
Money Laundering Case | Tarique acquitted | Mamun jailed for 7 years; surprised BNP finds 'a brave judge in subservient judiciary'

Many expected that he'd be found guilty. And it'll be hartal again. But no, that wasn't the case. It is an image war.

The AL intends to play the game in such to throw the BNP into a tantrum from which they cannot recover. The BNP do not have any road to go to other than performing protests, processions and hartals. They are simply not in any position at present. Should they perform any more hartals, the public would feel annoyed by them, and hence lose support. At least, that is what the AL are trying to convey.

And everyone will know what a kind and merciful leader Hasina truly is. But then, Khaleda's younger son, Koko is already in jail. So Hasina is satisfied to keep one of them.

In light of this, Khaleda Zia recently visited President Hamid.
Khaleda meets president in evening | Dhaka Tribune

After all these years? What for? What can that man possibly have in store for her? With the majority of the BNP's intelligentsia in prison, the party is unable to plan. I doubt if they ever had one from the start.

In short, the AL are trying to knock out major political opponents through this all party government. The election design is already in place. It was already engineered in advance. Only to make the AL make it to the majority of the parliament, with some measly opposition MP's like Ershad. And there is very little that major opposition parties can do about it. This is the AL's grand strategy.

The BNP were not very great at public relations. Tarek did a lot of damage to his, and his party's image. If memory serves, he used to misbehave with a lot with the BNP's senior members during their reign. This created divisions. And whatever bad the BNP did, they cannot overcome that negative image. This offered the AL to more opportunities to exploit that weakness by denting that image.

The AL are great at hiding corruption, and at the same time, capable of projecting a positive image. The BNP? Not really.

The army? Well, Tarek did not prove to pamper them enough. Presently, much of the army's seniors are composed of ruling party loyalists. Additionally, the AL are buying them many toys to keep them happy. Along with business opportunities ranging from banking to ice-cream parlors.

The AL really know how to play this game. Whereas the BNP? Not really.
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You are correct BNP does seem to pack a cohesive strategy. They are just reacting to events rather than controlling it.

BNP should not agree to the election and should not join it. They can ask ppl not to vote. In the election if the percentage of participants falls below 30% the election will become illegitimate.

They have chosen not to act to date and this might to be too late.

They should not go down the violent route as that would destroy the only thing they have left.... The peoples sympathy.

They have only one more roll of the dice. They could contest the election by proxy on a single point with a single figuerehead.

If they can get prof Yunus to stand on a single ticket everywhere in the country on a solitary platform of bringing the caretaker system back, there maybe a chance. Apart from that I do not see anyway for BNP to come to power.

The election will be rigged, BAL has laid out its stall. Time for action has passed for BNP. They lack muscle and it seems like they are heading for oblivion. It is a shame as in a fair election they would win hands down, but their eternal passivity has destroyed their credibility as a force.
You are correct BNP does seem to pack a cohesive strategy. They are just reacting to events rather than controlling it.

BNP should not agree to the election and should not join it. They can ask ppl not to vote. In the election if the percentage of participants falls below 30% the election will become illegitimate.

They have chosen not to act to date and this might to be too late.

They should not go down the violent route as that would destroy the only thing they have left.... The peoples sympathy.

They have only one more roll of the dice. They could contest the election by proxy on a single point with a single figuerehead.

If they can get prof Yunus to stand on a single ticket everywhere in the country on a solitary platform of bringing the caretaker system back, there maybe a chance. Apart from that I do not see anyway for BNP to come to power.

The election will be rigged, BAL has laid out its stall. Time for action has passed for BNP. They lack muscle and it seems like they are heading for oblivion. It is a shame as in a fair election they would win hands down, but their eternal passivity has destroyed their credibility as a force.

The BNP really don't give a damn about Yunus other than some publicity remarks to gain more sympathy support. Yunus is ultimately on his own.

The AL played this game with a very cool head. However, should they threaten the people's (regardless of social-class) livelihoods and futures for whatever reason, and however and whenever the circumstances may be; the people can overthrow the AL at anytime they desire. That won't be a problem.

Zia is doing all that for herself and her retarded family line. And not for the best interests of the nation. Not even for her party for that matter.
Yunus could be an unifying figuerehead that the opposition can rally around. KZ lacks personality. BAL second term would be even more disasterious than the last. Livelihood of the people are hardly safe under BAL. BNP initially I thought was playing a long game and biding its time. Now it seems they weren't playing at all.
1) BNP should boycott an election unless a caretaker govt system is re-introduced.

2) The country may head for a one party rule for a very long time if the election is headed by an AL-dominated govt. AL will certainly rig the election.

3) Whatever problem the country is facing today, it was initiated by the greed of BKZ, her two stupid sons and her two brothers. Their corruption was exposed by the military govt and the people overwhelming voted for the AL. It is only because the AL won more than 2/3rd of the Parliament seats, therefore, it has been bestowed with a dictatorial power.

4) The voters should refrain from going to the voting centers. Since most of the common people have very little affiliation for AL, I believe, they will refrain themselves from voting.

5) A non-support from the EU, Japan and USA will nullify the result of voting. These countries should refrain from sending Observers to the coming election, and should temporarily withdraw their Ambassadors from Dhaka after the election.

6) A prospect of trade sanctions may cause the next illegitimate AL-led govt to fall.
May Srimati Hasina Ji wins again and make Bangladesh prosper.
The BNP really don't give a damn about Yunus other than some publicity remarks to gain more sympathy support. Yunus is ultimately on his own.

The AL played this game with a very cool head. However, should they threaten the people's (regardless of social-class) livelihoods and futures for whatever reason, and however and whenever the circumstances may be; the people can overthrow the AL at anytime they desire. That won't be a problem.

Zia is doing all that for herself and her retarded family line. And not for the best interests of the nation. Not even for her party for that matter.

Agree on all points other than this bold part. People here in BD don't have that capability. No movements were spontaneous here since 47 except probably 52 rather all were backed by some. So a Tunisian type spontaneous one is not likely to happen here.
Agree on all points other than this bold part. People here in BD don't have that capability. No movements were spontaneous here since 47 except probably 52 rather all were backed by some. So a Tunisian type spontaneous one is not likely to happen here.

It may be a matter of time. A long time.

It's not that most want a CTG system just because they all love the BNP. But they do not want to see trouble in the streets so that their little livelihoods do not get hampered.

Their pride and weakness will ultimately become their folly. It is a matter of time.
6) A prospect of trade sanctions may cause the next illegitimate AL-led govt to fall.

Sanctions? Perhaps at least against the ruling members initially (given that the AL wins). If they still hang on to power, more may follow.

If the Bangladeshi populace do not acknowledge the threat, they will be the ones to pay a very high price.

A sanction-ridden Bangladesh is not a pretty one. It may be at the very moment that they will rise up against the AL @PlanetSoldier
I still can't figure out which one is Hasina & which one is Khalida Zia ? :cray:

Is Hasina the one with a plump face gone through one too many botox sessions & eyebrows the likes of which had they been penciled on using a thin tipped black marker or is she the one who wears spectacles & looks like the cute little granny from Hansel & Gretel ? :unsure:
I still can't figure out which one is Hasina & which one is Khalida Zia ? :cray:

Is Hasina the one with a plump face gone through one too many botox sessions & eyebrows the likes of which had they been penciled on using a thin tipped black marker or is she the one who wears spectacles & looks like the cute little granny from Hansel & Gretel ? :unsure:

Zia is the one who still goes to parlors, make-up and the other crap. Along with that weird hair-do.

Hasina is the one with spectacles. And...OMG...that evil granny from Hansel & Gretel? Man, you top the marks in theatricality! :woot:
BNP accuses India of backing AL

Staff Correspondent, bdnews24.com

Published: 22 Nov 2013 23:11 BdST Updated: 23 Nov 2013 00:11 BdST
BNP Standing Committee member Mirza Abbas has accused India of trying to bring ruling Awami League to power again.

He criticised the country’s High Commissioner in Dhaka Pankaj Saran for his recent meetings with political leaders and the Election Commission.

The former minister said, “Whatever efforts the Pankaj Sarans may make, they cannot retain Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in power.”

He made the remark in his address to a rally of the BNP-led 18-Party Alliance at Suhrawardy Udyan on Friday.

Referring to newspaper reports on the Indian envoy, Abbas said: “He’s boasting. He’s saying that they’ve interest in Bangladesh.”

“That’s why the Indian envoy is meeting (HM) Ershad, the Election Commission and ministers.

“I would like to tell him, you’re only seeing your own interest and not the interest of the people of this country,” he added.

US Ambassador Dan Mozena visited New Delhi last month amid political unrest over the polls-time government, giving rise to media speculation over American and Indian positions on Bangladesh.

The Opposition BNP is demanding a non-party caretaker government to oversee the next elections but the ruling Awami League is moving ahead with its plan to hold the polls under an ‘all-party’ administration.

US diplomats, on different occasions, recently said that their country and India have common stand on Bangladesh – a claim refuted by Delhi.

India said it was against any foreign intervention in Bangladesh’s affairs and maintained that the people of Bangladesh would determine their future.

Abbas in his speech referred to a report in India’s Anandabazar newspaper that claimed Delhi was favouring the Awami League.

“They (India) want to bring the Awami League to power again. Bringing anyone to power this way is an illegal act. The country’s people won’t let it happen,” he said.

BNP accuses India of backing AL -

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