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Attacks down almost 20 percent in Pakistan


Mar 26, 2010
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Attacks down almost 20 percent in Pakistan
(AP) – 6 hours ago

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The number of suicide bombings and other attacks in Pakistan declined nearly 20 percent last year as a result of Pakistani military operations, better surveillance by law enforcement agencies and the death of key militants in U.S. drone strikes, a think tank said Sunday.

But the militant threat remains dire, and the Pakistani government has yet to develop a comprehensive policy to eradicate Islamist militants who continue to plague the country, warned the Pak Institute for Peace Studies.

"Better coordination among intelligence agencies, capacity building of law enforcement agencies, curbs on terrorism financing and, most importantly, adequate measures to prevent banned militant groups from operating across the country remained persistently lacking," said a new report by the group.

Pakistan's anti-terror efforts are a key focus of the Obama administration, which wants the country to do more to target Taliban militants who regularly launch attacks against U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

The number of militant, insurgent and sectarian-related attacks in Pakistan declined from 2,586 in 2009 to 2,113 last year. But the number of people killed in attacks only dropped about 3.5 percent, from 3,021 to 2,913.

Despite the general decline, attacks roughly tripled last year in Pakistan's two largest cities, said the report, a sign that militants are having greater success exporting the fight far from their northwest heartland along the Afghan border.

In Karachi, a teeming city of some 16 million that has a long history of religious, political and ethnic violence, 93 attacks killed 233 people last year, up from 24 attacks that killed 65 in 2009.

Pakistan's cultural capital, Lahore, witnessed 44 attacks last year compared to 11 in 2009. But there were fewer casualties in Punjab province, where Lahore is the capital, because the militants carried out a smaller number of suicide attacks in crowded places.

Across the country, suicide attacks fell 22 percent, from 87 in 2009 to 68 last year, according to the report.

The Pakistani military has launched a series of operations against militants in the northwest. The campaigns have dealt a serious blow but have failed to achieve sustainable peace "due to the less than impressive performance of a weak political administration, which is beset by chronic challenges of poor governance," said the report.

The U.S. also has concerns about Pakistan's ability to transition to effective hold and build efforts in cleared areas, according to a White House progress report drafted last year.

"This failure results in short-lived military gains that allow militants to regroup in these areas," said the report.

U.S. officials have also expressed frustration with Pakistan's unwillingness to launch an offensive in North Waziristan, part of the country's lawless tribal region that hosts a large number of militants who wage attacks in Afghanistan.

The Pakistani army says its troops are stretched too thin by other operations in the tribal region. But many analysts believe the military is reluctant to cross militants with whom it has historical ties and could be useful allies in Afghanistan after foreign troops withdraw.

The U.S. has responded by more than doubling the number of drone strikes in the tribal region. There were close to 120 such strikes in 2010, most of which occurred in North Waziristan.

The U.S. refuses to acknowledge the covert CIA drone strikes in public, but officials have said privately that they have killed several senior Taliban and al-Qaida militants over the past several years.

The Associated Press: Attacks down almost 20 percent in Pakistan
Yeah, I have high hopes for 2011 for terrorism to have a significant drop. Unfortunately my such wishes have not always come true, but one can always hope.
Yeah, I have high hopes for 2011 for terrorism to have a significant drop. Unfortunately my such wishes have not always come true, but one can always hope.

Your hopes would definitely come true if the terrorists loose the heavens they enjoy in Afghanistan or more specifically those areas of Afghanistan which border Pakistan. This drop in terrorist attack and specially attacks in major cities is because of those sacrifices the Pakistani security forces have given in this WOT. :pakistan:
The main objective of Pakistani Army should be to push the terrorists away from Frontier KP to FATA & than push them from all FATA districts to Waziristan, so than it will become more easier to stop attacks & defeat them. Their is need for powerful Police force too in Frontier KP, so that the area which Pakistan army cleared must be than controlled by that local powerful police force. Inshallah victory is ours.
just because of pakistan army operations if we continue such efforts these animals will finish sooner or later
A 20% isn't too much of an achievement looking at the political, monetary and life cost of the operations and ucav strikes.

If the figure was twice this I'd be happy.
The main objective of Pakistani Army should be to push the terrorists away from Frontier KP to FATA & than push them from all FATA districts to Waziristan, so than it will become more easier to stop attacks & defeat them. Their is need for powerful Police force too in Frontier KP, so that the area which Pakistan army cleared must be than controlled by that local powerful police force. Inshallah victory is ours.

A powerful and resouceful police and paramilitary that is trained and equiped on the modren basis.

the TTP & its allied terrorists belonging to the secterian outfits must be cornered and then crushed completely. once the regular forces leave the area they should be covered by para military and police so that they dont sprout back.

by the way.. the analysis is very misleading. a decrease in attacks doesnt mean anything but the fact that these rithless animals who butcher innocent civilains in the name of their twisted Deobandi/ whabi or kharji faith are actually looking for oppertunities and targets..
its just a lull before the storm.. whenever they resume they do it in a big way
I just hope that our intelligence agencies are ahead of the game and foil their plots in time.
there cant be any half hearted approach.. the TTP mentality seems to be poisioning the modrate sunni majority as well which is a worrying trend. as well as crushing their foot soldiers, the funding, training and indoctrinating channels need to be exposed and severed too..

no oil money or Arabian friendship is more dear than the freedom, safety and sovereignty of Pakistan.. our country is not the test bed of their proxy war with Iran and salafi (Deobandi) ideology which is the very basis from which the Taliban make justifications of killing goverment officials men and women alike, blow up schools, hospitals and mosques and behead captives.
The main objective of Pakistani Army should be to push the terrorists away from Frontier KP to FATA & than push them from all FATA districts to Waziristan, so than it will become more easier to stop attacks & defeat them. Their is need for powerful Police force too in Frontier KP, so that the area which Pakistan army cleared must be than controlled by that local powerful police force. Inshallah victory is ours.

A powerful and resouceful police and paramilitary that is trained and equiped on the modren basis.

the TTP & its allied terrorists belonging to the secterian outfits must be cornered and then crushed completely. once the regular forces leave the area they should be covered by para military and police so that they dont sprout back.

by the way.. the analysis is very misleading. a decrease in attacks doesnt mean anything but the fact that these rithless animals who butcher innocent civilains in the name of their twisted Deobandi/ whabi or kharji faith are actually looking for oppertunities and targets..
its just a lull before the storm.. whenever they resume they do it in a big way
I just hope that our intelligence agencies are ahead of the game and foil their plots in time.
there cant be any half hearted approach.. the TTP mentality seems to be poisioning the modrate sunni majority as well which is a worrying trend. as well as crushing their foot soldiers, the funding, training and indoctrinating channels need to be exposed and severed too..

no oil money or Arabian friendship is more dear than the freedom, safety and sovereignty of Pakistan.. our country is not the test bed of their proxy war with Iran and salafi (Deobandi) ideology which is the very basis from which the Taliban make justifications of killing goverment officials men and women alike, blow up schools, hospitals and mosques and behead captives.
Yeah, I have high hopes for 2011 for terrorism to have a significant drop. Unfortunately my such wishes have not always come true, but one can always hope.

Think positive, when you get initial 20% down in 2010 then from here it should be faster than expected, since major leaders would have been killed. I feel the percentage will come down drastically maybe 50% or more this year.
Think positive, when you get initial 20% down in 2010 then from here it should be faster than expected, since major leaders would have been killed. I feel the percentage will come down drastically maybe 50% or more this year.

I just hope that is a permanant reduction, but as a poster above me said, it might have been a preparation period for other big hits in the coming months, who knows, but lets be optimistic.
I just hope that is a permanant reduction, but as a poster above me said, it might have been a preparation period for other big hits in the coming months, who knows, but lets be optimistic.

Definitely true. I remember in 2009, summer didn't have a whole lot of attacks but when the attacks started around October, it was madness. One major attack every 2 or 3 days. That continued for about 3 months. Let's see if this is what happens, but hopefully not.
Definitely true. I remember in 2009, summer didn't have a whole lot of attacks but when the attacks started around October, it was madness. One major attack every 2 or 3 days. That continued for about 3 months. Let's see if this is what happens, but hopefully not.

Agreed with all of this, but I feel that 2011 will seen significant downfall in attacks and after this year there will be some attacks but not very large in number. It will take 5 years to completly vanish it. I am positve. I feel 2010 was no where in comparision to 2009, I think the drop was more than 20%.
^ True, I did feel that 2010 had less attacks than 2009. There was just a lot less terrorist attacks in the news. Not a huge drop, but still felt like 2010 was 20-40% better than 2009. And statistics prove that.
also they might be just the number of attacks, but not how big they were and where they happened. In 2010 cities like Lahore, Pindi etc hardly saw any attack.
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