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Asian navies should trust each other: China's Global Times


Aug 4, 2009
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Asian navies should trust each other

The Chinese navy's first-ever port call to Myanmar on Sunday has triggered plenty of noise and speculation in India.

The Indian press aligns Myanmar with Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, where they believe China has helped build port facilities, and conclude that the neighboring giant is aimed at building a "string of pearls" for greater space on the Indian Ocean - long considered India's backyard.

Just like the strong reactions from Japan when China's warships made their way through the first island chain into the Pacific Ocean, every step the fledgling power makes to test its wings has been met with suspicion.

The biggest fear, as some foreign strategists asserted, is that China may flex its muscles from one ocean to another, and eventually become a frightening superpower cruising around the world's blue waters.

What a grand picture these strategists are drawing. Some amateur military "experts" will jump into the air over the slightest mention of such an ambitious plan.

The reality of the situation is much less exciting than their fantasies.

Only two escort ships back from their missions to protect Chinese trade fleets from piracy in waters off the Somali coast visited Myanmar. On the way home, the escort group made port calls to Egypt, Italy and Greece.

Conspiracy theories aside, China's navy has been growing stronger over the past few years, and has been reaching places it has never reached before.

Not surprisingly, Japan, South Korea, India and some Southeast Asian countries are concerned.

These countries should be more concerned about the US, the only real super power, which could cause trouble by stoking feelings of discontent.

China has to pay attention to the concerns arising naturally from its neighbors in Asia.

A stronger Chinese navy does not necessarily mean a threat, but an additional peace-keeping force, as is shown in the gulf of Aden.

The fear aimed at the Chinese navy is a dangerous result of neighboring countries' suspicion and mistrust over China's rise.

The process to resolve this mistrust is the same process to resolve the "China threat" theory.

A lack of communications has built up this mistrust and misjudgment.

The Chinese government may try to establish a communication mechanism between navies in Asia.

Only through the better exchange of ideas and explanations can the other countries fully understand the Chinese navy's willingness to cooperate instead of compete.

Asia's navies should not repeat history in the Atlantic Ocean where world powers tried to use their naval powers to conquer each other.

Asian navies should trust each other - GlobalTimes


What a load of nonsense.

Here are some recent developments --

China was quick to criticize South Korean naval war-games in the aftermath of the sinking of Cheonan by North Korea killing several South Korean sailors.

China went as far as saying that it would teach Vietnam "a lesson" for tilting towards the United States.

China even commenced oil drilling operations near Senkaku islands disputed with Japan.

And then there are reports of Chinese deployment of CSS-5 ballistic missiles and 10,000+ troops in areas bordering India.

And still China wonders why other Asian countries don't trust it.
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i love this song,this suits the condition
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"Conspiracy theories aside, China's navy has been growing stronger over the past few years, and has been reaching places it has never reached before.

Not surprisingly, Japan, South Korea, India and some Southeast Asian countries are concerned.

These countries should be more concerned about the US, the only real super power, which could cause trouble by stoking feelings of discontent."

So how many countries are going to take US threat as a threat viz a viz Indian ocean
What does it include when it says Asian? Does it go all the way to Israel and Saudi Arabia?
"Conspiracy theories aside, China's navy has been growing stronger over the past few years, and has been reaching places it has never reached before.

Not surprisingly, Japan, South Korea, India and some Southeast Asian countries are concerned.

These countries should be more concerned about the US, the only real super power, which could cause trouble by stoking feelings of discontent."

So how many countries are going to take US threat as a threat viz a viz Indian ocean

u r right.but who is going to listen.i dont know about the japan etc but india have geographical problems with china.so here comes the point.korea,japan r already u.s allies.india is left.if u.s manipulate india successfully(which is already done),then problems for china coz china wont be able to face this alone.anotherwise it's upto china to resolve their issues bilaterally with asian countries.
Asian navies should trust each other

Asian navies should trust each other - GlobalTimes


What a load of nonsense.

Here are some recent developments --

China was quick to criticize South Korean naval war-games in the aftermath of the sinking of Cheonan by North Korea killing several South Korean sailors.

China went as far as saying that it would teach Vietnam "a lesson" for tilting towards the United States.

China even commenced oil drilling operations near Senkaku islands disputed with Japan.

And then there are reports of Chinese deployment of CSS-5 ballistic missiles and 10,000+ troops in areas bordering India.

And still China wonders why other Asian countries don't trust it.

China criticized the SK-US naval exercises because China consider the exercises to be unhelpful. And we direct most of the blame at U.S, not SK. To say we criticize South Korean naval wargames is misleading.

Where did China say we'll teach Vietnam 'a lesson'? Can you please provide a source. Indian media reports of discussion threads on People's Daily website forum don't count as source though.

As for drilling near disputed area, I don't think we're overstepping. Considering countries like Vietnam drills right in disputed areas and the U.S went out there defending the right of western oil firm to drill on those areas.

And please don't talk like if India don't have missiles and troops deployed on its side of the border.
Well China interfering in Jammu-Kashmir, asserting that south china sea is its exclusive economic zone and supporting N.Korea even when the blatanly attacked a S.Korea ship does not inspire confidence.

Moreover, China particularly its leadership CCP is very opaque. No one know's what their intentions. There is no politcal freedom and media freedom to know what the CCP is thinking. And since they are not directly accountable to the people they might not necessrily do what the people want but what special interest groups want.

S. Korea, japan, ASEAN countries, India are all democracies and their policies and concerns are out in the open published in daily parlimentary debates and media reports.

It is upto China to instill confidence in its neighbours. Particularly in the case of India, GoI has been co-operating with China on a range of issues like Climate change e.t.c. and helping it out but China has to reciprocate by addressing core interests of its neighbours.
Now you know why I said the Chinese have a more restrained manner than India.
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Also, at least in the PDF so that we throw away the "backstab" idiot idea, we can not? This simply is to fool people and fooling yourself.
Well China interfering in Jammu-Kashmir, asserting that south china sea is its exclusive economic zone and supporting N.Korea even when the blatanly attacked a S.Korea ship does not inspire confidence.

Moreover, China particularly its leadership CCP is very opaque. No one know's what their intentions. There is no politcal freedom and media freedom to know what the CCP is thinking. And since they are not directly accountable to the people they might not necessrily do what the people want but what special interest groups want.

S. Korea, japan, ASEAN countries, India are all democracies and their policies and concerns are out in the open published in daily parlimentary debates and media reports.

It is upto China to instill confidence in its neighbours. Particularly in the case of India, GoI has been co-operating with China on a range of issues like Climate change e.t.c. and helping it out but China has to reciprocate by addressing core interests of its neighbours.

1, You do not flatter the United States, look to the relevant United Nations resolutions, north Korea has no responsibility. In fact, I very much doubt, the South Korean government because of the election will begin, to fear as the responsibility of an accident, so the plot against North Korea, of course, the U.S. as the hungry cat see a fish, there is no any possible to not into the mouth.

2, the Chinese government may not be your so-called incompetence and false "democracy", but the Chinese government more responsible than the Government of India, from 1962 to the present, has been the case.

3, the United Nations Climate Conference, you said that China and India to help each other, no question, but please do not say, just India to help China, you so want to get additional benefits? India is to its own interests, even more than China needs.
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Chinese navy forces are just used to defend US or Russia navys from seaside.
Chinese land force are always much more stronger.
Only 10,000+ troops beside border with India is too less,maybe 1000,000 troops is necessary. India should do the same thing.
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