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As China rankles Philippines, India goes on Asean charm offensive

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See this is the special type of retardation only you idiots could bring up. Chinese anywhere have far better education than you who repeat your meaningless dribble over and over again. Its also pointless as I live in the US and Cardsharp Canada. We are perfectly capable of arguing with semi brain dead idiots like yourself.

Once again, personal insults are best avoided - that is not how debates are carried out.
ROFL,india not the only democracy country in the world and you think chinese are stupid and need people to guide them how to democracy?You are overestimating yourself-india.

you had me at ( quote what YOU said)" you think the Chinese are stupid and need people to guide them".

You complete us sir... :D
So whats the problem if i am a chinese from malaysia?Racist huh?There are many chinese in philiphies,brunei ,sg,indonesia,thailand and vietnam too.So what you think this is a problem?

I didn't knew calling somebody as Chinese is racist.. I am learning new definitions of racism from you guys on PDF..
Once again, personal insults are best avoided - that is not how debates are carried out.

You start by saying that we are incapable of personal thought from the beginning with some nonsensical rant. That is a personal insult.
china has a dispute with pretty much most of her neighbors one way or another, it's only natural that the world is awakening to china's aggressiveness..

Aksai Chin - India & china
Bhutanese enclaves in Tibet, namely Cherkip Gompa, Dho, Dungmar, Gesur, Gezon, Itse Gompa, Khochar, Nyanri, Ringung, Sanmar, Tarchen and Zuthulphuk - china & Bhutan
Demchok, Chumar, Kaurik, Shipki Pass, Jadh, and Lapthal- India & china
Ieodo Island/Suyan Rock (aka Socotra Rock)-South Korea & china
Kula Kangri and mountainous areas to the west of this peak, plus the western Haa District of Bhutan- Bhutan & china
Macclesfield Bank- Phillippines, Vietnam & china
Okinotorishima- Japan & china
Paracel Islands- Vietnam & china
Scarborough Shoal- Phillippines & china
Senkaku Islands- Japan & china
Shaksgam Valley- India & china
Arunachal Pradesh- India & china
Taiwan- china & ROC
Spratly Islands- Vietnam, Phillippines, Malaysia, Brunei & china
Trans-Karakoram Tract- India & china
Tumen River- North Korea, South Korea & china
Yalu River- North Korea, South Korea & china
Guys leave the trolling to the Indians. We don't need to get banned for their BS.:china::china::china:
ROFL,india not the only democracy country in the world and you think chinese are stupid and need people to guide them how to democracy?You are overestimating yourself-india.

Thats the funny thing about democracy..........India doesn't have to do anything to influence your people. The soviets spent a lifetime preparing for war and in the end, their own leaders broke up their countries. All India has to do is to sit back and relax......all commies will succumb to the same fate, sooner or later. This has been proven time and time again. Besides, India isn't the sole country interested in that happening. We are a long way down the list..... you have a lot more enemies that you think. Surely you don't think the whole world likes you just because you make cheap plastic toys??
See this is the special type of retardation only you idiots could bring up. Chinese anywhere have far better education than you who repeat your meaningless dribble over and over again. Its also pointless as I live in the US and Cardsharp Canada. We are perfectly capable of arguing with semi brain dead idiots like yourself.

Mods this guy is getting overly abusive with his posts. In other thread he was calling a person Motherf.... and now all this BS. Please take appropriate action as few of these guys do not know how to debate..
ROFL,india not the only democracy country in the world and you think chinese are stupid and need people to guide them how to democracy?You are overestimating yourself-india.

No one said the Chinese are stupid. Of course we can guide them if they need the guidance - as a more evolved democratic society it is our duty - we call it dharma to help the lesser evolved societies. Similarly, it is our duty to look at more successful democracies like those in Scandinavia. We must always aim higher.
You start by saying that we are incapable of personal thought from the beginning with some nonsensical rant. That is a personal insult.

Thats the way of the arrogant indian always overestimating themself and proud with their democracy but failed hard and stuck in corruption too.
See this is the special type of retardation only you idiots could bring up. Chinese anywhere have far better education than you who repeat your meaningless dribble over and over again. Its also pointless as I live in the US and Cardsharp Canada. We are perfectly capable of arguing with semi brain dead idiots like yourself.

and yet , you two are the propaganda arm of the communist machine. Irony is, if an American lived in china he would be deported ( or Jailed and called a SPY) if he spoke up about the Chinese establishment. But we are happy you choose to live your existence not in china but within leaders for the FREE WORLD!
Mods this guy is getting overly abusive with his posts. In other thread he was calling a person Motherf.... and now all this BS. Please take appropriate action as few of these guys do not know how to debate..

You mean this is not abusive at all.

I don't expect you to understand the concepts of democracy which allow me to speak for whomever I want. Perhaps a few generations down the line, Chinese society will evolve enough to grasp these rather simple principles.
I didn't knew calling somebody as Chinese is racist.. I am learning new definitions of racism from you guys on PDF..

They have some complex about being chinese for some reason. Better to just leave it ;)
Thats the funny thing about democracy..........India doesn't have to do anything to influence your people. The soviets spent a lifetime preparing for war and in the end, their own leaders broke up their countries. All India has to do is to sit back and relax......all commies will succumb to the same fate, sooner or later. This has been proven time and time again. Besides, India isn't the sole country interested in that happening. We are a long way down the list..... you have a lot more enemies that you think. Surely you don't think the whole world likes you just because you make cheap plastic toys??

Thanks for your words to show your ignorance.Well to know you think all chinese carry on their life with making toys.So what if making a cheap plastic toys?We all live better than a slumdog like in mumbai.So whats the problem for making cheap plastic toys?
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