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Assad: Civil War Will be Over by Year's End


Aug 5, 2012
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Assad: Civil War Will be Over by Year's End
Syrian President not worried about the war, tells former Russian PM that much of the fighting will be over by the end of the year.
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By Elad Benari
First Publish: 4/9/2014, 4:42 AM


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
AFP photo
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad is not worried about the ongoing civil war in his country.

In fact, Assad told a former Russian prime minister on Monday that much of the fighting in the war will be over by the end of the year, reported Reuters.

"This is what he told me: 'This year the active phase of military action in Syria will be ended. After that we will have to shift to what we have been doing all the time - fighting terrorists'," the Itar-Tass news agency quoted Sergei Stepashin as saying.

Stepashin, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin and former head of Russia's FSB security service, portrayed Assad as secure, in control and in "excellent athletic shape" after a meeting in Damascus last week.

"'Tell Vladimir Vladimirovich (Putin) that I am not Yanukovych, I'm not going anywhere'," Stepashin quoted Assad as saying during their meeting, state-run news agency RIA reported, referring to the former Ukrainian president who fled to Russia in February.

Stepashin suggested Assad faced no such threat and was likely to win a presidential election this year.

"There is not a shadow of a doubt that he knows what he's doing," RIA quoted him as saying.

"Assad's strength now lies in the fact that, unlike Yanukovych, he has practically no internal enemies. He has a consolidated, cleansed team,” claimed Stepashin and added, "Moreover, his relatives are not bargaining and stealing from the cash register but are fighting.”

Stepashin added that "the fighting spirit of the Syrian army is extremely high", according to Reuters.

The comments come after the head of the Hezbollah terror group, Hassan Nasrallah, said that Assad’s government was no longer in danger of falling.

Hezbollah has sent fighters to assist Syrian government troops in their battles against the rebels trying to oust Assad from power. The Shiite group's fighters were instrumental in helping Assad's forces dislodge opposition fighters from their strongholds along the Lebanon-Syria border.

The group’s strongholds in Lebanon have been the targets of repeated attacks ever since it acknowledged its support for Assad.

Russia has been Assad's most powerful supporter during the three-year-old conflict that activists say has killed more than 150,000 people in Syria.

Russia has vetoed at least four UN Security Council resolutions that would have condemned Assad over the civil war.

Moscow was also instrumental in putting together the international operation to destroy Syria’s stockpile of deadly chemicals, thus preventing military action by the U.S. in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack in August that left hundreds dead.
Exactly the 100 years before Eutopean Powers thought the samething look what happened then
Laugh all you want wahhabi :lol:

Jan 2, 2012 :

Barak: Assad will be toppled within weeks | JPost | Israel News

Feb 27, 2014 :

Syrian state media say army killed 175 rebels | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

now its my time to laugh :lol:

@S00R3NA @Ostad :lol:

Nice one Rafida Kurdi. I am sorry to inform you of this once again but I am a Hashemite and a Sunni Muslim of the Shafi'i fiqh to be precise. Sunni Muslims just like me form 90% of all the woeld's 1.7 billion Muslims.

Fact is that the Nusayri Child-Murderer that your fake wannabe Arab rafida Mullah's are supporting will never regain full control of Syria nor is he ever going to win any war.

So keep dreaming.
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Nice one Rafida Kurdi.
;) rafida is you and your A-rab leaders .

"Whosoever dies without recognizing the Imam of his time dies the death of the ignorance (Jahiliyyah)."

Ahmad b. Hanbal, al-Musnad, p. 96.

Nusayri Child-Murderer
i'm a child murderer ? what you smoking ?

eat the grass , dont smoke it A-rab


go behead more people in syria , go blow yourself up in front of a church :lol:

Since you do not understand the world language that is Arabic (4th most spoken language in the world and an language that has influenced your native Kurdi and Farsi language tremendously) I will give you an English link to educate you a bit about the origin of the word Rafida.

There is much debate of the exact origin of rafida; one example of an early instance is from the Maḥāsin of Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Barqī, who died in 888 CE. A section of the Maḥāsin reveals occasions of the use of rafida ascribed to Ja'far al-Sadiq:

A man came to Ja'far al-Sadiq saying that someone had warned him against becoming a Rafidi and Ja'far replied "By God, this name which God has granted you is excellent, as long as you follow our teaching and do not attribute lies to us." Muhammad al-Baqir also mentioned an instance when he pointed at himself stating "I am one of the Rafida."[1]
Mughira ibn Shu'ba is said to have coined the term rafida against those who had rejected him.[2]

According to your scriptures you should be proud to be called a Rafida since you Shias are proud of being rejectors.

Improve your English. It's horrible. I was referring to Al-Asshead. You know the secular Arab Ba'athi nationalist that has been murdering children in the thousands (thus the child-murderer description) that your supposed "Islamic" fake wannabe Arab Mullah's are supporting.

Why are you posting photos of South Asians/South East Asians and talking about drugs when you Iranians are the biggest drug addicts in the world or certainly among the biggest drug addicts? LOL.

Iran drug addiction rate highest in world

Now stop bothering me Kurdi.
Nice one Rafida Kurdi. I am sorry to inform you of this once again but I am a Hashemite and a Sunni Muslim of the Shafi'i fiqh to be precise. Sunni Muslims just like me form 90% of all the woeld's 1.7 billion Muslims.

Fact is that the Nusayri Child-Murderer that your fake wannabe Arab rafida Mullah's are supporting will never regain full control of Syria nor is he ever going to win any war.

So keep dreaming.
WOAH, that means i cant give u Zakat, im from the Hanifi school of thought (Y)
No, that's not the case.:rofl:

The only relation my family has had with oil is my father being employed for Aramco by virtue of his work.

Well, who knows, i thought your going to lead your fathers oil imperium one day, since your studying Chemical engineering. :whistle:
Well, who knows, i thought your going to lead your fathers oil imperium one day, since your studying Chemical engineering. :whistle:
no offense but, Chemical Engineering is useless
EME is hard, i wont be able to get admission in NUST or PIEAS
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