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Australian troops being readied for possible deployment Pakistan/Lebanon

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@Vassnti @xdrive

Australians are most welcome in Pakistan & if they really wanna help Pakistan help in trade & education sectors. Pakistanis are very sensitive when there is even a talk of foreign boots on their soil, it is not taken lightly.

Love to Australia.
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Australians in Pakistan ?

Shall we start digging their GRAVES in advance or would they prefer their bodies to be Cremated.

Another option could be "Burial at Arabian Sea " to help out the Sharks and other animals.
There are no Australian troops in Pakistan.

Australian troops being readied for possible deployment from Pakistan to Lebanon

Editor’s note: if war starts with Syria it will be another act of aggression based on lies like Iraq was and will only benefit the elite who profit from these wars as innocent people die. We already know that for over 2 years many NATO nations such as the US, UK and France have been funding, arming and training al qaeda in the region and sending them in to destabilise the Syrian government.


Australia’s new Defence Minister, David Johnston, says he wants to keep the military battle-ready for further possible conflicts in the unstable Middle East and south Asia.

Senator Johnston said that after 14 years of involvement in overseas conflicts from East Timor to Afghanistan, the Australian Defence Force had a strong fighting momentum that should not be lost as troops return from Afghanistan.

In an interview with Fairfax Media, he said he plans to maintain and ”augment our readiness” for future fights, which will most likely be in the unstable region stretching from Pakistan to the Levant, including even fresh trouble in Afghanistan.

”It will be Pakistan across to Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan. That’s the area where there will be instability and that’s the area that we might need to go back into at some point in the future.

”I can’t foresee that right now, but … if you were to look at where the next area of instability is likely to be – and we’re seeing it unfolding in Syria today – a contribution from Australia is most likely to be in that part of the world in the future. I think Pakistan is also highly problematic.”

The West Australian Senator (pictured), a former justice and customs minister in the Howard government and Tony Abbott’s defence spokesman, stressed he did not see Australians fighting in Syria.

He said he was not preparing for any particular conflict ”in an alarmist sense” but was determined to build on the knowledge and skills the Australian Defence Force had gained running counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan. That included exposure to enemy tactics such as the use of improvised explosive devices and fighting in urban areas among a civilian population ”against a very, very resourceful and callous enemy.

These are experiences that we’ve lived and breathed for 10 years and we’ve become quite expert in those things. And we’ve got to make sure those lessons are passed on to our soldiers in the future.

”Operationally, we’re starting to come down [in Afghanistan], so we’ve got to maintain some interest for the troops. They’ve got to keep training, got to keep a level of readiness.”

The bulk of Australian troops are set to withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of the year. However, in a reminder of the continuing danger, three special forces soldiers were wounded last week in a battle with insurgents.

A Defence statement issued on Friday said the three elite soldiers had received ”minor fragmentation wounds” while helping Afghan forces fight off insurgents.

Senator Johnston’s remarks come amid a continuing international standoff over the response to Syria’s suspected use of chemical weapons.
For anyone who missed my post on the first page explaining the article http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...-deployment-pakistan-lebanon.html#post4806876

This is just another fear thread with a fake title meant to stir up anger. Most posters see the title of the thread and think "oh Australia is invading Pakistan!" and then respond straight away without reading the article. This is a deliberate tactic by trolls to create a flame fest.
Australia can't invade pakistan.
pakistan will turn australia into nuke waste land.:lol:
I know truth hurts but aussies are lapdog of US and they will not do anything without the nod of there american master
Australia can't invade pakistan.
pakistan will turn australia into nuke waste land.:lol:
I know truth hurts but aussies are lapdog of US and they will not do anything without the nod of there american master

Pakistan's nukes cannot reach australia as of now.
Pakistan's nukes cannot reach australia as of now.

If things get serious, you can bet it will get there. It might not come on a neuclear warhead, but package will be delivered.
If things get serious, you can bet it will get there. It might not come on a neuclear warhead, but package will be delivered.

What one or two warheads on ship? That would barely do anything to Australia.
This is no laughing matter. The West (Australia being part of the so called western alliance) has its eyes firmly fixed on Baluchistan with American senators even introducing a resolution in the Congress for helping Baluchistan gain independence. US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher introduced a resolution in the US House of Representatives calling upon Pakistan to recognize the Baloch right to self determination.

The Baloch lobby stresses that the governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan can no longer be considered allies of the United States. Accordingly, they seek to re-establish American influence in Southwest Asia by undermining and breaking up the three neighboring “enemy” states – Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran – and creating a new state (or possibly more than one) that would be totally dependent on the U.S. of A.

Hopefully too, all those well-intentioned people who think that they should act to ‘free oppressed peoples threatened by genocide’ will ponder the real considerations that guide the foreign policy of capitalist states. The policy of establishing a NWO (New World Order) on Western terms is alive and kicking.
This is no laughing matter. The West (Australia being part of the so called western alliance) has its eyes firmly fixed on Baluchistan with American senators even introducing a resolution in the Congress for helping Baluchistan gain independence.

The Baloch lobby accepts that the governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan can no longer be considered allies of the United States. Accordingly, they seek to re-establish American influence in Southwest Asia by undermining and breaking up the three neighboring “enemy” states – Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran – and creating a new state (or possibly more than one) that would be totally dependent on the U.S. of A.

Hopefully too, all those well-intentioned people who think that ‘we’ should act to ‘free oppressed peoples threatened by genocide’ will ponder the real considerations that guide the foreign policy of capitalist states. The policy of establishing a NWO (New World Order) on Western terms is alive and kicking.

After Pakistan ,India is next in line for balkanization.India has done the biggest mistake ever leaving the russian aegis. Chinese are trying to bring Russia into a NATO type alliance with them and India abandoned the opportunity. CIA has india targetted for Balkanization too..

And Baluchization has the largest conventional oil reserves on the planet also ,3 trillion barrels
What one or two warheads on ship? That would barely do anything to Australia.

Who said anything about a ship?
Mate it's not about how many you can kill.. It's about sending a clear message.
You can think that ways ,but then USA will sure turn pakistan into a glass sheet in less than 8 minutes.

Pakistan will only use it's nuclear stock pile if Pakistan has nothing to lose.
At this point you're passed the point of no return.
If U.S. gets involved it gravely risks it's ally near Pakistan and the Middle East.
After Pakistan ,India is next in line for balkanization.India has done the biggest mistake ever leaving the russian aegis. Chinese are trying to bring Russia into a NATO type alliance with them and India abandoned the opportunity. CIA has india targetted for Balkanization too..
In 2007/8, Russia, India and China got together and discussed a trilateral alliance - economic as well as military, but unfortunately the Indian establishment baulked at the idea after analyzing the implications that would hurt Indian interests in the long run vis a vis the West led by the US of A.

If such an alliance would have come about, the world's geopolitical scenario would have changed forever. The West wouldn't be throwing it's weight around as it is doing now - from Egypt to Syria to Iran to Pakistan. A second pole in what is now a unipolar world would have held the West on a leash.
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