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Army faces major equipment shortfall.


Apr 24, 2007
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Date Posted: 03-Oct-2008

Jane's Defence Weekly

Army faces major equipment shortfall, claims senior Pakistani official
Farhan Bokhari JDW Correspondent - Islamabad

Only around USD500 million of the funds given to Pakistan by the United States have been spent on hardware for the army, a senior Pakistani security official has claimed, even though Washington has poured up to USD10 billion in military aid into the country since 2003.

The official, speaking at a briefing in Islamabad on 29 September, said that Pakistan's frontline field commanders deployed along the border with Afghanistan were still using Korean War-era binoculars, citing this as just one example of the poor equipment used by troops fighting the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

Explaining details of the payments made to Pakistan, the security official, who asked not to be named, said the US had actually made payments of about USD6.5 billion for Islamabad's war effort rather than the USD10 billion figure commonly quoted.

However, this included payments for items such as building roads to Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), where the Pakistani military deployed for the first time ever in 2003.

Western defence analysts in Islamabad said the revelation, if true, raised serious questions - also being asked in Washington - about the ways in which US funding was being spent and whether the Pakistani military was being properly equipped to deal with the challenge that it faced.

"The bottom line must be if the individual soldiers gained from the hardware they got and if the resources were of direct benefit to their operational engagements," said one Western defence official, who spoke to Jane's on condition of anonymity. "It was necessary to make roads and do a whole lot of things, but if individual soldiers and individual units are still in need, then there must have been a gap in the way the US equipped the Pakistani military for the actual job."

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fatman17 did you pay Janes and therefore have full access to their articles?

Pakistan does face equipment shortfalls, we have been in a near state of war with a wanna-be superpower for the last 60 years...there is only so much we can manage. We are no super-power, after all.
fatman17 did you pay Janes and therefore have full access to their articles?

Pakistan does face equipment shortfalls, we have been in a near state of war with a wanna-be superpower for the last 60 years...there is only so much we can manage. We are no super-power, after all.

yes and pls dont tell my wife!!

we cannot compete with our large neighbour system for system, but what we can do is compete with them on professionalism, competency and efficiency.
yes and pls dont tell my wife!!

we cannot compete with our large neighbour system for system, but what we can do is compete with them on professionalism, competency and efficiency.

I quite agree.
These articles are quite interesting and illuminating.
To the best of my research on the aid allocation that the amount has been allocated over a period of eight years (just after 9/11).
The sum of 10 billion dollars includes aid given to Pakistan after the earthquake as well.
Pakistan had been promised a annual 150 million dollar aid tranche to fight terrorism, however, payments seem to be backlogged.
yes and pls dont tell my wife!!

Wow, fatman17 that thing costs a fortune! Which one did you buy? Janes World Armies?

we cannot compete with our large neighbour system for system, but what we can do is compete with them on professionalism, competency and efficiency.

Yes and in order to achieve this we need to make full use of this WoT !!! Which is something by the looks of it, we are not doing. We need some serious equipment, we need it cheap and we need it fast. Best of all is that all of this equipment, ALL of it, it can be argued...is VITAL for the fight against militants.
Wow, fatman17 that thing costs a fortune! Which one did you buy? Janes World Armies?

Yes and in order to achieve this we need to make full use of this WoT !!! Which is something by the looks of it, we are not doing. We need some serious equipment, we need it cheap and we need it fast. Best of all is that all of this equipment, ALL of it, it can be argued...is VITAL for the fight against militants.

Could not agree more. As a matter of fact fatman17's contributions are exceptional.
We must, however, recognize that Jane's does project at times a wishful agenda.
Having said that, its imperative for all of us to have all possible information inputs to formulate a thinking process.
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Janes is the best ma friend. From what I have read, they are pretty unbiased and professional. Their work is serious and technical. That said, some Indians have started writing some crappy articles now and then. But for the most part, their products especially, are well worth having.
Janes is the best ma friend. From what I have read, they are pretty unbiased and professional. Their work is serious and technical. That said, some Indians have started writing some crappy articles now and then. But for the most part, their products especially, are well worth having.
Certainly. I did not mean to cast any negative aspersions on the Jane's products, but merely commenting to keep our minds open to other inputs as well.
I never said you did, yes exactly my thoughts. What I was wondering though, shouldn't fatman17 get into some kind of legal trouble by posting articles and updates from Janes Products? I mean whats the point of paying for it if people can just post it on a forum?
I never said you did, yes exactly my thoughts. What I was wondering though, shouldn't fatman17 get into some kind of legal trouble by posting articles and updates from Janes Products? I mean whats the point of paying for it if people can just post it on a forum?

Not at all. He obviously has paid his subscription and is privy to post them as long as he quotes the original material and source.
We need some serious equipment, we need it cheap and we need it fast. Best of all is that all of this equipment, ALL of it, it can be argued...is VITAL for the fight against militants.

Can't you ask your big brother for some?
Not at all. He obviously has paid his subscription and is privy to post them as long as he quotes the original material and source.

the articles are being posted with the permission of the webmaster!
Hahah some real funny stuff going on here!!!!!

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