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Army says intervention not possible nowadays


May 10, 2010
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Army says intervention not possible nowadays
Sajidul Haque, bdnews24.com
Published: 2013-06-04 16:52:51.0 GMT Updated: 2013-06-04 20:04:28.0 GMT

Army says intervention not possible nowadays - bdnews24.com

Chief of Army Staff General Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan has ruled out any possibility of army intervention, though the military had done so in the past.

“In view of past incidents, people may think that the army could intervene but such interference is not possible under the present circumstances,” he said.

Gen Bhuiyan firmly scotched speculation at a meeting of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Defence held on Apr 15 to discuss the security situation.

The contents of Bhuiyan's speech were gleaned from the minutes of the meeting, a copy of which is with bdnews24.com.

Addressing a public rally in Bogra on Mar 24, BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia had said that the army could not remain “a silent spectator” when peace was in peril.

“Our army works for UN Peacekeeping Mission to maintain peace in foreign countries. They won’t sit idle in a moment of crisis in the country. They will play their due role in due time.
“If peace doesn’t prevail in the country, foreigners will say the Bangladesh Army cannot maintain peace in their own country. Time has come to consider these issues and everybody should give it a thought,” the opposition leader had said.

The former Prime Minister’s remarks drew sharp criticism from the ruling Awami League, civil society and the media, who described the speech as “vicious” and undemocratic.

Later, the BNP said that the media distorted her words on the probable role of the army in tackling the country’s political crisis.

The members of the Parliamentary Standing Committee at its Apr 15 meeting criticised the BNP chief for her ‘provocative’ remarks.

After the meeting, committee Chairman M Idris Ali told bdnews24.com: “The Opposition Leader’s act runs counter to the Constitution. Her provocative remarks aren't acceptable.”

Army chief Bhuiyan had told the meeting, “We all are oath-bound to remain loyal to the country’s Constitution. Our oath is to uphold the Constitution…"

“In view of different incidents in the past," he said, "People may think that the Army could intervene under the present circumstances. Such thing is not possible any more. In the 21st century, everyone favours a democratic form of government. In any democratic setup, the army and all the branches of the armed forces are always under the political leadership.”

Bhuiyan went on to say: “The Constitution should be upheld and the country’s present democratic system must be allowed to work at its own pace. So, no question of any alternation should arise. Since the army is oath-bound to the Constitution, it’s also loyal to any form of constitutional government. And the army will follow the directions of the Prime Minister as well the Defence Minister.”

Later, Chief of the Naval Staff Rear Admiral Muhammad Farid Habib said: “The navy is a part of the armed forces. All the components within the armed forces work jointly. It’s the duty of all to uphold the Constitution.”

Later, Chief of Air Force Air Vice Marshal Inamul Bari said: “The Air Force will always remain fully loyal to the Constitution, President and the government.”
The armed force must be subservient to the democratically elected government in all circumstances. But it has a responsibility to also protect the nation from the enemy within. Preservation of the national sovereignty trumps democracy.
Army says intervention not possible nowadays
Sajidul Haque, bdnews24.com
Published: 2013-06-04 16:52:51.0 GMT Updated: 2013-06-04 20:04:28.0 GMT

Army says intervention not possible nowadays - bdnews24.com

Chief of Army Staff General Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan has ruled out any possibility of army intervention, though the military had done so in the past.

“In view of past incidents, people may think that the army could intervene but such interference is not possible under the present circumstances,” he said.

What does Army Chief and bdnews24 expect, people hoping that army chief will announce in the media that "army intervention is possible"? That is most childish and laughable news that can be made into press and even more laughable that news brought much needed relief for captain planet.
Military intervention does not take place only because a Chief is ambitious. Internal pressure within the military and extensive demand by the population obliges the military to intervene.As in Pakistan and Turkey, BD military is also not mercenary. This is a national military force born out of a war fought on the Doctrine of Traditional People's War. The soldier and the common man are quite close.

Indian Army shouldn't interfere in the BD's affairs......

It's the job of RAW.
actually,I think BD is better off to a democratic govt than army rule.what Khaleda is saying is just political plot to drag Army into mess..but when a democratic govt is there,should army intervene just to keep order in the country??and without govt's authorization??then why the hell of use of civil authorities??
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