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Assam's missing women and the sex trade


Apr 12, 2007
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Assam's missing women and the sex trade
By Subir Bhaumik
BBC News, Assam


Many of the missing women end up like these alleged arrested call girls
The biggest problem in India's north-eastern state of Assam is separatist militancy. But it faces another, less well known issue. Thousands of its women, old and young, have gone missing over the past 10 years.

A recent police report says 3,184 women and 3,840 female children have gone missing in the state since 1996.

That's around two females a day on average.

The report was compiled by Assam police and their research branch, the Bureau of Police Research and Development.

The local police are far too busy, according to Assam police intelligence chief Khagen Sarmah, fighting insurgents.

"Our counter-insurgency commitments affects our normal policing duties like checking trafficking."

"Too many policemen are involved fighting the insurgents rather than following up on other crimes," Mr Sarmah said.

'Good looking women'

The Assam police recently rescued some girls working as call-girls around Delhi or used as "sex slaves" by wealthy landlords in states like Punjab and Haryana.

Most of them are from camps of internally displaced people dotting Assam, particularly the Kokrajhar district.

Many people in Assam have fled the area due to the fighting

That area is home to nearly a quarter of a million people who were displaced in the late 1990s.

Nearly 800 people died in ethnic fighting in Kokrajhar and adjoining districts between Bodo tribes people and non-Bodo communities over a decade long period from 1994.

The police survey revealed an organised racket of "recruiters" who lured good-looking women with job offers outside the state.

"We arrested some recruiters but could never put an end to the rackets fully," said police official Anil Phukan.

The modus operandi is simple: good looking women in the displaced peoples camps are offered jobs.

The parents are paid a few thousand rupees in advance, and told the daughters will send back money once they start working.

Once they go away, that rarely happens.

Money matters

Jam Singh Lakra of the Jaipur relief camp near Kokrajhar town says: "At least 20 girls have gone away with the jobs from our camp, not to return again."

"We did identify a few recruiters and one got beaten up. But somehow the girls kept going away."

Most families are cagey about the missing girls but some do speak up.

Tuilal Mardi of Tablegaon village says "My parents accepted the offer and sent my sister away."

"They got a few thousand rupees but she never came back or sent any money."

Professor Paula Banerjee, who studies problems faced by displaced women, says: "Ethnic conflicts all over the world results in massive displacement of women and that gives rise to heavy trafficking - the situation in Assam is no different."

Local pornography

But not all the missing women of Assam have been taken out of the state.

Some show up in local pornographic films.

Some of the girls in the trade are from better financial backgrounds

Mala Newar in Kokrajhar was known to her teachers as a "decent, well behaved girl" in school.

That was until one of them spied on her husband's mobile phone last month and found a video clip featuring Mala in the nude having sex with a stranger.

Inquiries in Kokrajhar revealed that Mala and some other local girls were used in a pornographic films racket run by a local leader.

A hotel in the town was used for the filming.

The girls were first lured into the hotel with job offers, then offered soft drinks laced with sedatives.

They were then filmed in the nude and blackmailed into doing sex scenes for the camera.

Not all missing girls in Assam are from displaced peoples camps, though.

Indrani Bora and Ritu Borgohain are smart, educated English-speaking girls from the Assamese capital, Guwahati, who got jobs in a holiday complex in Gurgaon near Delhi seven months ago.

But both say they slowly got drawn into a call girl racket run by the complex owner.

An officer who led an Assam police team to rescue Indrani and Ritu explains.

"All across hotels and resorts in places like Delhi and Bombay, you will find hundreds of girls from Assam and other north-eastern states working as waitresses or customer executives.

"Some do get drawn into the call-girl trade

Hunger driven

The Calcutta Research Group, in its recent study on conflict-induced displacement says that the displaced people in Assam live in acute poverty.

Poverty is the driving force behind women opting for the trade

The situation has led the women in particular to desperately seek work elsewhere; even if the offers come from dubious people.

"This is because the government officials running the camps never created viable livelihood options," says Uddipana Goswami of the Calcutta-based Centre for Studies in Social Sciences (CSSS).

Ms Goswami has worked on the displaced camps in Assam.

"Many displaced women have such exquisite craftsmanship but nobody ever tried to convert that into income alternatives," she says.

Professor Banerjee says trafficking ignores borders therefore solutions cannot be left to local agencies alone.

"This is not a local or even a national problem."

"This reflects the global reality, so intervention by international organisations may help check trafficking."

(Names of the girls have been changed to protect their identity.)
Now to those Indians' who exclaimed that free sex is right what do you have to say now?

Wasn't I right that this is a disease for any nation! I have no doubt the Mullahs were right in closing those brothels down, what surprised me is that their are call girls, whats that? Like you call to get some sex?
According to UN reports India is world number one in Human Trafeking for purpose of sex.

It is a pitty that these all crimes go unpunished because the people involved are powerful, althouth it exists in every society but above situation is extremely sad.
india has beaten south africa and became the number one country with HIV infected people at 5.7 million....this is mainly coz of the sex trade.
Wrongly Reported.........................

What about US?>>>>>>>>>>>>

What about Pakistan?................

Well, this would be the answers you would get from fellow Indians.
india has beaten south africa and became the number one country with HIV infected people at 5.7 million....this is mainly coz of the sex trade.

Dude just have go back and check those fugures up again.
Well we are the most open populous nation in the world. We dont use govt reports to hide the malice. India has accepted that it suffers from all these AIDs, malnoursihment, sex trade etc etc.

Its been reported here just to get that cheap thrill. If GOI had refuted any of these so called reports then yes we have something to debate upon.

Whats the pt now?
Now to those Indians' who exclaimed that free sex is right what do you have to say now?

Wasn't I right that this is a disease for any nation! I have no doubt the Mullahs were right in closing those brothels down, what surprised me is that their are call girls, whats that? Like you call to get some sex?

Do you know whats the meaning of free sex?
Its bcoz of unsafe sex.

What! HIV is contracted in many ways one is the woman has had intercourse with more than one man and the second is that Gay's who try to do intercourse they have the highest of HIV contraction. What is meant by Unsafe intercourse is that the man or woman may have had a intercourse with some one else and the risk of the person having intercourse and get infected is high.
The rape capital of the world New Delhi

NEW DELHI: A woman is raped in the Indian capital every 24 hours and, in an overwhelming majority of cases registered by police in the last six months, the rapists were known to the victims.

These are among the startling findings of an extensive analysis of 2,359 rape cases registered by Delhi Police between early 1999 and June this year.

According to the study, till June 15 this year, 248 rapes were recorded in the city, marginally lower than the figures for the same period last year.

Police have solved 232 of the cases registered this year and arrested 330 men in connection with them, as some cases involved more than one attacker.

The analysis also threw up the fact that a majority of victims (89) and the accused (113) this year were illiterate.

Also read: Soldiers To Sadists: Psychology Of Cruelty

The rapists were known to the victims in 238 rape cases registered this year. In only 10 cases, the victims did not know their attackers.

Details gathered from police stations across the city showed that in 121 cases this year, neighbours were the rapists.

The year 2003 witnessed the highest number of rapes in the period covered by the study, with police registering 490 cases. The previous high - 435 cases - had been recorded in 2000.

A senior police officer said, "The social picture that emerges from the profiles of the accused is really disturbing and throws light on the fact that they were mainly people who knew the victims, including even relatives in some cases."

A section of the study that dealt with the profiles of the rapists showed in 23 cases, relatives had raped the victims. A majority of these relatives were fathers. In eight cases, police arrested the fathers of the victim for rape.

Among others relatives who have been arrested on charge of rape are stepfathers (three), brothers-in-law (five), fathers-in-law (three), cousins (two) and a brother.

Rohini Patkar of women's rights group Jagori said, "We are aware of the fact that most rapes are committed by people who are known to the victim.

"That makes it worse for the victims, who have to go back and face the same people, since there are not enough shelters and rehabilitation centres in our country."

The police officer said, "Of the total accused this year, five men above the age of 50 were arrested whereas 201 rapists were in the age group of 18-25 years. In 55 cases, the accused were aged 25-35 years."

ASK THE EXPERT : Dr Samir Parikh , Psychiatrist, answers queries related to stress, depression and other psychological problems. Post ur query.

The police analysis also delved into the educational background of the rapists. This year, 113 rapists were found to be illiterates and 120, school dropouts. There were 16 men who had completed their senior secondary education and 78 have studied up to Class 10.

More significantly, 16 minors were arrested on charges of rape this year. In 2003, six minors were arrested for rape.



Its not only the sex trade its the Rape aswell awile ago I read in the news paper in UK that after Brazilian capital the biggest rape capital came New Delhi. This is disturbing information I was shocked on the detail they showed in the News paper this was to do with women protesting for better treatment of them I dont remember the oraganisation that provided the information.
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