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'Armenia Turns Into Iranian Outpost' against azerbaijan


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'Armenia Turns Into Iranian Outpost'

Thursday, 14 June 2012 08:32


Interview with Asim Mollazade, member of the working group on interparliamentary ties Azerbaijan-US, Milli Majlis deputy.

Q: Can the new US approach to the resolution of the Karabakh conflict, declared by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her visit to the South Caucasus region change the established status quo in the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia?

A: Armenia is the main reason of the absence of any achievements in Karabakh settlement. This country recently stopped even imitating its participation in the peace process. Armenia’s position is the continued occupation of the Azerbaijani lands and preservation of the conflict. In its policy, Armenia relies on the forces that back it. Therefore, Armenia’s main policy is destabilization of the situation in the South Caucasus region and continuation of an aggressive policy. However, it is regretful that the Minsk Group co-chairs just limit to usual ‘common’ statements.

Today the Azerbaijani side faced an unprecedented fact when a part of the country was occupied by a neighbor state which recently refused to take any part in the negotiation process. This situation has been lasting for over 20 years and the resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council, European parliament, Council of Europe and other international organizations, urging to ensure the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and end Armenia’s occupational policy remain unfulfilled.

Q: Does the United States have real leverages of influencing Baku and Yerevan to attain compromise in the resolution of the Karabakh conflict?

A: I consider that Azerbaijan has made a sufficient compromise. Azerbaijan adopted all proposals of the OSCE Minsk Group. However, there are no responsive steps that are the compromises of the Armenian side. Therefore, the stiff, uncompromised position of Armenia is the main obstacle to progress in peace process. This country is the main obstacle for Euroatlantic integration of Azerbaijan and Georgia. Armenia has turned itself into the military outpost and the main ally of Iran in the region.

Q: During her stay in Armenia, Clinton said that three principles of international law, in particular, provision of the territorial integrity of the state, provision of the right of nations for self-determination and nonuse of force must be applied to the resolution of the Karabakh conflict. Are these principles not contrary to the resolution of the Karabakh conflict?

A: None of these principles go contrary to the position of Azerbaijan in the resolution of the Karabakh conflict. Provision of territorial integrity is the most important principle for Armenia in the resolution of the Karabakh conflict. All the same, Azerbaijan accepts the need to ensure the right of nations for self-determination since this international principle does not mean creation of a separate state, especially that the Armenian people have already self-determined within Armenia. Therefore, Azerbaijan is able to ensure autonomy and self-government to Armenians living in Nagorno Karabakh, that is in Azerbaijan.

In addition to this, Azerbaijan also agreed to ensure them with international guarantees of security. Azerbaijan has already taken huge steps to solve the Karabakh conflict and achievement of peace. Azerbaijan is sincerely interested in peace since the country has a great number of tasks and programs. Azerbaijan needs peace in the region from strategic standpoint.

Q: During the visit to the South Caucasus Clinton again stated the need to normalize ties between Turkey and Armenia. Can the US pressure on the issue of the Turkish-Armenian normalization accelerate or hinder the resolution of the Karabakh conflict?

A: Azerbaijan is not against normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia. However, the reason hampering the normalization is the continued occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenia. I think that the whole world has understood that the Zurich protocols which did not include the resolution of the Karabakh conflict were senseless.

Q: To what extent is the United States interested in the resolution of the Karabakh conflict?

A: I have no doubts that the United States is interested in the resolution of the Karabakh conflict. All the same, every US steps, especially in the years of elections in this country, are held with caution to a very rich and politically active Armenian diaspora. Azerbaijan would like the United States to do everything possible for the liberation of lands. I am sure that peace in the South Caucasus is necessary not only to Azerbaijan but also its allies including the United States.

'Armenia Turns Into Iranian Outpost'
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