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Asia's F-35 buyers forced to wait as China seeks edge

Tell that to your fellow Chinese who were and still is eager to make their own comparisons.
I can only speak for myself.

Because of US...

All of America's wars since WWII has been wars of choice.

No need to deploy either. But here is where you failed to understand that air combat training in the US, Top Gun etc., have only two limits: altitude and live weapons. It cannot get any more real without actually shooting a live missile at another flyer. So the F-22 is just one hair's breadth away from being combat tested. Far better than we can say for the entire PLA.

That tells you what kind of opponent America has been fighting over the past 20 years. Small and weak nations that can't defend them selfs. America has been only going after easy prey.

Stop focusing on US. Look at your China...

Stop focusing on China and look at you're US...
I can only speak for myself.
If only you would. What you did was pretentiously sort of lecture to the rest of us. Since the day the J-20 debuted, the most willing to make the comparison you lectured have been the Chinese members here.

All of America's wars since WWII has been wars of choice.
So what? But the point here is that we gave China pause.

That tells you what kind of opponent America has been fighting over the past 20 years. Small and weak nations that can't defend them selfs. America has been only going after easy prey.
And from those small wars China and the Soviets realized we would not be an easy prey. You think the PLA could have handled the Iraqi military? :lol:

Stop focusing on China and look at you're US...
Let us try that again...

All that the American weapons systems have proven so far over the past 20+ years of endless wars is that they are invulnerable to 1960's and 70's made Soviet weapons systems that on top of that are downgraded export models.
Stop focusing on US and look at your China. What kind of military experience does the PLA have compared to US? Try 1/10th since the end of WW II. No matter how much you want to mock and diminish the US military, it would be nothing but an intellectual lollipop for you. Sweet are those insults but ultimately empty in substance.
If only you would. What you did was pretentiously sort of lecture to the rest of us. Since the day the J-20 debuted, the most willing to make the comparison you lectured have been the Chinese members here.

Don't hold me personally accountable for what others have posted on this forum even if they are Chinese.

So what? But the point here is that we gave China pause.

And from those small wars China and the Soviets realized we would not be an easy prey. You think the PLA could have handled the Iraqi military? :lol:

So you take pride that America and Americans are killing innocent people's abroad when they are not a threat to the US. And there for no reasons to attack them.

Let us try that again...

Stop focusing on US and look at your China. What kind of military experience does the PLA have compared to US? Try 1/10th since the end of WW II. No matter how much you want to mock and diminish the US military, it would be nothing but an intellectual lollipop for you. Sweet are those insults but ultimately empty in substance.

The fact that the US has so much military experience doesn't speak in her favour. Where does the US get all her military experience ? Right, by attacking other countries. Other countries that pose no threat to the US, other countries that are small and defenseless. But for alot of Americans that appears to be something they are proud of. That tells you what kind of people the Americans are.
Don't hold me personally accountable for what others have posted on this forum even if they are Chinese.
Did I? :lol: All I did was told you to stop lecturing to us.

So you take pride that America and Americans are killing innocent people's abroad when they are not a threat to the US. And there for no reasons to attack them.
So you are saying that the US would attack other countries for no reasons?

The fact that the US has so much military experience doesn't speak in her favour. Where does the US get all her military experience ? Right, by attacking other countries. Other countries that pose no threat to the US, other countries that are small and defenseless. But for alot of Americans that appears to be something they are proud of. That tells you what kind of people the Americans are.
The kind that still attracts others to become Americans, including Chinese.

Stop your nonsense. People do not buy it.
Which jetfighter coming early? J-20 or more advance Su-35? i heard su-35 will be the most advanced jetfighter china will ever have.... Same su-35 india rejected it.... Country like china producing new jetfighter like a toys every month.... Yet buying su-35.... That tells everything about chinese jetfighters.... Anyway atleast having su-35 will make sure china is safe.... Peace is must.
Here we have Gambit again over exaggerating US power and bragging how much experience they have gathered over the past decades dealing with weak nations. Let me brush up some unpleasant facts you failed to learn about your mighty America. The US repeated the same mistake with Georgia in 2008 as what had happened in Hungary 1956. Promises of US military support which never came and the reason is very simple, the Americans are scared of the Russians and there's no way they can protect countries thousands of miles away from US near Russian borders. So no matter how much experience the Americans gather when it really comes down to the possibility to wage war against Russia the Americans would clearly stay away. Americans such as Gambit feel proud of having innocent lives taken away by the US and then go brag about experience. America doesn't have the guts to declare war first against Russia or China and that's how strong USA really is.
The Chinese accuses the Americans of exaggerating their military's capabilities? :lol:
At least he doesn't get served a dos/don'ts memo every weekend :woot:

i think india real needs those do/dont memos```as so the streets wont covered in $hit and women wont be worried about the family name of her unborn child
i think india real needs those do/dont memos```as so the streets wont covered in $hit and women wont be worried about the family name of her unborn child

talking about unborn childs.. srsly ? A chinese talking about it ? I literally rolled on the floor ! :woot::omghaha:
talking about unborn childs.. srsly ? A chinese talking about it ? I literally rolled on the floor ! :woot::omghaha:

But the ones who are born in China will have a higher chance to survive, get a decent education and knows the father's name than a child born in India, no?
Götterdämmerung;4064890 said:
But the ones who are born in China will have a higher chance to survive, get a decent education and knows the father's name than a child born in India, no?

The catch is "those who are born" here !
All I did was told you to stop lecturing to us.

All i'm trying to do is to have you stop lecturing to us.

So you are saying that the US would attack other countries for no reasons?

No other country in the world has attacked so many other countries as America did. So you tell me what the reasons are that America needs to attack another country every 3 or 4 years.

The kind that still attracts others to become Americans, including Chinese.

Stop your nonsense. People do not buy it.

That's because America still has a much higher living standard than most other countries in the world today. Most people go to America for economic reasons and not much else. Once America's economy and currency collapses then that trend will end or even go into reverse.
People need to take a step back and CHILLLLLLLL Dude

No point agruing with unknown facts. I am not even sure could that be even called a Facts then.

In an all out No BS assessment. Even if Asia or Australia have to wait. They are still ahead of the Chinese Game. For 2 reason.

1.) They are not just sitting on their arse and wait for the F-35 to deliever. All the country have plan B

Australia bought 24 F/A-18E/F Superhornet to bridge the gap, whe nthe F-35 do arrive starting in 2014/2015, the Super Hornet is converting to Growler Hornet.

Japan is upgrading their F-15 C/D (or F15 J/DJ) into later block model and upgrading their F-2A to newer version

South Korea is geting F-15K (a strike Eagle Version)

Singapore also getting F-15SG (Another Strike Eagle Version)

2.) By the time F-35 is introduced to those Asian Air Force, it will be a fully trial and tested platform, the US are testing the production batch of F-35 as we speak now. On the other hand China would have just started or even have not started initial production. (J-20 have a introduction date of 2017-2019) while J-31 have not even have a date yet.

Do remember when US deliever those F-35 to those country ordered, it will be a tested platform. While the Chinese may still be working on their stealth. Do i need to remind you all F-35 has already entered initial production 2 years ago and have been vigoriously tested ever since.

As far as i concern the edge is still on the F-35.
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