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Army now holding 30 dominating heights, earlier unoccupied, on southern bank of Pangong Tso

Claiming unclaimed territory
Unclaimed territory? Are you sure?
You have put your forces on a few tops that are inside your claim line and Chinese never occupied those.

It's like you are inside your home, and installing few more locks on the door because you fear that someone standing in your garden (which he has recently claimed and occupied) may break in.
It's just next to the Chinese Claim Line, your original 1962 border extends further mate. Lol.

Check the CCL and see how far you 'penetrated' lol. Its literally just next to the line. Peaks? Each lil bump is now a peak right? Well the same thing happened before the Galwan massacre. Lol

If it was strategic, it would have been occupied long ago by PLA, the troops are at both entrance into the lake area, you are stuck at the peaks mate.
This is where the idiom "Turning mole hills into mountains" came from. Thanks India.
. .
Tibetan army . Good job
Yeah they did such a good job that your army is not even acknowledging their deaths courtesy of a Chinese landmine ... meanwhile your jawans on June 15th who performed terribly got front news attention. Why is that? Stepping on a landmine is a much more honorable way to go out then get hit by a spiked club and then freezing to death. #TibetanLivesMatter
Most of these heights and dominating terrain features were unoccupied or lightly held by Indian Army troops before the standoff with China in eastern Ladakh began in early May this year, the sources said.

OK,so Indian soldiers climb up India's own mountains. What Indian members are so excited about? It would be emberracing to Mother India, if it is Tibetans who did the climbbing for Hindus.
OK,so Indian soldiers climb up India's own mountains. What Indian members are so excited about? It would be emberracing to Mother India, if it is Tibetans who did the climbbing for Hindus.
"Unoccupied or lightly held by Indian troops" - and this is some sort of victory? I guess the PLA too can demonstrate these charades by sending a mountain regiment to scale some peaks on their side of the LAC.
. .
OK,so Indian soldiers climb up India's own mountains. What Indian members are so excited about? It would be emberracing to Mother India, if it is Tibetans who did the climbbing for Hindus.
Good tell that to CCP ,I too was thinking why are the Chinese so worked up,specially that cute pie from global times
Yeah they did such a good job that your army is not even acknowledging their deaths courtesy of a Chinese landmine ... meanwhile your jawans on June 15th who performed terribly got front news attention. Why is that? Stepping on a landmine is a much more honorable way to go out then get hit by a spiked club and then freezing to death. #TibetanLivesMatter
#chineselivesmatter too ,hope they declare and respect the dead Chinese soldiers.
#chineselivesmatter too ,hope they declare and respect the dead Chinese soldiers.
Actually it should be #chinesewristsmatter because swinging those spiked clubs all night long in Galwan must have resulted in some bruised wrists and arms :enjoy: :enjoy: :enjoy: ... if you handed those spiked clubs to an Indian Jawan, I guarantee you they would have collapsed instantly, just like if you handed a 5 year old a 30 pound dumbbell :rofl:
Actually it should be #chinesewristsmatter because swinging those spiked clubs all night long in Galwan must have resulted in some bruised wrists and arms :enjoy: :enjoy: :enjoy: ... if you handed those spiked clubs to an Indian Jawan, I guarantee you they would have collapsed instantly, just like if you handed a 5 year old a 30 pound dumbbell :rofl:
You can believe in dragons ,hey that's not my fault or problem .
I doubt the Chinese thought the Indians would push back. Do you think China did this at Pakistan's behest? Chinese products have found a great market in India - it defies logic as to why they would rock the boat.
Lol if it was all about Chinese products market in India then they would not have started this in the first place.
China is a huge monster and Indian market loss doesn't make any difference to Chinese economy. Land and strategic ladakh matters everything to them so they are willing to sacrifice all exports to India for it.
Evening after pushing back a little bit they are still holding so called Indian land and obviously it's not over yet. The August fifth decision sowed the seeds of a long term conflict and it will get worse with each and every passing month.
Lol if it was all about Chinese products market in India then they would not have started this in the first place.
China is a huge monster and Indian market loss doesn't make any difference to Chinese economy. Land and strategic ladakh matters everything to them so they are willing to sacrifice all exports to India for it.
Evening after pushing back a little bit they are still holding so called Indian land and obviously it's not over yet. The August fifth decision sowed the seeds of a long term conflict and it will get worse with each and every passing month.

Why are Chinese placing landmines on Indian territory?
OK,so Indian soldiers climb up India's own mountains. What Indian members are so excited about? It would be emberracing to Mother India, if it is Tibetans who did the climbbing for Hindus.
To be fair the peaks were the CCL, so if they step even an inch on the peaks, it's violating Chinese soil. So we have the excuse to fry them
oh dear...are the indians still trying to use media barking to gain some resemblance of a "victory"? you poor, pathetic souls...🤦‍♂️

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