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Are Cantonese le more successful than Mandarin ?


Aug 10, 2013
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In India, you can find HK Cantonese speaking movies. I remember when I used to watch HK actions of Jackie Chan , Bruce Lee, Samo Hung.

HK and Macau seems to be the richest city in China
Catonese is more well-known in the western world, the westerners use the image of Cantonese to stereotype the whole Chinese groups, but Mandarin is the official dialect.
Also, Jackie Chan's ancestry is not cantonese, but he has been catonicized since he was born in HK.

Cantonese seems to be the most prestige dialect group out of all Chinese, for an dialect group they have their own movies, songs, own writing, own education and government official status language.


Yuan Chonghuan was a Ming Dynasty general famed for defeating the founder of Qing dynasty Nurchaci in the first battle as well as defeating Huang Taiji banner of 200,000 Manchu and Mongol soldiers in second battle with 9000 soldiers. It was because of Yuan Chonghuan that Nurhaci never recovered from the battle and died from his wounds.[9]

Ching Shih was the world greatest female pirate, she commanded 1800 ships and had more than 80000 pirates — men, women, and even children. She challenged the world superpower empires at the time like British, Portuguese, Qing dynasty and was undefeated. She was ranked as number 1 most successful pirate in history.[10][11]

Ho Ching is one of the "100 most influential men and women" who shaped the world by TIME magazine. The same magazine ranked her third in the list of most powerful women in business (outside the United States).[12][13] Similarly in 2007, business magazine Forbes ranked her third in its annual list of the world's most powerful women.

Bruce Lee is one of the "100 most influential people" in history and in the 20th century. He is considered to be the world most influential martial artist icon, the UFC president, Dana White considers Bruce Lee to be the " father of modern mix martial arts."

Lee Shau Kee was the 4th world richest person in world before the handover of HK in 1997.[14] He is now is the fifth richest person in Asia with $18.5 billion, ranking him 28th among the world's richest people.

John So was the first Lord Mayor in Australia's city of Melbourne to be directly elected by the people. He was also the first mayor of Asian descent to win the World Mayor title in 2006.
For China, this guy is the greatest Cantonese of all time, the father of China's nuclear sub. We don't really care about those celebrities or businessmen, whether they are Cantonese or not.

For China, this guy is the greatest Cantonese of all time, the father of China's nuclear sub. We don't really care about those celebrities or businessmen, whether they are Cantonese or not.


Well in Indi you have thousands of languages and dialect groups but only a very few language have somewhat official status. in China Mandarin is obviously the official status but within China there is the lucky Cantonese
Everyone in India must learn urdu

780 languages spoken in India, 250 died out in last 50 years' .... children in India are fed with a language which is different from their dialects
In India, you can find HK Cantonese speaking movies. I remember when I used to watch HK actions of Jackie Chan , Bruce Lee, Samo Hung.

HK and Macau seems to be the richest city in China

All the early chinese who went abroad were nearly exclusively from southern provinces of Guangdong and Fujian (which is a different dialect).

And for majority of the last 70 years, the only exposure western country had to China were through cities like HK and the island of Taiwan.

Think of it this way, HK was a fishing village and remained very poor up until the late 1960s. Where as cities like Shanghai had historically been the epicentre of commerce in far east asia for much much longer.
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