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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

This event clearly exposes the fact that Pakistani navy is incompetant and needs the help of a trusted close powerful ally to help protects their mutual strategic intersts with that trusted close powerful ally.

The Pakistan navy can not even protect its own base, what will happen when India or U.S. invades the coast in Balochistan.

All Pakistanis should welcome a Chinese naval base after this event.

Should I remind you than even GHQ got attacked and Terrorists even took some hostages
It is possible, if you say a terrorist organization to provide personnel, but such an operation has exceeded their ability, who trained them, who give them orders?

They do have excellent trainers with them..Retired officers must have trained them.
If they can manage to get someone to do such intensive Rece for them then Training is a cakewalk..
NW Operation requires forces for sustainability and a subsequent holding of cleared area. Not possible right now. Yes Americans keep harping on this NW operation. They need to block the border from across if they feel this zone is used to disrupt them in Afghanistan/
Nobody is trusting them. Nobody is giving them the charge of FATA. We are just siding us away from America's war to make it our own war. And as you give the example of Swat if they continue their activities against the State of Pakistan, it would be more easy to fight against them just like it was against Swati taliban when continued their activities after the nifaz e shariat. The major reason behind the success of that operation was because their was consensus among the Pakistani people. Right now being an American slave we definitely can't build that consensus even I know this thing looks stupid.

Dance just for one second think. If the advantages of this WOT are greater than the disadvantages then please continue with the war. BUT if the disadvantages are greater than the advantages I think we should quit this BS. Think yourself.

I am thinking and after todays disaster I'm even more convinced that Pakistan is fighting for its survival. The Americans will leave soon and Pakistan will have to deal with the mess after they leave. I'm not saying that we should fight the WOT for American interests or that we should be American slaves but rather for our own. Whether we like it or not, we are heavily involved in this war and because we are we need to use it to get rid of hostile elements that threaten Pakistan.
TV coverage must never have been allowed -- now as long as there is coverage and the terrorists know it, they will be more ferocious - they need the coverage and the security needs to clamp down on this.
USA and Europe are just trying to keep alive their dying influence in the region -

1. If USA and NATO wants, it can finish off this Taliban business very quickly. But they won't.
2. Pakistan is not allowing US investments into its economy the way americans want it. This will allow USA to take control of Pakistan in more comprehensive way. This is a major contention between US and Pakistan, OBL is only a smaller drama and irrelevant here.
3. USA wants to cut off Pakistan from India and sabotage SAARC economic block. SAARC currency will single handedly over-shadow Euro as single biggest currency block in just 10 years, if you look at market size of SAARC.
4. Keeping TTP alive helps in accomplishing 2 and 3.
5. After the Civilian Govt. (zardari) came to power, 2 and 3 are becoming more difficult because Civilian politicos of Pakistan are in favour of good economic relations with India.
6. The recent OBL episode took place due to event 5. Otherwise, there was no hurry to do 5. OBL episode is convincing me that, USA will attempt something more desperate in coming months to take control in the region.

Now, some obervations:

1. Let it be clear, that an unstable Pakistan in hands of Jihadis is bad for India and China both. But it fully achieves USA+British European agendas for region.
2. There might be some temptations in China to let this unstable situation carry on for few more years or a decade, to slow down regional growth. It will help China push up its own profile in Asia.
3. China has no stakes in SAARC or rupee block. In fact, it will only hurt China(renmibi) as competitor. Same is true with Dollar and Euro. Noone likes a new competitor.
4. Saudis have no role in this region and never had in history. Those who think they have, are fooling themself and only helping outside agendas. Saudis have sold out their own state to west, why they will fight for you? The recent attack on Saudi diplomat was showing this frustration of a segment in Pakistan who believed in that idea. Its a wake up sign.

Points 3,3 above are very important. That's the reason China, USA and Europe all have common objective here. They will keep region boiling forever and break it if possible.

I think the end-game here is, India and Pakistan should join hands to finish off this western funded terrorism mess(started with Saudi+USA funded Jehad war on Soviets) and form an economic union. Lets bring peace and prosperity for our brothers. Its time to complete what was left in 1947.
Mumbai is a city unguarded, which is military bases, Indian police's equipment is old, India's reaction is slow. This is a completely different and this military action.
After the initial chaos, India dispatched MARCOS and Black Cats to deal with terrorists. It still took special forces more than 12 hours of fighting to bring the situation under control. Clearly, terrorists in Mumbai were not some two bit rag-tags.
They do have excellent trainers with them..Retired officers must have trained them.
If they can manage to get someone to do such intensive Rece for them then Training is a cakewalk..

You look at past history, when terrorism can penetrate inside a military base in a storm? All just limited to suicide bombings at the door. when such acts of terrorism directed against military resources (PC3), more personal injury is not a better choice?
Pre-positioned -- inside job, with the help and cooperation of low level Pakistani soldiers, airmen and sailors -- Now this cannot be hidden from the world, that the real reason Pakistan does not make progress against terrorism, and Islamist extremism, is because a good portion of it's forces are suffer from the contagion of Islamism - so small acts of sabotage are now common and of course large operations like this are also considered - the blame will go on "foreigners", Indians and Mossad and Martians -- but the world will now know exactly where the rot is and so will the people of Pakistan --

There is a strong possibility that there was help from ex-army men and what not and that should be exposed and investigated.
India Pakistan and China -- for Pakistan, we like and want to travel the three of us, Pakistan, India and CHINA -- between us with Bangla and Myanamar and Afghanistan and all the other central Asian Stans -- Now that's a vision, that's bijnis
After the initial chaos, India dispatched MARCOS and Black Cats to deal with terrorists. It still took special forces more than 12 hours of fighting to bring the situation under control. Clearly, terrorists in Mumbai were not some two bit rag-tags.

It was a massive hostage crisis in Mumbai. If there were no hostages, SFs would have finished those asswipes in couple of hours.
It is not about proving someone it is about making WOT our war which it isn't right now. With America bombing Pakistani territory I don't think their can be any consensus about this war. The bigger craziness is that we are fighting a war for last 10 years with a huge population confused about that war. This is craziness.

Oh Areesh, you are so innocent. This WoT is 100 times more important for Pakistan than it is for the US. I would strongly suggest you to read articles on this modern jihad that give you a holistic idea as to why all this bombing in that particular area is going on. I can't write a lot here, but just a hint - It is directly related to a three way tug of war between Afghans, Baloch and the Army (ISI). And the Army is clearly winning... so far.
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