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Aselsan-Mikes-BAE-produced Spews 2 Plus EW systems


Sep 4, 2011
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The AN/ALQ-178 is a family of an advanced, internally mounted self-protection system specifically designed for high performance fighter aircraft, including the F-16, F-4E and F/A-18. Fully operational since 1986, the AN/ALQ-178 is currently in operation for two major Air Forces. The AN/ALQ-178 is a proven integrated Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) and Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) Suite providing the pilot with situational awareness and deceptive RF jamming. The AN/ALQ-178 Dispense Interface Microprocessor (DIM) provides intelligent control of chaff/flare dispenser systems for enhanced and coordinated ECM response. The AN/ALQ-178 is flight-line programmable for mission adaptability. Program updates to the threat data library are achievable with the menu driven Preflight Message Generator (PFMG). Record Mode provides data collection for post-flight analysis supporting threat parametric value changes. The system design embodies extensive Built-In-Test (BIT) capabilities which provide fault isolation to the Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) level. In-flight BIT verifies proper operation.

AN/ALQ-178 (V)3

The AN/ALQ-178(V)3 was designed, tested and fully qualified in accordance with the full range of U.S. military specifications including: MIL-E-5400 Class 2 for equipment design, MIL-STD-785 for reliability, DoD-STD-l679/MIL-STD-498 guidelines for software, MIL-STD-470 for maintainability and MIL-STD-810C for qualification. AN/ALQ-I78(V)3 System on TUAF F-16 and F-4E 2020 are proven systems in operations (Bosnia, Kosovo, ...) and exercises (RED FLAG, RAMON, etc.).
A comprehensive, Integrated Logistic Support system has been fully established for the AN/ALQ-178(V) 3 System. The adaptive design of the AN/ALQ-178(V)3 enables it to be easily tailored for specific system requirements on both tactical and strategic aircraft.

Reliable and Maintainable

• Proven Field MTBF
• High Mean Times Between Failures (MTBF) and Low Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
• Comprehensive Built-in-Test (BIT)
• Continuous BIT, evmmen during peak operational loads
• Threat and Functional Based Faults Displayed
• Maintenance BIT identifies the failed unit
• Full I, O and D level maintenance with automated test equipment
Fully Qualified

• SOF certification
• Avionics integration/compatibility
• Performance optimisation
• Simulation evaluation (AFEWES)
• Flight test (EGLIN)
AN/ALQ-178 (V)5+

AN/ALQ-I78(V)5+ Provides Complete
Self-Protection For TUAF Block 50 F-16

• Radar threat warning (RWR)
• Power-managed electronic countermeasures
• Coordinated expendable dispensing (chaff/flare)
• RWR, ECM and expendables management in a single integrated system
• Flight-line reprogrammable
• Integral part of aircraft weapons system
• Fully integrated with on-board avionics
• Internal Installation
• Special mode for recording radar signal intercepts for post-flight analysis
Composed of the below Line Replaceable Units (LRU):

• C/D Band Front End
• Front-End Receiver
• RWR Display
• Prime & Auxiliary System Control
• Power Amplifiers
• Power Supply
• Receiver & ECM Generator
• Wideband Receiver
Radar Warning Receiver (RWR)
• Threat awareness and avoidance
• Powerfull and multi tasked multi-receiver structure (SHR,WBR,DR)
• Full capability against modern threats
• High sensitivity
• Precise parameter measurement (frequency, TOA, PW, PRI...)
• Fast response times
• Low false alarm rate
Electronic Countermeasures (ECM)

• High Effective Radiated Power (ERP)
• Low Noise Multiple TWT to counter modern threats
• Full coverage of threat frequency range
• Independent forward and aft transmitters
• 100% duty factor
• Electronic countermeasures against all radar threat types
• Multiple smart noise and deception techniques to counter pulse and CW radars
• Counters multiple simultaneous threats, including pulse doppler and agile radars in dense environment
Countermeasures Dispensing System (CMD-Chaff/Flare) Management

• Automatic control of chaff/flare countermeasure dispensers
• Converts preset dispensers into "Smart" computer controlled dispensers (e.g., ALE-40M)
• Fully compatible with ALE-47, ALE-40 and SPREAD


SPEWS-II Elektronik Harp Kendini Koruma Sistemi (AN ALQ-178(V)5+), Türk F-16 Blok 50 uçakları için geliştirilen entegre bir radar ikaz ve karıştırma karşı tedbir sistemidir. Çalışmalar, ASELSAN ana yükleniciliğinde MİKES ve BAE Systems IESI ile yürütülmektedir.

SPEWS-II sistemi radar ikaz ve rf karıştırıcı alt sistemlerinden oluşmaktadır. Pilota gece görüş uyumlu arayüz imkanı sunan sistem, F-16 uçağı ile tam bir entegrasyona sahip olup, uçakta bulunan karşı tedbir atım sistemini de kontrol etmektedir. Sistem kullanıcısına, esnek bir görev veri dosyası programlama alt yapısı, cihaz içi test CİT uçuş hattında programlama gibi olanaklar sunmaktadır.

İkinci Paket F-16 Elektronik Harp Sistemleri (SPEWSII)

Amaç : Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı envanterindeki 60 adet II. Paket F-16 Blok 50 uçağına kendini koruyucu elektronik harp kabiliyetinin kazandırılması.

Kapsam : Radar İkaz Alıcısı (RWR) ve Radar Karıştırıcısı’ndan (RF Jammer) oluşan 60 adet elektronik harp sistemi tedariği.

Proje Modeli : Ortak Üretim

Ana/Alt Yüklenici : ASELSAN A.Ş. / MİKES, BAE Systems

Sözleşme İmza Tarihi : 15 Ocak 2003

Mevcut Durum : Projede Tasarım Fazı tamamlanmış olup, Pilot Üretim ve Test Fazı kapsamında çalışmalar devam etmektedir.

Hv.K.K.lığı AN/ALQ-178(V)3 EH Sistemi Görev Bilgi Dosyası Hazırlama Yazılım Projesi

Amaç :AN/ALQ-178(V)3 sisteminde kullanılan Görev Bilgi Dosyası Hazırlama (PFMG) yazılımı ile özel Cross-compiler & Linker Yazılımı'nın VAX-VMS ortamına bağımlı olmaktan kurtarılarak Windows ortamına taşınması ve bu sayede görev bölgesinde Görev Bilgi Dosyası (PFM) hazırlanabilmesi.

Kapsam :1 Adet Sistem

Proje Modeli :AR-GE

Ana/Alt Yüklenici Firma :TÜBİTAK-UEKAE

Sözleşme İmza Tarihi : 26 Eylül 2006

Mevcut Durum : Proje tamamlanmıştır.
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