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‘Army House to be besieged if Murree accord sabotaged’


Jan 10, 2007
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‘Army House to be besieged if Murree accord sabotaged’

By Our Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD, March 12: Lawyers will besiege the Army House, the official residence of President Pervez Musharraf, if the presidency tried to sabotage the Bhurban Declaration, according to president of the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan.

Talking to reporters after meeting PPP co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari here on Wednesday, the SCBA president said the lawyers would march on Rawalpindi and besiege the Army House.

Mr Ahsan said traders had assured lawyers of their full support in the struggle for independence of the judiciary and they could give a call for a countrywide shutter-down strike. He asked the judges of the superior courts not to become party to what he called conspiracies being hatched at the Aiwan-i-Sadar.

Mr Ahsan said President Musharraf had been isolated and he should allow democracy to flourish in the country and let political parties implement the Bhurban Declaration, in which the PPP and PML-N had agreed to restore the deposed judges within 30 days of the formation of the new government.

The SCBA president said that the deposed chief justice had been reinstated on July 20, 2007, through a Supreme Court decision and judges who had taken oath under the Provisional Constitution Order had also been members of the bench that had given the verdict.

Mr Ahsan said that although there was no need for a parliamentary resolution for restoration of the deposed judges, the resolution would provide strength to the executive and the government in the implementation of the decision.

Moreover, he said, the present judges should also realise that the parliament was with the deposed judges.

Mr Ahsan said it was up to the PPP to decide whether he should take part in a by-election.

Condemning the recent suicide attacks in Lahore, Mr Ahsan said the intensity of terrorist attacks had increased because of the president’s insistence to stay in power. He said he believed that terrorist-related incidents would subside if President Musharraf quit his post.

Later, Mr Ahsan visited the Judges Colony to express solidarity with the protesting lawyers.

‘Army House to be besieged if Murree accord sabotaged’ -DAWN - Top Stories; March 13, 2008
MY , DEAR mr,mujahideen dear, in my short view it isnt neccesary to post everything which was said by this agent of CIA, actully he wanted to remind to every pakistani ! that only probleum pakistan is going through, is the restoration of FORMER CJP and the CJs who supported the kicked outed CJP.
Want an inside about Aitezaz Ahsan?, here take a look. These bastards should be hung on every corner of the country for crapping on their own country in front of outsiders:

When Aitezaz Ahsan Spoke Against Pakistan

Please circulate this to all Pakistani patriots. Send it especially to the ones who still believe that Mr. Aitzaz Ahsan is anything but an opportunist of the first order which he really is. Just read this real story.


Wednesday, 12 March 2008.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Someone received this email from a retired military person. The events narrated here took place in 2002. All names are mentioned here so that Mr. Aitezaz Ahsan cannot deny it.

Dear All,

I have received some mails regarding Aitazaz Ahsan - both sides of the coin. No matter his brilliance, my regard for a person is directly proportional to his love of Pakistan . And there are no ifs or buts in this. Let me narrate to you an experience.

In 2002, I was invited to an international seminar in Birmingham by the Birmingham University. Aitezaz Ahsan, former finance minister Sartaj Aziz, former foreign secretary Najmuddin Sheikh, and former army chief General Jahangir Karamat were the other invitees from Pakistan.

During the flight to London , Aitazaz and Sartaj Aziz were seated next to me. I asked Aitezaz Ahsan that though they were old statesmen, I request that they don't speak against Pakistan there. Both agreed. The seminar was on the regional security and ramifications of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.

When Najmuddin Sheikh was reading his paper, he began making fun of Pakistan's human rights record. Aitezaz Ahsan joined in by saying that we are the number one corrupt nation in the world. Najmuddin Sheikh said, “No we are second now," to which Aitezaz Ahsan laughed and said, “some one must have worked very hard to beat us.”

The audience laughed, and this banter continued. Unable to control myself, I asked Aitezaz Ahsan in Punjabi as to why was he was insulting our homeland here.

Ignoring me, the banter went on between Aitezaz Ahsan and Najmuddin Sheikh and the public joined in. Suddenly, a lady member of the cabinet threw in a snide, “And you have this problem of hadood ordinance too."

Then of course Aitezaz Ahsan waxed eloquent (you know how he can do that!) to the accompaniment of giggles and snickers from the audience.

Losing my cool again, I said loudly in English, “Mr Aitazaz, you were the Federal Minister for Law twice in Pakistan , why did you not put it right then? You did not do so because as a lawyer, you were making money out of it. Is this the place to discuss this?”

Undeterred, they carried on with Aitezaz Ahsan cursing President Zia's administration and all previous administrations in Pakistan.

Finally I turned to the Chairman and said, “Mr. Chairman, sir, I am sorry, we have this bad habit of washing our dirty linen in public. Could we please get back to the topic.”

And I said this pretty loud. Embarrassed, he re-diverted the discussion. During the break, I went to Gen. Jahangir Karamat and asked him to please tell this swine called Aitezaz Ahsan not to talk against Pakistan here.

He told me in disgust, “Before we started, I had asked all of them not to please talk ill of Pakistan. Now what can I do?”

We were both soldiers, and were thinking on the same lines, and had the same apprehensions.

Should the heavens fall, and should Aitezaz Ahsan really become a shining star, even then I cannot have an iota of respect for a person who ridicules Pakistan. And this is putting it mildly!

Thought I'd share it with you.


[name withheld]

Whiz News is an online news agency.

© Copyrighted Material. AhmedQuraishi.com. Click here for republication.
Aitezaz ahsan no love for his motherland.

screw him for his treason. what r u waiting for?
PPP committed to Murree accord: Zardari

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari has said that his Party was committed to Murree Declaration to make the judiciary completely independent and also restore the sacked judges and vowed to honour its pledge.
The PPP Co-Chairman said this while addressing a 70-member strong delegation of the Peoples Lawyers’ Forum (PLF) that called on him at the Zardari House here on Saturday.
Zardari said that the PPP aimed at making Parliament supreme and would not allow any other institution to subvert sovereignty of the Parliament. The party would provide justice to all including the sacked judges and to the institution of judiciary as a whole, which had long been neglected, and its independence eroded, he said.
He said he himself had been a victim of the manipulation of a pliant judiciary at the hands of the executive and spent eleven years in jail without conviction and as such he also was well aware of the ills afflicting the institution of judiciary.
The PPP Co-Chairman said that no other Party and pressure group had rendered greater sacrifices for the independence of judiciary and the sacked judges than the workers of his Party. No one therefore had a right to walk taller than the PPP workers on this issue, he urged.
The PPP Co-Chairman said that scores of the PPP workers lost lives, some had their legs amputated and crippled for life while fighting for the cause of the judiciary last year. How can some individuals or groups advance credentials as champions of independent judiciary ahead of the Pakistan Peoples Party? he asked.
Zardari said that the PPP was trendsetter and led the path and would continue to lead from the front.
He said that the conspirators had not stopped hatching new conspiracies against the PPP and had indeed stepped up their conspiracies. After rigging in selected constituencies they tried to sow dissension between the PPP and other democratic Parties but in response the PPP joined hands with the democratic forces in a coalition arrangement to thwart conspiracies, he urged.
The PPP Co-Chairman also paid tributes to the lawyers’ community for their steadfast struggle for democracy, rule of law and constitutionalism.
The meeting was attended by members of the Pakistan Bar Council (PBC), Provincial Bar Councils and divisional presidents and secretary generals of the PLF besides Senators Latif Khosa and Farooq Naek and Chaudhry Zamurad.
Online adds: PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari has said that anyone including party President Amin Fahim can be a candidate for PM slot.
“I have no difference with Amin Fahim and I respect him a lot”, he said this while talking to a private TV channel on Saturday.
He said that majority of party MNAs were keen to see him as PM. However, decision in this respect would be taken after consultation, he said, adding that the Prime Minister would be from the PPP.
The PML-N and ANP would support the candidate of PPP for premiership as they already said that the PPP had the right to nominate the PM, he maintained.
Zardari said that it was our responsibility to run the assembly in constructive manner. “Initially, we have won first war and will have to face more wars. The eyes of international community are on Pakistan therefore we will have to utilize our resources,” he continued.

The Nation
Judges' removal unconstitutional: ex-judges


LAHORE- Thirty retired judges of Supreme Court of Pakistan and the Lahore and Sindh High courts have unanimously observed that removal of judges ordered on November 3, being in defiance of Article 209 of the Constitution, can not be validated by the unilateral act of one individual through the so-called introduction of Article 270-AAA, nor can such act be validated by the Supreme Court.
In a joint statement issued to the media on Saturday with their signatures, the former judges declared that amendments introduced in the Constitution by General Ziaul Haq and General Pervez Musharraf in 1985 and 2002 respectively could only become part of the Constitution after they had been duly adopted and affirmed by a two-third majority of the Parliament through the Constitution (8th Amendment) Act, 1985 and Constitution (17th Amendment) Act, 2003 resulting in the insertion of Articles 270-A and 270-AA respectively.
Former chief justices of Supreme Court and the two High Courts are also among the retired judges who have signed this document. The 22 retired judges who signed it in Lahore include Justice (r) Muhammad Afzal Zullah, Justice (r) Javid Iqbal, Justice (r) Saeed-uz-Zamman Siddiqui, Justice (r) Nasim Hassan Shah, Justice (r) Muhammad Rafique Tarar, Justice (r) Sardar Muhammad Dogar, Justice (r) Khalil-ur-Rehman Ramday, Justice (r) A S Saleem, Justice (r) Manzoor Hussain Sial, Justice (r) Fazal Karim, Justice (r) M Allah Nawaz, Justice (r) Afrasiab, Justice (r) Muhammad Afzal Lone, Justice (r) Abdul Majid Tiwana, Justice (r) Mian Ghulam Ahmad, Justice (r) Muhammad Iqbal, Justice (r) Zia Mahmood, Justice (r) Sajjad Ahmad Sipra, Justice (r) Tanvir Ahmad Khan, Justice (r) Muhammad Iqbal, Justice (r) Sharif Hussain Bukhari, Justice (r) Akhtar Hassan and Justice (r) Ch Muhammad Arif.
Of the eight former judges who signed a similar document in Karachi on Saturday including two former chief justices of Supreme Court (SC), three served in the Supreme Court while the remaining five belonged to Sindh High court.
The retired judges said that they had come to this conclusion after having examined in depth the various legal issues arising out of the Proclamation of Emergency, the Provisional Constitution Order and the Oath of Office (Judges) Order of November 3, 2007 and having also considered the legal consequences of the order passed by a seven-member bench of the Supreme Court on November 3, 2007, the relevant Constitutional provisions, judicial precedents and juristic principles and the grave national crises facing the country.
The retired judges have further maintained that on no principle of State Necessity can an individual purport to make permanent changes in the supreme law adopted by the consensus of the people. Upon restoration of the Constitution, the power to make changes as well as the effects thereof, stand effaced unless duly indemnified by the Parliament, they opined.
They are of the concurrent opinion that since Article 270-AAA has not been adopted by two-third majority of the Parliament, hence it is not part of the Constitution. The power to make permanent amendment in the Constitution does not vest in the President or in any court, particularly in a bench appointed through an unconstitutional instrument and acting in defiance of order dated 3 November 2007 passed by the Supreme Court established under the Constitution. Accordingly, a two-thirds parliamentary majority is unnecessary for restoration of deposed judges.
They held the view that the government was obligated under Article 5 and 190 of the Constitution to take immediate executive measures restoring all judges removed on November 3, 2007 (save those having reached the age of superannuation) and issue necessary directions to concerned law enforcement agencies enabling the deposed judges to resume their judicial duties.
They called upon the newly elected representatives of the people to pass an appropriate resolution in the first session of the National Assembly, in accordance with the overwhelming mandate of the people, requiring the government to perform the said obligations forthwith.
“With respect to new appointments made during the PCO regime, we are of the view that removals being unconstitutional, no new appointments could he made against non-existent vacancies particularly without consulting the de jure Chief Justice. Nevertheless, on humanitarian considerations the cases of deserving meritorious appointees could be considered in accordance with the exercise carried out in Al-Jehad Trust case”, they concluded.

The Nation
Lawyers warn of 'long march'


LAHORE - All Pakistan Lawyers’ Convention Saturday carried resolution to support the Murree Declaration reached between the PPP and the PML-N for restoration of judiciary within 30 days of government formation of these parties.
It also condemned in strongest terms the conspiracies being hatched by President Musharraf and his advisers in the Army House to sabotage implementation of Murree Declaration. At the same time, the Convention hugely attended by the lawyers from all across the country warned that if Murree Declaration is subverted, the legal community would stage a long march in addition to mounting strong protest. The Convention presided over Pakistan Bar Council Vice-Chairman Mirza Aziz Akbar Baig said that all persons who took oath under the PCO have committed contempt of order passed on November 3 last (by the seven-member bench of the SC). It deplored the detention of CJP Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, his family members and others 10 SC judges. Their detention was declared unconstitutional and liable to punishment. It also demanded lifting of curbs and restrictions on the media and withdrawing of Pemra Ordinance.
The six-hour long Convention, organised by Pakistan Bar Council, received viewpoints from dozens of speakers from almost every bar of the country. They include SCBA President Aitzaz Ahsan, former Vice-Chairman Pakistan Bar Council Ali Ahmad Kurd, Mirza Aziz Akbar Baig, President Karachi High Court Bar Association, Rashid A Rizvi and Vice-Chairman Pakistan Punjab Bar Council Muhammad Aslam Sindhu. LHCBA President Anwar Kamal read out the resolution.
Hundreds of participants at the conventions inside and outside Karachi Hall of the LHCBA, kept the atmosphere warm by chanting slogans against President Musharraf and in favour of deposed judges and the bar leaders. They received Barrister Aitzaz and Kurd at dais with standing ovation and long sloganeering and clapping.
Aitzaz Ahsan set out his address by expressing his pleasure over the acceptance of his challenge by AGP Malik Qayyum live on a TV channel on the question whether two-thirds majority in the parliament was necessary to restore the judiciary to November 2 last position. He said not one but even chief legal aide of General Musharraf, Sharifud Din Pirzada can also join the AG in the debate and he was ready to convince that two-thirds majority was not necessary for judges restoration. Aitzaz said Mr Pirzada surfaces himself only when a military ruler takes over power, as such neither he nor the AG can realise what power and strength a real parliament holds. He said legal aides of President Musharraf were brazenly harping the tune of two-thirds majority and they wanted to mislead people by repeating it again and again. But false cannot overtake the truth.
Aitzaz said the government ministers were also telling lies by saying that CJP Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry was not detained. He said Justice Chaudhary and his children as well as other 10 judges were virtually living in a private jail of General Musharraf. He said lawyers have also lodged a complaint with the police. However, no action has been taken as yet. Therefore they would go the court of session judge. What is being meted out these judges and their family is blatant offence under the criminal law, he said, asking US and the British governments that they are untiring in their backing to Pervez Musharraf but never bothered to take stock what he had unleashed on these judges.
Aitzaz said the upcoming government just needed to lift restrictions on Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and others to let them go to perform their duties. Acceptance to two-thirds majority to do that would mean acceptance of November 3 actions of Musharraf and opening the door to any army chief to repeat this action at will, he said. He said lawyers and the masses were quite satisfied with public announcement of Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif to restore the judiciary to pre-November 3 position within 30 and also that a resolution would be carried by the parliament on this score. Aitzaz said such a resolution would not carry any constitutional and legal value but a moral and political one whereas the administrative authority would be bold enough to lift restrictions on the judges finding will of whole parliament, mandated by the people, behind their action in addition to establishing supremacy of the parliament and the public mandate in the eye of Musharraf and the sitting judges. He said he strongly believed that any parliament on the debris of judiciary would never be able to function and only an independent judiciary could become its strength. Aitzaz said the Murree Declaration had imparted courage to the masses and now they would defend it tooth and nail against any conspiracy to sabotage its execution. He also said lawyer would begin countdown of 30 days, the time Parliament would carry the resolution. He said any conspiracy to stay execution of the resolution would be resisted and added that a judge who himself is the beneficiary of any action, is disqualified for the office as well as to hear a case.
Aitzaz expressed his wonder over the confidence reposed by the High Court Chief Justices in Chief Justice of Pakistan Abdul Hameed Dogar at the Chief Justice meeting last day. Provincial High Courts, he said, are independent body which function within their own parameters and in this situation, he asked, for which the High Court CJs expressed their confidence in the CJP when the CJP was neither a prime minister to need a trust vote from the assembly nor it was a corps commanders meeting which expressed trust in the Army Chief. He said they have to see whether CJs’ action fall in the ambit of misconduct.
Aitzaz said if the judges do not become a part of the ‘conspiracies of Presidency, their position after restoration of judiciary to November 2 would not be disturbed. He said if Justice Dogar would command number three position in seniority, it would be respected. He said the sitting judges would make themselves controversial if they sided with Musharraf’s designs to stop the way of Murree Declaration. ‘Showing a reasonable behaviour we want to give a way otherwise the lawyers were able to deal with the situation with iron hand’, he added.
Aitzaz said lawyers all over the country would not sit idle during the 30 days period sought by the Parliament rather they would keep themselves warm and their movement alive by maintaining contacts with the traders and others to woo them to their struggle. He said lawyers have to fix the system corrupted by the malpractices of the 60 years to render it one which provided for a layman through a welfare state instead of raising of particular class through the spectre of national security. For this they needed to set right character of the state. He concluded that their struggle was about to bear fruit.
Ali Ahmad Kurd in his address said lawyers were waging a war for the depressed people of the country whose rights have been trampled since inception of the country. He said if they being termed rebels, their rebellion is against those who have looted the country and suppressed rights of the masses. Kurd said Pervez Musharraf was puffed up in the uniform and was making lofty claims but today he was a spent force and his ouster from power was certain. He said lawyers’ movement had given such awareness to the people that they would neither tolerate a rubber stamp assembly nor breach of the constitution in the country.

The Nation
Lawyers warn Musharraf's judges to lay off parliament

By Simon Cameron-Moore

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The leader of Pakistan's lawyers' movement threatened nationwide protests if the Supreme Court sides with President Pervez Musharraf on Tuesday by stalling the new parliament's plan to reinstate judges he fired.

"The court is not competent to interfere in parliament's proceedings," Aitzaz Ahsan, a lawyer and former cabinet minister, told a news conference late on Monday.

"This would be a negation of the democratic process," he said on the eve of a session of the Supreme Court, believed to have been hastily called to put a stay order on parliament to prevent it passing a resolution to bring back the old judges.

Musharraf used emergency powers in November to purge the Supreme Court of judges he feared would rule his re-election unconstitutional.

Ten judges, including the chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry, have been under house arrest since then, while 50 more refused to serve under Musharraf after he suspended the constitution.

Ahsan, the President of the Supreme Court Bar Association, was also put under house arrest, but was released on March 2.

Musharraf subsequently packed the courts with judges he could rely on to strike down challenges to his re-election and validate his actions under six weeks of emergency rule.

The defeat of pro-Musharraf parties in a parliamentary election on Feb. 18 left the president, who came to power as a general in a coup in 1999, even more isolated.

Western allies and neighbours are hoping the election will lead to a measure of stability in a nuclear-armed state already threatened from within by al Qaeda-inspired Islamist militants.

General Ashfaq Kayani, who took over as army chief from Musharraf in November, has indicated the military will remain neutral in political affairs.

U.S. officials have in the past lauded Musharraf's value as an ally in the global "war on terror", but have become more circumspect since the tide turned against the Pakistani leader.


The judges Musharraf appointed in November represent one of the few lines of defence available to the beleaguered president.

Ahsan said he anticipated the Supreme Court would place a stay order on parliament preventing it from passing a resolution to bring about the reinstatement of the old judges, as the victors of the Feb. 18 election pledged to do this month.

Lawyers will boycott the courts the next day and begin a campaign of peaceful protests if the Supreme Court tries to block parliament, Ahsan said.

Lawyers launched a campaign of street protests last year to defend the independence of the judiciary after Musharraf first suspended Chaudhry a year ago. The Supreme Court reinstated him in July, before Musharraf resorted to emergency rule on Nov. 3.

The new judges are also expected to say that a two-thirds majority would be needed in parliament to restore the old judges, but Ahsan said parliament should ignore the court.

Asif Ali Zardari, husband of assassinated former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, and Nawaz Sharif, the prime minister Musharraf deposed, said the resolution should be passed within 30 days of the National Assembly convening.

The Assembly met for the first time on Monday, starting the countdown to April 16.

Zardari's Pakistan People's Party will lead the incoming coalition, while Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz), known as the PML-N, will be the second largest partner.

They have yet to settle on a prime minister, and the new government has still to be sworn in. Once it is, Chaudhry and the other judges should be released from house arrest.

There has been speculation that Chaudhry would go straight to the Supreme Court to reclaim his position, but Ahsan said that would not happen during the 30-day period.

"Even on release the chief justice will not proceed to the Supreme Court, as long as the countdown continues," Ahsan said.

(Additional reporting by Kamran Haider)
© Reuters 2008 All rights reserved
Boycott if restoration stayed, warns Aitzaz

our staff reporter

ISLAMABAD - Lawyers’ community would boycott court proceedings instantly if any attempt were made by the Supreme Court of Pakistan to stop the Parliament from passing a resolution for the reinstatement of the deposed judges.
President Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan came up with strong warning to the superior judiciary at a crowded press conference at his Islamabad residence on Monday night.
The President SCBA said that protest rallies would be arranged and the pictures of the judges who would grant stay order against the passage of resolution for the restoration of deposed judges would be displayed at the notice boards of every bar room in the length and breadth of the country in protest and these would remain pasted till the restoration of the deposed judges, including that of the deposed Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. He categorically said that neither the Parliament is bound to accept such a stay order nor the SC has such a jurisdiction to bar the Parliament from moving such a resolution.
Referring to the Murree Declaration, Aitzaz said that the countdown would start right after the formation of the new government and if due to any reason or the stay order, the new Parliament fails to reinstate the deposed judges, the lawyers would stage non-violent protests. He said that lawyers from every corner of the country would stage protest demonstration including a long march and remind the government of its promises about the restoration of the judiciary, however, the tentative dates of protests would be given when the countdown period would about to end.
The President SCBA said that the lawyers would not at all create any hurdle in due process of formation of new government, as they want to give full-fledged opportunity to the parliamentarians to fulfil their pledge. “We believe that the Parliament would meet the deadline though that time is too long for the restoration of the judiciary as no resolution is needed for the reinstatement of the deposed judges, we are giving them some time,” he said.
Aitzaz vowed that the deposed judges would be reinstated during the countdown period. He assured that during the countdown period no deposed judge would go to the apex court nor any lawyer would stage a protest outside the Judges Enclave, adding that the law and order around Judges Enclave would be ensured. He said that during the countdown period, deposed CJ would meet the members of his family, his friends and visitors, and also address the different bar councils of the country, as the lawyers are anxiously waiting for his address but he wouldn’t go to the SC. He said that the deposed CJ would address the bar councils of Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Lahore, Karachi, Multan, Quetta, Peshawar, Sukkur, Gujranwala and other cities and his travelling by road would be peaceful.
“We have shown flexibility in our stance because we don’t want any confrontation,” Aitzaz said, adding “We accepted that present SC judges would go to their pre-November 3 positions along with the restoration of the deposed judges and remaining judges would go to the fair process of review and those on merit may retain their post.” He said that two events coincided on Monday, which is not a coincidence; one is the petition filed in the SC seeking stay on proposed parliamentary resolution to stop Murree Declaration and other is the full court unprecedented meeting, which has been called on a very short time notice. He said there was no need to call such a meeting adding, “I clearly say that the ‘Dogar Court’ has no jurisdiction to grant stay on the petition of Maulvi Iqbal Haider, even it is not the court. “These judges took oath under the Provisional Constitution Order (PCO) which was not validated by the then parliament,” Aitzaz said. He said that twenty-two judges including nine deposed judges have firmly said that the termination of the judges was illegal and all actions of November 3 were illegal. He added that the judges of the ‘Dogar Court’ are the judges of their own interests.
He said that the article 190 of the Constitution about the jurisdiction of the SC is being referred in terms to grant stay order but what about those who himself have violated the very article.
Responding to a query, Aitzaz said that he is not committing any contempt of court by affecting the expected SC ruling on the petition because he does not accept this court at all. Replying another question, he said neither he has met the deposed CJ, nor Asif Ali Zardari has sent any message to him.

The Nation
Lawyers boycott to continue till restoration of judges

QUETTA: (PPI): Lawyers have decided to boycott High Court proceedings on daily basis so long Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and other judges are not restored. This decision was taken by General Body of Balochistan Bar Association at its meeting held here on Monday under the chairmanship of its President Baz Muhammad Kakar Advocate. Members of High Court Bar including President Hadi Shakil Advocate and others also attended. They said that Pakistan Bar Council has decided to boycott courts on Thursdays only. Meeting also decided to boycott courts here Tuesday and take out a rally to express solidarity with Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan. Meeting also expressed confidence in Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan, Muneer A Malik and Hamid Khan. It added that they would abide by the decision of National Lawyers Action which has elected members from all the bodies.

The Frontier Post
Deposed CJ Iftikhar Ch. not to storm the court

Immediate threat of showdown between presidency and PPP-PML-N govt averted

ISLAMABAD: The deposed Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry, will not storm the Supreme Court, as he had stated earlier, to occupy his post which he lost on Nov 3, according to the leaders of the lawyers’ movement.

"After the chief is released by the new political government of PPP and PML-N, he will wait for at least 30 days for the political parties to fulfill their promise to restore the judges," one of the leading figures of the lawyers` movement said on Tuesday.

His remarks came in response to the question that the moment a new prime minister was sworn in, the police guard and restrictions on the deposed chief justice would be withdrawn and in that situation, Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry had already stated that the first thing he would do was to go and take his seat at the Supreme Court.

Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan, the moving force behind the lawyers` movement, said in a detailed discussion that the CJ and the lawyers had decided not to embarrass the new political government and had agreed to give them the time they needed to restore the deposed judges.

"We will take the chief justice to Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Lahore and Karachi during the time parliament discusses and passes the required resolution," Aitzaz said but added that after 30 days, there would be nothing to hold them back and “we will go for a Long March to the Army House in Rawalpindi, which is still the camp office of President Pervez Musharraf”.

Given this strategy of the lawyers, the immediate threat of a street showdown between the Presidency and the new PPP-PML-N government has been averted and politicians have been given the time to work out their tactical plan to bring the deposed judges back without causing a law and order situation on the streets or in front of the Supreme Court.

Aitzaz is happy that after some initial reluctance, PPP Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari has come around to accept the crucial point that the judges have to be restored if the independence of the judiciary has to be ensured.

But the lawyers would use the time they get before parliament and the new government make a decisive move to build up street pressure with Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry leading massive rallies in all major cities, just like he and Aitzaz did between March and July last year.

"We will bring Punjab to a standstill with our massive road shows and we will ensure that parliament does not go back on its word to restore the judges in 30 days," Aitzaz said. The buzz in the legal circles in Islamabad is that the Presidency and the Supreme Court judges are in agreement to restore all the sacked judges except the "gang of four" – CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry, Justice Ramday, CJ of Sindh Sabihuddin Babar and the CJ of the NWFP Justice Tariq.

But the lawyers do not agree as they argue that their movement was for an independent judiciary and not personalities and without all of the judges being restored, they would not accept any solution.

Aitzaz says he was repeatedly approached during his Adiala Jail detention with proposals to ditch the Chief Justice and get some 40 other judges restored to their places but he always refused the offer.

The PPP leadership had very strong doubts that Justice Iftikhar, once restored, would strike down the NRO and that would reopen the cases against the PPP leaders, including Asif Ali Zardari. But persuasion by Aitzaz Ahsan and others, including Raza Rabbani, convinced Zardari to sign the Bhurban Declaration with Nawaz Sharif in which they committed to restore the judges in 30 days.

That was said to be the turning point and now the lawyers` leadership is convinced that none of the parties can go back on their word and the judges will be restored. So they do not feel the need to press the issue on the streets and create a situation in which the Supreme Court judges feel threatened and call for extra-constitutional help to save them.

The solution in sight is that the judges who were sitting on the SC benches on Nov 2, including those who took oath as PCO judges, would be retained in the restored court while those who were inducted after Nov 3 will have to pass the test of merit for their induction and those who are fit would stay while others would go home.

Pakistan News Service - PakTribune
Want an inside about Aitezaz Ahsan?, here take a look. These bastards should be hung on every corner of the country for crapping on their own country in front of outsiders:
finally, someone agrees with me! the agency will keep the order and peace within society. i hope agency gets rid of this guy, he is interrupting the order within society. where is the secret govt. when we need it? :devil:
finally, someone agrees with me! the agency will keep the order and peace within society. i hope agency gets rid of this guy, he is interrupting the order within society. where is the secret govt. when we need it? :devil:

Aitizaz is a puppet. He and his black coats are being funded by foreign agencies. And we all know who these agencies are.
58-2(b) blocks military takeovers: Leghari

ISLAMABAD: The history stands testimony to the fact that no military takeover took place when Clause 58-2(b) was present in the Constitution, but the military took over throwing out elected governments when this clause was removed.

Talking to a private television channel on Wednesday, former president Farooq Ahmad Khan Leghari defended the presence of Clause 58-2(b) in the Constitution. “It blocks the way of military takeovers,” he asserted.

Urging all stakeholders to avoid politics of conflict, Farooq Leghari said the country could not afford this situation.

To a question, he said the statements so far issued from the presidency indicated the office had no intention to adopt a confrontational approach. “Rather the president has committed time and again to work with the new government in harmony and in line with the Constitution,” he added.

The former president observed that no substantial change took place in the economic and foreign policies since 1990. “The government of the PML continued the policies, which were being pursued by the government of the PPP and the PML-N,” he said.

Leghari expressed his displeasure over calling the PML as PML-Q, saying the party had contested the recent election with the name of ‘PML’ and it was inappropriate to call it by any other name.

Answering another question, the veteran politician said the sessions of the provincial assemblies would be called once the National Assembly concluded its ongoing session.

58-2(b) blocks military takeovers: Leghari

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