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arrests and detention must end immediately:Human Rights Commission


Mar 20, 2006
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Arbitrary arrests and detention must end immediately
March 11, 2012

The people of Bangladesh are living in a tense situation prior to a mass rally in Dhaka on March 12, 2012 called by the opposition parties against the ruling regime.

The opposition political parties, led by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, have organised a march towards Dhaka, on March 12 which is aimed at showing their political strength by gathering as many of their supporters as possible and bringing them to the capital. The opposition parties claim that they are hosting a peaceful rally peacefully, as is their right to have freedom of assembly. However, they accuse the government of arresting hundreds of their activists and supporters prior to the rally.

The government, which held a rally on March 7 even in participation with the public employees and is planning to hold another one in two days' time, has deployed all of its agents, including the police, Rapid Action Battalion and other intelligence agencies, to prevent the public rally of the opposition. It appears that the ruling regime is attempting to deny its opponents the right to hold political meetings and rallies in public. They have been blaming the opposition for conspiring to cause a breakdown of the law and order in the country.

The Asian Human Rights Commission has learned that the law-enforcing agents of Bangladesh have already arrested hundreds of ordinary people and activists of the opposition political parties, en mass. And these arrests are continuing. The authorities are detaining the arrestees arbitrarily under Section 54 of the Code of Criminal Procedure-1989 and several other draconian laws including the Dhaka Metropolitan Police Ordinance-1976 and Anti-Terrorism Act-2009. According to available information, several thousand people have already been illegally arrested and arbitrarily detained only in last three days.

Amongst the detainees, the poor people have been the victims of the on-going random arrests by the law-enforcing agents. Most of the detainees are identified as day-labourers, transport-workers, street-hawkers, students and pedestrians. Many of the detainees have been named in fabricated cases as they have failed to pay bribes to the police. The country's Magistracy, which deals with such arrested persons, appears to be useless to ensure the fundamental right to liberty of persons while almost everyone is being sent to prisons.

The Dhaka Central Jail authorities have admitted that for last three days they have been receiving around four times more detainees than that of the normal practice of detention on a regular basis. Similar reports of arbitrary detentions are being recorded in other cities and towns, although the exact statistics have not been available due to the denial of access to the factual information.

Apart from the arrest and detention the government has ordered the public transportation companies to stop, or reduce, operation to and from the capital city in order to prevent the presence of the pro-opposition supporters in Dhaka. Residential hotels are reportedly ordered to keep closed since 9 March with threats of further harassment if the hotels accommodate anyone. The police and the RAB are raiding the houses of the people, including the leaders of the opposition political parties and other places, including private dormitories where students having no alternative shelter for studies, as their wish, without any credible search warrant.

In the given situation the ordinary people are found to be scared of any necessary movements for their livelihoods. Passengers in limited number of private and public transport that still dare to operate in the streets are facing endless harassment in the name of security checks all around the city of Dhaka. Bangladesh appears to be a complete police state. Most of the families of the detained victims have been extremely helpless concerning the release of their loved ones from prisons for, not only failing to afford the costs incurred, but also the ruthless attitudes of the government and the chain of corruption of the policing system of the country.

Showing political strength in public through violent forms and propaganda against each other has been an integral part of the political culture in recent past of Bangladesh. But what is always ignored by every regime is the lives and livelihood of the ordinary people who never wish to be victims of political game of power. Nobody cares for the ordinary people who suffer the pain, torture and involvement in fabricated cases in such circumstances.

In a democracy everyone has freedom of peaceful assembly as one of the fundamental rights that no authority can deny by any excuse. The government of Bangladesh has an obligation to ensure the right to liberty of the people by all means. It has no authority to deny any citizen's personal liberty by abusing the law arbitrarily.

The Asian Human Rights Commission demands an immediate end to the on-going mass arrests and detention of the people in Bangladesh. There should be credible investigations by competent officials other than the police, who are institutionally corrupted. All the victims of arbitrary detention, who are illegally arrested prior to the opposition rally, should be released without further delay. The government should ensure legal aid to these detainees if they are unable to afford the expenditure that has been an extraburden on their hardships. They also deserve compensation from the authorities for the suffering they have been subjected to.

BANGLADESH: Arbitrary arrests and detention must end immediately
police and rab arrests 3000 people in bangladesh

Police and RAB arrests 3,000 people in Bangladesh

Dhaka: Around 3,000 people have been arrested till Saturday from all over Bangladesh ahead of a

rally planned for 12th March by the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), as per the reports.

As per the sources, police and Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) personnel arrested around 3,000 people.

BNP leaders alleged that police have been conducting mass arrests of their party men across the country to foil the rally.

The activists were arrested in Dhaka, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal and Sylhet.

However, Monirul Islam, spokesman for the Dhaka Metropolitan Police, denied any mass arrests.

He said police have intensified drives to arrest illegal arms holders, drug peddlers and extortionists ahead of three events in the country -- Asia Cup that is scheduled to start March 11, the BNP rally March 12 and a rally of the ruling Awami League 14-party alliance March 14.

Sheikh Hasina (Prime Minister) said that she was worried of any "mayhem" during the BNP rally.

"I am worried what kind of mayhem she (Khaleda Zia) might create during the rally," Hasina was quoted as saying.

The prime minister said her government was worried how to ensure "security to the lives and properties of people".

Hundreds of BNP workers arrested in Bangladesh

More than 3,000 people have been arrested till yesterday from all over Bangladesh ahead of a rally planned for March 12 by the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), a media report said.
Sources told the Daily Star that police and Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) personnel arrested at least 3,616 people.
BNP leaders alleged that police have been conducting mass arrests of their party men across the country to foil the rally.
The activists were arrested in Dhaka, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal and
However, Monirul Islam, spokesman for the Dhaka Metropolitan Police, denied any mass arrests.
He said police have intensified drives to arrest illegal arms holders, drug peddlers and extortionists ahead of three events in the country - Asia Cup that is scheduled to start on March 11, the BNP rally on March 12 and a rally of the ruling Awami League 14-party alliance on March 14.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said she was worried of any “mayhem” during the BNP rally.
“I am worried what kind of mayhem she (Khaleda Zia) might create during the rally,” Hasina was quoted as saying.
The prime minister said her government was worried how to ensure “security to the lives and properties of people”.
Earlier in the morning, Awami League joint secretary Mahbub-ul-Alam Hanif urged law enforcers to prevent the rally from taking place.
Meanwhile, the BNP chairperson warned the government against dire consequences for its ‘all-out effort to resist the opposition’s March 12 grand rally’.
“I want to make it clear that any attack on the rally is an attack on democracy. Don’t endanger democracy by resorting to violence or sabotage. The consequences would not be pleasant,” Zia said in a
The rally has been organised to put pressure on the ruling Awami League-led coalition to reinstate the constitutional provision of caretaker government to oversee the next general election.
The government has been saying that the rally has been organised to garner support to protect the suspected war criminals standing trial.
“We would be left with no other options but to go for tougher programmes if we were not allowed to stage the rally in a peaceful manner. I urge you to stop all ill attempts and help hold the programme peacefully,” Zia said in the statement signed by her press secretary Maruf Kamal Khan.
“We are agitating for a sustainable democratic process though a ‘free, fair and neutral’ election after reinstating the caretaker government system,” the opposition chief added.
She dismissed the allegation that her party would resort to violence on the day and asked the government to stop blanket arrest of people ahead of the rally.
Referring to the police restrictions on booking in hotels and allowing guests in the houses of city dwellers, the former prime minister said: “I urge the government to stop all these for the sake of democracy.”
Referring to the threats and provocative statements being issued by the ruling party leaders starting from the prime minister, she observed that the government was scared after seeing people’s response to the panned rally.
Zia urged her party activists to remain calm in the face of
provocation. IANS

Gulf Times ? Qatar?s top-selling English daily newspaper - SriLanka/Bangladesh
Shooerer bacha gola fascist hoighese.

Dekhben, khalke rastai koop bhalo mara maree hobe.

I can't go to office and my MBA class is cancelled :cry:
Ruling party disrupting opposition rally in Bangladesh
Dhaka Metropolitan Police [DMP] has verbally instructed owners of all residential hotels and restaurants within the city center, where main opposition, Bangladesh Nationalist Party and its alliance partners are scheduled to hold a huge rally on March 12. It is speculated that more than 3 million people are expected to join this rally. Sensing massive participation of people in the March 12 rally of the opposition, DMP has verbally instructed owners of all residential hotels as well as restaurants within the adjacent areas of the opposition office, to remain closed from March 10 to March 12. Meanwhile, the government has put pressure on the owners of water-ways transports in suspending all operations from March 10, while there is also tremendous pressure on the road transport owners to stop plying vehicles from district towns to the city from evening of March 10 up to March 12. It is learnt from various sources that several reports on the intelligence agencies in Bangladesh warned the government of "anything unprecedented" from the opposition rally on March 12. The reports even predicted that such grand rally may ultimately turn into 'Bangla Spring', if the opposition will be successful in bringing more than two million people, which is their minimum target, while there is possibility of gathering of 3-4 million people in this rally.

Seeking anonymity, some intelligence sources told Weekly Blitz that, they have information about opposition activists already arriving in Dhaka from March 6, while a large proportion of people, who lost their last investments in the stock market, may also join the opposition rally on March 12.

"We can't let the opposition create any anarchy in the country by bringing millions of people", the source added.

It said, some of the top ranking hardliners in the opposition are pressing Begum Khaleda Zia [leader of the opposition and former Prime Minister] to lead those millions of people, attending the rally towards putting seize on the streets and starting 'tougher' programs pressing demand for immediate resignation of the ruling party. The opposition hardliners believe, the ruling party has already lost support of the masses, and now it is holding power by using its own party cadres as well as totally polarizing the civil and military administration in the country.

Meanwhile citizen of the country are violently reacting to ruling party's undemocratic and autocratic actions, which are only increasing sufferings of the people. They said, the ruling party has been using members of the law enforcing agencies against the civilian of the country and in past 3 days, more than 12 thousand people were arrested from different parts of Bangladesh as part of ruling party's actions in sabotaging the opposition rally.

Mashuqur Rahman, a trader in Dhaka city told Weekly Blitz, "This government is behaving like Ben Ali, Husni Mubarak and Gaddafi and their fate is already understandable."

Rokhsana Begum, an employee with a financial institution said, "This is not democracy. Bangladesh Awami League has the tradition of behaving like worst dictators and this time once again they have proved it."

Monika Das, a student of a private university said, "The ruling party is exhibiting the worst form of dictatorship since it came in power in 2009. They are behaving like enemies of the country."

An elderly person named Romzan Munshi [78], who came to Dhaka for treatment was forced to leave the hotel on March 9, 2012, as police directed the hotel owners to keep the hotels shut down from March 9 to March 12 in an angry voice said, "Why the ruling party is behaving like enemy of the people? If they feel the entire nation is going to attend opposition's rally then it should be a clear signal to them that people are already fed up!"

Sources inside Bangladesh Awami League told Weekly Blitz that all the mosques and madrassas in the city will be under strict surveillance of their party activists from the noon of March 10. "We have instructions from our leaders to catch anyone, who is suspected to be opposition activists. Our workers will be actively watching the mosques and madrassas and any such suspicious people will be immediately handed over to police", it said.

Some of the top-ranking ruling party leaders said, they have intelligence report about Jihadist entering the city under the garb of opposition activities and there is valid threat of terror attacks during the opposition rally on March 12. They appealed to the government to impose ban on this rally. While opposition leaders said, the ruling party has become shaky seeing huge support of the mass people towards the March 12 grand rally. "If they will show muscle power, the grand rally will turn into the ocean of demonstrators, who will not return home until the government resigns", it said.

Ruling party disrupting opposition rally in Bangladesh :: Weekly Blitz
Arbitrary arrests and detention must end immediately

BANGLADESH: Arbitrary arrests and detention must end immediately

Hours back, Dr. Asif Nazrul of Dhaka University and Dr. Pias Karim of Brac University in a program on Bangla Vision said, the current government in Bangladesh is fearing transforming of BNP's March 12 mass rally into "Tahrir Square" prototype something. But, so far I believe, BNP does not have any such plans in the mind. In this case, I would rather ask, if the current government of Bangladesh Awami League in Bangladesh is pushing the entire nation towards getting united against this ruling party. The ruling party is visibly nervous now! :chilli:

Are they (Bangladesh Awami League) going to put the entire nation behind bars? :sick:

Shooerer bacha gola fascist hoighese.

Dekhben, khalke rastai koop bhalo mara maree hobe.

I can't go to office and my MBA class is cancelled :cry:

I won't go to my class tomorrow either! :angry:
WTF is BD supreme court doing ? When the govt turns all fascist, the best refuge for a democratic country is the all independent and over arching Supreme Court.

Maybe u guys can use PILs etc to stop govt. from brutally suppressing a purely peaceful democratic process.
One of the benches in the High Court Division of Bangladesh Supreme Court on March 11 rejected a writ petition, where court's help were sought in getting a rule on the government to end the barbaric repression on the people. I don't know really, where now the people will go. It was told that thousands of people are being arrested by the law enforcing agencies to sabotage the BNP and its coalition partner's Grand Rally in Dhaka on March 12. I am not sure, if the Human Rights Commission to now say anything about this worst ever crime against humanity.

The government is also putting unofficial ban on all the private television channels from broadcasting Khaleda Zia's speech live. People say, the government is actually digging its own grave.

WTF is BD supreme court doing ? When the govt turns all fascist, the best refuge for a democratic country is the all independent and over arching Supreme Court.

Maybe u guys can use PILs etc to stop govt. from brutally suppressing a purely peaceful democratic process.

There was a Write Petition moved with the Supreme Court and the judges rather rejected the petition. We all possibly can guess, why the judges took such stand.
There was a Write Petition moved with the Supreme Court and the judges rather rejected the petition. We all possibly can guess, why the judges took such stand.

Damn, if you are right, then all sort of democratic process seems to have broken down in BD. It is really deplorable. I sincerely hope the rally is peaceful in nature. Otherwise hell will break loose.

Just my two cents, why not start a hunger strike against govt atrocities ?

#offtopic : There was a people's movement in India against corruption. I am sure u must have heard about it. Due to supreme court, the govt couldn't touch the activists.
Hunger strikes dont work, last time few teachers tried, the government let em starve and they gave in at the end. Our supreme court is a joke, it is totally political, not one bit is bipartisan.
Shooerer bacha gola fascist hoighese.

Dekhben, khalke rastai koop bhalo mara maree hobe.

I can't go to office and my MBA class is cancelled :cry:

LOL. Gala gali korchis kano re ? Shob theek hoye jabe. Trust in almighty. :)
Hunger strikes dont work, last time few teachers tried, the government let em starve and they gave in at the end. Our supreme court is a joke, it is totally political, not one bit is bipartisan.

Supreme Court is behaving like SUPREME COUNCIL of the ruling party's fascist segment! :chilli:
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